Jose Prieto


O assassinato de Richard Nixon
É 1974 e Sam Bicke perdeu tudo. Sua esposa o deixa com seus três filhos, seu chefe o despede, seu irmão se afasta dele e o banco não lhe dará dinheiro para começar de novo. Ele tenta encontrar alguém para culpar seus infortúnios e cria o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, que ele planeja matar.
El fantástico mundo de los hippies
Assistant Director
The head of the FBI explains that hippies were good, but that they have degenerated due to psychedelic painting, drugs, and becoming addicted to free love. Secret Agent Frank investigates Sandy, whose daughter has disappeared, apparently because of hippies.
Historia de un gángster
Assistant Director
Sequel to Juan Orol's "Organización criminal". After 6 years in prison, gangster Tony Florino is released from custody. He repeatedly makes it clear he didn't snitch in exchange for a reduced sentence, but was given time off for good behavior.
Organización criminal
Assistant Director
A summit meeting of rival gangs, one predominantly Italian and the other a mix of Polish, Irish, and Italian mobsters, fails to resolve their differences, and gang war breaks out.
Antesala de la silla eléctrica
Assistant Director
A young man is sentenced to death on the electric chair. The lieutenant who captured him does all he can to prevent it, because he is convinced of the man's innocence.