Peter Fudakowski


Secret Sharer
On a rusting cargo ship in the South China Sea, it's the young Polish captain's first command. His mutinous Chinese crew suspect him and his unscrupulous Boss of planning to scuttle the ship for an insurance scam. When the crew abandon ship, the young captain is left alone on board, helpless, anchored in a bay. That night while waiting anxiously on deck, he finds a naked body floating in the sea below, tangled up in the ship's rope ladder. Pulling the ladder, the captain discovers a Chinese woman in distress. She climbs on board, saying only "Hide me". Dawn comes a few hours later and so does a search party, looking for a murderer.....
Secret Sharer
On a rusting cargo ship in the South China Sea, it's the young Polish captain's first command. His mutinous Chinese crew suspect him and his unscrupulous Boss of planning to scuttle the ship for an insurance scam. When the crew abandon ship, the young captain is left alone on board, helpless, anchored in a bay. That night while waiting anxiously on deck, he finds a naked body floating in the sea below, tangled up in the ship's rope ladder. Pulling the ladder, the captain discovers a Chinese woman in distress. She climbs on board, saying only "Hide me". Dawn comes a few hours later and so does a search party, looking for a murderer.....
Secret Sharer
On a rusting cargo ship in the South China Sea, it's the young Polish captain's first command. His mutinous Chinese crew suspect him and his unscrupulous Boss of planning to scuttle the ship for an insurance scam. When the crew abandon ship, the young captain is left alone on board, helpless, anchored in a bay. That night while waiting anxiously on deck, he finds a naked body floating in the sea below, tangled up in the ship's rope ladder. Pulling the ladder, the captain discovers a Chinese woman in distress. She climbs on board, saying only "Hide me". Dawn comes a few hours later and so does a search party, looking for a murderer.....
Executive Producer
A história do primeiro vibrador. A trama se passa na Londres vitoriana, quando dois médicos (Dancy e Jonathan Pryce) se juntam para tratar de histeria - condição que, na época, se associava à irritabilidade das mulheres. Inicialmente o personagem Pryce "alivia" as suas pacientes manualmente, mas o parceiro inventa um aparato elétrico que pode revolucionar o tratamento desse mal.
Infância Roubada
Uma noite, após sair ganhador de uma sangrenta briga de bar, Tsotsi (Presley Chweneyagae) rouba um carro. Enquanto acelera pela noite ele ouve um barulho no banco de trás e acaba sofrendo um acidente. Na traseira do carro descobre um bebê. Sem saber o que fazer, leva-o para o gueto de Johanesburgo em que vive. Lá convencerá a jovem mãe Miriam (Terry Pheto) a cuidar de “seu filho”, numa relação que logo provocará mais confrontos.
Piccadilly Jim
Associate Producer
Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
O Ataque dos Insetos
Executive Producer
Ao perseguir um criminoso dentro de um túnel de metrô abandonado, um policial se depara com um escorpião de três metros de comprimento, que o devora em instantes. O agente do FBI Matt Pollack é chamado para investigar, e ao perceber a origem do problema pede ajuda à sua amiga, a entomologista Emily Foster que afirma, para o espanto de todos, que o policial pode ter sido morto por uma espécie de inseto. Enquanto tentam desvendar o mistério, uma reunião de VIP's patrocinadores do complexo empresarial que existirá em cima desse metrô termina em banho de sangue. Até a SWAT é chamada para conter a ameaça. Dentro do túnel, o grupo é surpreendido por um exército de insetos gigantes, e durante a batalha a entrada do túnel fica bloqueada, deixando-os sem escolha a não ser lutar até a morte com essas criaturas, mas será que eles conseguirão conter a fúria destes insetos assassinos?
The Last September
Executive Producer
In 1920s Ireland, an elderly couple reside over a tired country estate. Living with them are their high-spirited niece, their Oxford student nephew, and married house guests, who are trying to cover up that they are presently homeless. The niece enjoys romantic frolics with a soldier and a hidden guerrilla fighter. All of the principals are thrown into turmoil when one more guest arrives with considerable wit and unwanted advice.