Diego Gat
Nascimento : 1976-10-12, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Um músico projeta em arrancar um esquema para roubar o seu caminho para a boa vida, que rapidamente ele fica em cima de sua cabeça.
Supervising Sound Editor
Jessica attends a yoga class that may expand her universe in an extreme way.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Califórnia, anos 1930. O ativista Jim Nolan (Nat Wolff) batalha para conscientizar politicamente seus colegas e organizar uma grande greve dos catadores de maçã da região. Adaptação de Luta Incerta, de Jonh Steinbeck.
Dialogue Editor
Califórnia, anos 1930. O ativista Jim Nolan (Nat Wolff) batalha para conscientizar politicamente seus colegas e organizar uma grande greve dos catadores de maçã da região. Adaptação de Luta Incerta, de Jonh Steinbeck.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Laura é contratada como professora de dois órfãos que residem na fazenda de um tio no interior do Rio de Janeiro no início do século 20. Aos poucos, ela constata que as crianças estão sob influências malignas de espíritos hostis e se empenha em descobrir o que está por trás de todo esse mistério. Conforme se envolve com a situação, mais enigmático lhe parece o comportamento ambíguo das crianças.
Sound Designer
Every afternoon Noelí, a young Dominican woman, hangs out on the beach at Las Terrenas. With her boyfriend, Yeremi, they look for ways to make a living at the expense of one of the hundreds of tourists there. However Noelí also has a steady client, Anne, a much older French woman, who, like many other Europeans, has found an idyllic refuge on the island to spend her last years. For Noelí, the relationship is one of convenience, but the feelings become more intense as they plan to leave together for Paris.
Supervising Sound Editor
Every afternoon Noelí, a young Dominican woman, hangs out on the beach at Las Terrenas. With her boyfriend, Yeremi, they look for ways to make a living at the expense of one of the hundreds of tourists there. However Noelí also has a steady client, Anne, a much older French woman, who, like many other Europeans, has found an idyllic refuge on the island to spend her last years. For Noelí, the relationship is one of convenience, but the feelings become more intense as they plan to leave together for Paris.
Diego Gat
Sound Design for Cinema in Argentina, by famous Sound Designers
Dialogue Editor
J.D. Flitner arrives in Asuncion to strike a deal with crime lord Brasiguayo to grow marijuana on land he owns. Things take a dark turn for J.D. when Brasiguayo's lieutenant plans a coup during a trip through the streets.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Seis contos que exploram os extremos do comportamento humano envolvendo pessoas em desespero.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Cinebiografia de Paulo Coelho, o filme se concentra em três momentos distintos da carreira do escritor: a juventude, nos anos 1960 (período em que é vivido pelo ator Ravel Andrade); a idade adulta, nos anos 1980 (Júlio Andrade); e a maturidade, em 2013, quando refaz o Caminho de Santiago (Júlio Andrade, maquiado). Usando como base depoimentos do próprio Paulo Coelho, a história perpassa os momentos mais marcantes da vida do autor, como os traumas, a relação com as drogas e a religião, sexualidade e a parceria com o músico Raul Seixas.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A advogada Ivana enfrenta o preconceito da sociedade e suas próprias dúvidas em relação ao seu namoro com León, um arquiteto de baixa estatura.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
El Paramo conta a história de um comando especial composto por 9 soldados que são enviados a uma desolada base com a qual se perdeu contato a vários dia e se acredita ter sido atacada por guerrilheiros. Ao chegar, encontram uma única sobrevivente.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Um ator argentino fracassado (Aníbal Silveyra) vive exiliado na Califórnia, onde conhece por acaso, em um bar, uma compatriota (Lucila Solá) que também mora lá.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In an unknown first world airport the arrival of an ecuadorian flight is heard. The 'members of the European Union' passby migration, while the 'others', in the other line, wait. In the middle of the claims, a group of ecuadorians is arrested. They are taken to the Room, where they wait to be deported. Seems like everyone hides something, like PROMETEO the youn magician with his hands tied like a delinquent who has a 'magical' trunk as luggage. Time passes, a way of being, Ecuador happens in this waiting room. Seems like there is no possible exit. Meanwhile, a different but well-known way of life takes place. The only thing left as a promising way out is illusion.
Recording Supervision
Uma metrópole dos anos trinta vive sobre o domínio do terrível Sr. TV. Na cidade, todos se comunicam apenas por palavras, exceto uma famosa cantora conhecida como "A Voz", a única pessoa que ainda pode falar. O vilão, porem, pretende agora usar a cantora para roubar as palavras das pessoas, para usá-las como matéria prima de seus produtos que vende por toda a cidade.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The story, based on true events occurred in Colombia en May 2003, tells the dreams and adventures of Porras, Venegas, Lloreda and Perlaza, four of the 147 soldiers that were in a company of the anti-guerrilla "Destroyer" battalion. It begun when these soldiers found in the middle of the jungle, during a rescue mission, 46 million dollars inside a FARC "guaca". Instead of give it to the Government, they take it all for themselves instead. They desperate when realize that they're completely isolated because the bridge, the only way to return to civilization, has been blown up. Everything's ironic, almost surreal: These soldiers don't have food, water, or toilet paper, but they sleep on their dollar-ful bags. This discovery will change their lives forever, and will allow them to have everything they've dreamt about: some authority, power and respect, others help their families and have a no-longer poor life. Their big challenge: return to civilization and make their dreams come true.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Feature film
Sound Mixer
One day five women from Quito, friends in their teens, decide to get back together after fourteen years. Helena is waiting for her second child, Marina lives the ups and downs of infidelity, Diana, an early widow, shares her loneliness with her 15 year old daughter and Tamara has not abandoned the random life of nightclubs, men and drugs. The purpose of their get-together is to visit their old classmate, Alejandra, who is consumed by an illness.
Recording Supervision
1809-1810: mientras llega el día is a 2004 Ecuadorian historical-dramatic film, directed by Camilo Luzuriaga and starring Marilú Vaca, Aristides Vargas and Gonzalo Gonzalo. The plot is based on the book by Juan Valdano, and revolves around the events that took place in the city of Quito between August 10, 1809, when the First Cry of Independence took place in the Spanish colony of the Presidency of Quito, and on August 2, 1810, when the Massacre of the Próceres occurred in the hands of the peninsular authorities.