Pavel Kříž
Nascimento : 1961-04-18, Brno, Československo
Forced to hide out at a state of the art smart home, a young woman on the run is terrorized by ROMI, its sinister digital assistant.
Bishop Bustamante
Uma poderosa empresa de biotecnologia faz uma descoberta de ponta, permitindo a clonagem de a partir de meros fragmentos de DNA, inclusive figuras históricas. Por trás dessa empresa, está um grupo de satanistas que rouba o Santo Sudário, ficando em posse do DNA de Jesus Cristo. O clone será a última oferenda ao Diabo. O Arcanjo Miguel vem à Terra e fará de tudo para acabar com esta profecia do mal.
Old guilt, forgiveness and a new love. After 20 years in the French Foreign Legion, Martin returns to his Czech hometown. As soon as he arrives, he learns that his mother has died in his absence. Martin realizes that while in the military he learned to survive in any dangerous situation, but not how to cope with the complexities of human emotions and relationships. When he meets the deputy mayor's clever daughter Sara, he falls passionately in love and happiness seems to be within reach. But then his past catches up with him ...
A história de Elizabeth, uma bailarina de sucesso, que larga sua carreira e fama após se apaixonar por Honza, um homem misterioso, que aos poucos vai mostrando o seu lado sombrio. Ela faz de tudo para se desvencilhar do pesadelo em que vive e conta com a ajuda de três amigas.
Rudolf Bolotka
In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…
Avid Man
Baseado no livro O Pássaro Pintado, de Jerzy Kosinski, o filme acompanha as desventuras de um menino judeu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Perseguidos, seus pais o deixam com uma mãe adotiva. Mas a mulher morre, e o garoto é obrigado a sobreviver sozinho. Ele anda pelo interior, visitando vilas e fazendas. Pelo caminho, encontra várias pessoas e sofre com a brutalidade de camponeses supersticiosos e testemunha a violência de soldados russos e alemães.
člen komise na DAMU
Uma idosa solitária e confiante teme que ninguém mais precise dela. De repente, ela conhece um jovem que afirma ser um parente distante. Eles começam a desenvolver um relacionamento próximo. Mas logo ela percebe que algo não está certo...
Adolf Hitler
Parallels are drawn between Abraham Lincoln's presidency and the presidency of Donald Trump. Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him.
Josef and Miluška are married forever and ever. Miluška teaches aerobics and provides tirelessly care for her husband and teenage daughter. Joseph loves his wife, but also has a weakness for younger and more beautiful women. Their marriage, along with Joseph's bankrupt publishing house, is slowly crumbling. Aunt Marta, who has a mad plan to save both the collapsing marriage and the Joseph publishing house, comes to rescue. As an experienced psychologist working in a marital counselling, she directs her husbands to infidelity - they must be caught in flagranti. The crazy game can start.
Štěpán Šafránek
Adolf Hitler
Antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a atriz tenta realizar seus sonhos em Berlim, mas seus planos são arruinados quando ela se torna amante de Joseph Goebbels.
Sluha Pakosta
Um cavaleiro busca vingança quando seu senhor é injustamente executado por um imperador tirano. O comandante do cavaleiro Raiden(Clive Owen) recebe uma grande honra quando Bartok (Morgan Freeman), seu senhor sem filhos, o nomeia como seu herdeiro. Mas sua felicidade acaba quando o maligno emissário do imperador Mott (Aksel Hennie) o força a decepar seu pai adotivo, e o manda com seus homems para seu castelo sem qualquer título. Mas quando o paranoico Mott procura apagar qualquer traço do clã e legado de Bartok, Raiden secretamente conspira um audacioso plano para se infiltrar nos impenetráveis fortes de Mott em busca de vingança.
Upset man at bank
A história se passa em 1929 e é sobre os recém-casados George e Serena Pemberton. George, dono de um negócio madeireiro, já tinha vivido no campo, onde teve um filho com outra mulher. Serena, por sua vez, é nova na vida campestre e se prova tão competente quanto qualquer homem, inclusive salvando a vida de um dos homens que trabalhavam para seu marido. No entanto, ao se descobrir estéril, Serena decide que deve matar o filho que George teve com outra mulher.
Libuse is a divorcee who owns a dog hotel and would much rather spend her time with her dogs than stepping back into the dating pool.
Charming 60-something José returns to Prague after 30 years living in Mexico, though he was convinced that he would never see his hometown again. He was persuaded by his deeply religious Mexican wife Dolores, who is convinced that only a miracle that might be fulfilled by Prague’s famous Infant Jesus can help their daughter Penelopé get pregnant. And the ideal time for this is Christmas. And when Ruda, his friend from Prague, also insists, José agrees to return to the places he used to know and to the memories that they bring back – including his former Prague love. And it becomes evident that the Infant Jesus is not the only one capable of making miracles come true in Prague. Penelopé’s longed-for conception is definitely not the only one…
Based on a classical czech fairy tale.
první felčar
Marek Stefanski
Acusado do atentado terrorista ao Kremlin, o operacional do FMI Ethan Hunt é renegado bem como o resto da agência, quando o Presidente inicia a “Operação Fantasma". Sem recursos ou apoios, Ethan terá de encontrar uma forma de limpar o nome da agência e prevenir outro ataque. Para piorar a situação, Ethan é obrigado a embarcar nesta missão com uma equipa de colegas fugitivos do FMI, cujos motivos pessoais ele não conhece.
Albrecht z Krvenos
A Lenda da Rainha Pagã é um drama com alguns elementos de fantasia baseado na lenda de Libuse, a rainha eslava do século 8 da região da Bohemia. Dotada do poder de ver o futuro, essa extraordinária mulher teoricamente viveu numa turbulenta época de mudanças culturais, sendo a fundadora da cidade de Praga, mais tarde capital da Tchecoslováquia.
Jan Wiener is a young Czech Jew struggling to survive at the outset of Nazi occupation during World War II.
Doctor Kollár
Eslováquia, na véspera da deflagração da Segunda Guerra Mundial. A família do jovem judeu Martin Friedmann se reúne para celebrar seu bar mitzvah e fazer uma promessa solene de que todos eles se encontrarão novamente um ano depois em torno da mesma mesa, mas as tempestades de guerra e o fanatismo anti-semita conduzirão cada um deles por caminhos muito diferentes.
kapitán Vodička
Private psychologist Jakub tries to help others, but he has his own problems. Then he gets to take care of his old father which starts a lot of funny situations due to fathers starting dementia. Then this new medication appears...
"I'm feeling like a dog, doctor". Mr. Ota Posta is not feeling very well lately, deprived and humiliated like a dog he turns into one.
Štěpán Šafránek
italský architekt
A dramatic love story, taking place in the final days of the Second World War when the American Army liberated the Pilsen region of West Bohemia. Anne lives with her mother, husband and stepchildren at a solitary country farm. But her life is not what she would wish it to be. She had previously lived with her aunt in London, and the only reason why she returned to Czechoslovakia was to look after the orphaned children of her sister. She married their father, but the rural environment is alien to her, and neither does she get on very well with her husband. A group of American soldiers arrives at the farm, having strayed away from their designated route of advance. To their great surprise, they are welcomed by a young woman who speaks fluent English, and invite her to go with them to Pilsen as an interpreter. Anne long hesitates, well aware that she attracts the affection of one of the soldiers, and herself becomes fond of him, too. She feels that the trip to Pilsen could mean an ....
Comedy about former lovers.
Peter has a dream job. He’s a popular magician in a posh Prague nightclub, whose act draws more applause than the strippers. He’s got an eye-catching assistant who is ready and willing to cuddle his frayed nerves whenever necessary. But he’s also got Sylvia on his neck: a pert, scatterbrained sister who forgets that a toss in the hay may just be worth a wedding ring. Things take a turn for the better – or worse? – when he discovers he possesses extra - let’s say, supernatural – powers that enable him to see into the future, hear music by rubbing his finger over a CD, and God knows what. The problem? Peter can’t control anything any more like he used to – neither his magic act, nor his love life, nor his sister’s latest erotic fantasy.
It is April 1945, spring begins and ends the war. German transport heading away from Bohemia.
A master jewel thief in 21st century Los Angeles targets the illegal emerald smuggling operations of a highly-connected crime syndicate. During what he believes to be a routine heist, cat burglar Harry Maxwell discovers that his target, notorious criminal Sanchez Boon is also the target of a police raid. In attempting to evade both the law and Boon's well-armed men, Harry meets Pandora Grimes, one of dozens of young women Boon kidnapped to work in his factory. When Boon sets a group of social deviants free and hijacks a space transport ship and its crew, only Harry and Pandora's cunning can save the hundreds of innocent people aboard.
Charming, witty and smart men represent a fictitious insurance company who soon fall for an innocent-looking young woman smarter than she seems.
Štěpán Šafránek
Štěpán Šafránek
Zatímco Kendy se jako pomocný režisér vrací do rodného města natáčet s televizním štábem třináctidílný seriál, Štěpán Šafránek, vybaven po promoci maminčinými radami, nastupuje na své první místo - na internu zdejší nemocnice. Jeho nepřizpůsobivost místním poměrům a smysl pro etiku zvoleného povolání však příliš nevyhovuje ostatním už zaběhnutým kolegům. Zatímco ti se škodolibě baví jeho horlivostí a zodpovědností, Štěpán má stále větší problémy s nadřízenými, až je nakonec přesunut na všemi odmítané místo venkovského obvodního lékaře. V Bezdíkově však potkává novou, snad už trvalou a opětovanou lásku, s níž se posléze rozhodne žít a pracovat v severních Čechách. (oficiální text distributora)
This downbeat, grim drama about three brothers who are reunited at their mother's funeral is actually visually as dark as its story, making it difficult at times to clearly distinguish a scene. These brothers are not particularly exceptional as people go, but at least they have branched out into separate vocations in their lives. One brother is a doctor, another is a criminal, and the third is a bus driver. Like others in Europe, they suffered through World War II, yet no matter what their backgrounds and experiences, their interpersonal relationships are not exactly gripping drama.
Štěpán Šafránek
A story about a young medical school student and his adventures.
Technical school student Pavel Brychta, arrives at a youth correctional facility located within a chateau in Konečno. He is an atypical, but not hopeless case for the institution. Pavel comes from a well-off family and his antisocial behaviour on the verge of criminality was some kind of response to his difficult relationship with his authoritative father. However, it takes quite some effort for Pavel to find his place in this environment of bullying, and also diverse methods from the tutors
Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
Štěpán Šafránek
Fifteen-year-old Kateřina will once again spend the holidays at the Castle Krabonoš, where her parents are both wardens. She finds it dull because she's got to sit at the castle's ticket office and sell tickets. That is, until the arrival of the new tour guide, Petr, a young history student. She falls in love at first sight. But for Petr she's just a young crazy girl. Katka tries to get Petr's attention in various ways, but all in vain. She makes a last ditch effort by pretending to steal some rare castle steins from the castle's collection. It's only after some detectives arrive that Katka realizes that she may have overdone it, but she finally manages to get Petr to notice her.