Harry Anichkin
Nascimento : 1944-07-27, Bulgaria
Harry Anichkin (born July 27, 1944) is an Bulgarian actor.
A neo-noir set in the New York City's corrupt contemporary art world where the art dealer John Kaplan and the ruthless head of New York's mafia, Michael Rubino, fight for money, art, power and love.
The Captain (voice)
This is the story of Mityo and his son Vasko, who live in a poor area, near to the Bulgarian-Turkish-Greek Border. Mityo had lost everything that has mattered to him – his wife, his work, the confidence of his son, Vasko. In order to get him back, Mityo has to find forgiveness and pay for his sin, done 25 years ago.
Jacq Vaucan, agente de seguros da Robotics Corporation por volta de 2060, investiga rotineiramente casos de manipulação de robôs. Numa de suas descobertas, Vaucan irá desvendar mistérios complexos que trarão consequências profundas para o futuro da humanidade.
Barney e sua trupe de mercenários resgatam Doc, um dos integrantes do grupo, que estava preso há oito anos. Ao participarem de uma missão, os mercenários são surpreendidos quando reencontram Conrad, um comerciante de armas impiedoso, que Barney pensava ter matado. Novos membros, mais jovens e mais rápidos, entram para equipe e um novo duelo começa.
He was called the Champion of Champions. The strength and strong-willed character Poddubniy composed legends. And 50 great fighter effortlessly overcame young athletes, and questions of honor and justice did not know compromises. And only love could put Russian Heroes on both blades
Um fenômeno climático mortal, provocando ventos de mais de 800 quilômetros por hora, ameaça destruir a humanidade.
When did you last talk with your father? Will you ever ask him about those things that hurt you? In FATHER the reality of life is turned upside down to create an impossible dialogue - the dialogue between a child and a father that never happens.
General Gospodinov
The title is based on the idiomatic expression "shmenti capelli" characterizing actions of people who like to shuffle and bamboozle others with superficial commitments. Karamfilov choose it as a metaphor for people with huge economic and political power. The funny comedy incorporates a tragic story in which Karamfilov plays two roles: the Big Guy and the Little Guy. Big is tied to the Mafia and the Secret services. Little is an unemployed teacher, squeezed and crushed by the system, which stops his heating and electricity, has his home emptied by a bailiff, and uses him as a tool in a game.
Minister Abilov
Um médico americano que trabalha para Médicos Sem Fronteiras no Leste Europeu, Dr. Nicholas Pinter (Val Kilmer), é erroneamente identificado pela máfia russa como sendo um agente secreto. Depois de uma violenta perseguição por dois mafiosos, ele consegue escapar da morte e é resgatado pelo Serviço Secreto Britânico e pela bela e misteriosa Katrine (Izabella Miko). Nicholas logo percebe que o jogo mortal está apenas começando quando ele e Katrina se envolvem numa perigosa rede de mentiras e assassinatos
Russian Man
Jack Monahan (Antonio Banderas) é um criminoso que está passando por uma grande maré de azar. Sua vida muda quando conhece Ripley (Morgan Freeman), um experiente ladrão que o chama para participar de um arriscado roubo, envolvendo uma das jóias mais valiosas da atualidade. O objeto está guardado a sete chaves em uma joalheria russa, sendo que Ripley precisa roubá-la para quitar uma dívida com a máfia. Jack aceita o convite, mesmo sabendo que no mundo do crime não pode confiar em alguém.
O corrupto Imperador Tibério obriga seu mais corajoso general, Marcus, a subjugar o monstruoso Ciclope que dizima o campo. Uma vez que o Ciclope é levado para as masmorras, Marcus é forçado a lutar nos jogos de gladiadores. Eventualmente, ele e o Ciclope tornam-se aliados e lutam juntos para derrotar o corrupto Imperador e seu sobrinho maligno, junto com a bela Bárbara Bárbara.
A college student, traveling with his friends to a remote eastern-European village, unwittingly releases the Rock Monster from it's ancient slumber to wreak havoc on the surrounding countryside
Duff Daniels (John T. Woods), the younger, stupider brother of Les (Michael Shanks), can't help himself from stealing a rare snake that's been kept in a jar by a Native American snake dealer (Ben Cardinal), and which has to follow some rules: don't let it out of the jar, then don't let it eat anything anything living, and never fear the heart of the snake.
King Higlack
King Higlack of the Gauths entrusts prince Finn and a fire ball weapon to his champion, slayer Beowulf. They lead twelve men on a mission to help king Hrothgar of the Danes, whose once glorious realm is terrorized by the undefeated monster Grendel. The task is made more difficult as Hrothgar kept gruesome secrets.
A group of European explorers returning from China battle a pair of dragons sent by an evil wizard intent on keeping his land a secret.
Police lieutenant detective Thomas 'Thom' Randall's steady girl-friend, Dr. Jennifer 'Jen' Allen, is Dr. Aaron Michaels's main assistant on his pharmaceutical firm Bellion's research program to cure the highly contagious, fatal infection Guinin. A convicted murderer, whom Thom arrested, is one of their special drug test subjects, but escapes. The convict and Jen are affected by radioactively altered DNA from an experimental reactor used on mosquitoes which transfer quinine. The convict soon mutates into a mosquito-like monster, which sucks its victims dry. By the time Thom and his junior murder brigade partner Charlie Morrison figure out what happens, Jen starts mutating herself.
Uma jiboia colossal deixa um rastro de vítimas humanas após escapar durante um transporte. Para capturá-la, um agente do FBI e um perito em cobras contam com o auxílio de uma serpente geneticamente desenvolvida e igualmente enorme.
Army General
Cientistas de uma base da NASA no Pólo Sul descobrem um misterioso objeto enterrado no gelo. Ao mesmo tempo, diversas estações de pesquisa e radiotelescópios espalhados pelo mundo interceptam sinais de rádio muito estranhos. O especialista em criptologia Julian Rome constrói um decodificador e decifra o complexo código, descobrindo que a mensagem é um alerta extraterrestre.
Captain Rick Jeffries is the head of a group of elite soldiers who swim into action, doing the dirty jobs no else can or wants to do. They are in pursuit of a world traveling terrorist known only as Casper, and have the difficult job of bringing him back--alive.
Games master
On the road one day two people meet again after seventeen years. They'd had a brief, burning affair seventeen years earlier, in their idealistic youth. That had been just after the war, the time of great enthusiasms and faith in the future. Wishing to dedicate themselves to the new society they had chosen to renounced personal happiness, considering their love as an impermissible sidetrack from the requirements of the time.