Julia Schklair

Julia Schklair

Nascimento : 1962-05-03, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Julia Schklair


The Thirst
Costume Design
Maxx and his girlfriend Lisa are a pair of recovering drug addicts whom are recruited by a clan of sex & violence crazed vampires led by the egotistical and charismatic Darius. But to become members, Maxx and Lisa have to give up their humanity and become vampires themselves. As Maxx and Lisa adopt to their new lifestyle of immortality with all the advantages and disadvantages, their addiction to drugs now turns to addiction to human blood and each new 'fix' leads them deeper into debauchery. Will these two rookie vampires find salvation, or be damned to all eternity of their latest thirst for blood?
George Washington: We Fight to be Free
Costume Design
We Fight to be Free' vividly illustrates defining moments that made George Washington an indispensable leader. You'll see Washington take command of British forces during the French and Indian War, and later leading the Army across the icy Delaware River. Charming scenes show Washington's first encounter with the widow Martha Custis and his return home to Mount Vernon after resigning his military commission at the end of the war. Special features include George Washington Quiz and Mount Vernon Picture Gallery and bonus videos Saving Mount Vernon and a Mount Vernon overview.
Teenage Caveman
Costume Design
In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.
A Criatura da Destruição
Costume Design
Angus e Lillie são comprometidos e estão viajando pelo interior da Irlanda, onde fazem amizade com um velho marinheiro. Após dar-lhes uma carona até seu castelo, ele lhes mostra seu maior troféu: uma sereia verdadeira e viva, cativa num tanque. Sedentos por fama e fortuna, Angus e comparsas roubam a criatura marinha e planejam levá-la para a América. Após carregar sua presa num barco, eles logo percebem que o animal é tão perigoso quanto belo, mas nada pode prepará-los para o horror que os espera enquanto seu barco penetra mar adentro.
O Dia em Que o Mundo Acabou
Costume Design
A school psychologist investigates the death of a student's mother and finds the boy believes he is the son of an alien being.
Earth vs. the Spider
Costume Design
A shy comic book fan is injected with an experimental serum and starts turning into a spider. When web covered bodies start appearing a policeman starts to investigate the strange case.
Mutação 2
Costume Design
Em Nova York, há 4 anos, uma epidemia disseminada por baratas quase exterminou com as crianças da cidade. Assim os cientistas desenvolveram um microorganismo, "Judas", destinado a simular e derrotar as baratas contaminadas em seu habitat. O plano deu certo, mas o inseto criador evoluiu e começou a simular sua próxima presa: os humanos. Acreditava-se que estivessem mortas, mas as baratas sofreram outra mutação e agora estão gigantescas e mais mortais do que nunca.
Hellraiser V: Inferno
Costume Design
O obscuro detetive policial Joseph Thorne (Craig Sheffer) descobre um enigmático cubo que traz do inferno o terrível Pinhead. Uma série de assassinatos começa a acontecer, além do desaparecimento de uma criança, fazendo com que Joseph corra contra o tempo para salvar a criança. Ele mergulha em um mundo de mortes, sadismo e loucura, lidando com criaturas que só se satisfazem com a dor dos seres humanos.
Alone with a Stranger
Costume Design
Max never had the good things in life. A life of crime was his only legacy. So when he discovers an unknown brother, to whom fortune has granted all that is missing in Max's life, he decides to do anything to get what should have been his theft, kidnapping, murder, anything! Now all Max wants is his brother's money, his power and especially his beautiful wife!
Happy, Texas
Costume Design
No meio de uma fuga audaciosa, dois bandidos fogem para uma cidadezinha chamada Happy, no meio do Texas. Às vésperas de um concurso de jovens talentos, os dois são vistos como a última esperança da cidade para ajudar as meninas locais. Desprezando inicialmente a idéia, os dois bandidos resolvem ajudar ao perceber que o banco local faz uma grande movimentação de dinheiro.
Gangster World
Costume Design
In a futuristic theme park, people interact with androids in mafia gangster scenarios, unleashing their deepest violent and sexual desires on the android characters. A new android, called the Outsider, is spontaneously created and begins to hunt one of the computer programmers.
Set Costumer
Durante a guerra no Iraque o sargento James Dunn (Keenen Ivory Wayans) se recusou a matar um menino de dez anos. Um tenente que estava com ele o ameaçou matá-lo se ele não cumprisse a missão. Os dois lutaram e a arma disparou matando o tenente, mas apesar de ser legítima defesa ele foi condenado à pena capital. Quando estava sendo transportado em um ônibus para o corredor da morte, o veículo é atingido por uma explosão. Ao recobrar a consciência ele se vê diante de um general (Jon Voight) que deseja recrutá-lo para os "Ovelhas Negras", um pelotão de elite composto por negros. A missão deles é eliminar criminosos que conseguiram burlar as leis convencionais.
O Sorveteiro
Costume Design
Young Gregory Tudor sees his local ice cream man murdered and later grows up to inherit his business, opting to inject gruesome ingredients—including human body parts—into his frozen confections. When one of the neighborhood boys goes missing, the local kids suspect Gregory and band together to get to the bottom of things.
Perseguido Pela Vingança
Costume Design
A ruthless killer (Gary Hudson), hell bent for revenge, escapes prison and vows to kill the Texas Ranger (Sam Jones) who sent him there. With the aid of his two brothers, he set off on an explosive journey to make his tormentor pay the ultimate price, a slow tortuous death.
O Mistério de Candyman
Wardrobe Supervisor
Uma estudante decide provar que Candyman, uma lenda urbana, não existe. Ela, então, segue para o local de um crime brutal e o invoca. Para sua surpresa, ele surge iniciando horríveis assassinatos.
A Praia dos Desejos
Costume Design
Scotty perde a namorada, o emprego e a casa. Bêbado, vai dormir na rua e ganha uma lâmpada misteriosa que contém Jeannie, uma linda gênia que irá ajudá-lo. Logo, torna-se milionário e pede para se tornar um homem perfeito, a fim de reconquistar a ex.
Fatal Charm
Costume Designer
Valerie's (Amanda Peterson) prosecutor mom is trying to put away Adam (Christopher Atkins), an alleged serial killer on trial for murdering six women. But he's so charming that the teenage Valerie just can't believe he really did it, and soon they begin sending each other letters. Adam is caught up in a jailbreak and ends up on the run.
Mutant on the Bounty
Costume Design
The crew of an interplanetary commercial freighter beams aboard a now horribly mutated saxophone player who has been adrift in space for over twenty years. He starts to get along with the crew, and very close with an alluring journalist. But that's when two criminals are beamed aboard, taking the ship hostage.
Grandmother's House
Costume Design
David and Lynn have just lost their father. Now orphaned, the youngsters are sent to live with their grandparents in a beautiful victorian mansion. But no sooner than boarding the coach bus scheduled to take them to their new home do strange things start to occur, initially in the form of a mysterious woman who seems to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. It’s not long, however, before murdered bodies are found in the area and, to make matters worse, David becomes increasingly fearful that his doting grandparents might be involved in the killings.