Ramzi Choukair


A fratura
Raf e Julie, um casal prestes a se separar, estão em um pronto-socorro na noite de um grande protesto dos 'coletes amarelos' em Paris. O encontro com Yann, um manifestante ferido e furioso, vai chacoalhar suas certezas e preconceitos. Lá fora, a tensão aumenta e logo o hospital tem que fechar as portas e a equipe fica sobrecarregada. A noite vai será longa, reveladora e hilária.
A deep feeling of nostalgia takes hold of Ali following his mother's death, causing him to slowly drift away from family life. Although Gabrielle senses her husband's distress, she fails to console him. In an attempt to reconnect with his roots, Ali travels to Arwad, an island located off the Syrian coast. Leaving Montreal and his family behind, he is accompanied by Marie, his mistress, who is discovering the island for the first time. After an unexpected turn of events, the confrontation between Gabrielle and Marie will become inevitable.
Mich's Kitchen
Down-and-out Mich is working in a soup kitchen when Fadi, a Syrian refugee, causes some disturbance by cutting the line. When Mich’s bag disappears that same day, he begins to suspect Fadi. In a haze of alcohol and spurred on by his friends, Mich wanders the streets in search for his bag.