Isidro Ortiz


Terra baixa
The film raises the contrast between the plain corrupted (the Low) and uncontaminated mountain (High Land). The protagonist, Manelic, a simple, primitive, Marta wants to marry a girl from the Low Country that until then had been forced to be intimate with his master, Sebastian.
Terra baixa
The film raises the contrast between the plain corrupted (the Low) and uncontaminated mountain (High Land). The protagonist, Manelic, a simple, primitive, Marta wants to marry a girl from the Low Country that until then had been forced to be intimate with his master, Sebastian.
Santi, um adolescente que sofre de uma rara doença que o impede de estar em contato com a luz solar, muda-se junto com sua mãe para uma pequena cidade nas montanhas. Mas lá as coisas não correm tão bem quanto o planejado. Uma série de estranhas mortes tomam lugar naquela região, e Santi torna-se o principal suspeito. Agora, a única maneira de provar sua inocência será desvendando o terrível segredo que esconde a aldeia e os seus habitantes.
Santi, um adolescente que sofre de uma rara doença que o impede de estar em contato com a luz solar, muda-se junto com sua mãe para uma pequena cidade nas montanhas. Mas lá as coisas não correm tão bem quanto o planejado. Uma série de estranhas mortes tomam lugar naquela região, e Santi torna-se o principal suspeito. Agora, a única maneira de provar sua inocência será desvendando o terrível segredo que esconde a aldeia e os seus habitantes.
El asesino del parking
A parking alone. Enter a car. He gets a woman who goes to the output. Say a few steps behind him. It gives them importance. Go through the door to the elevator: A man follows her. Bring a hammer in his hand. Hours later a team of researchers, a coroner and chief forensic department, are implemented. In a car park found the body of a woman with a shattered skull. The head is covered with a plastic bag next to the body, there are footprints of running shoes and wrap a mint ...
Jugar a matar
Police of Barcelona finds the body of a man brutally murdered. From that moment the criminal investigation begins looking for evidence to determine who was the murderer. However, the resolution of the case will be affected by the rivalry between the chief of homicides and that of the scientific police for the same woman. When they discover a second body they realize that they have to give up their personal confrontation to solve the case. The tests involve them in a live game conceived by a young psychopath and his submissive friend.
Jugar a matar
Police of Barcelona finds the body of a man brutally murdered. From that moment the criminal investigation begins looking for evidence to determine who was the murderer. However, the resolution of the case will be affected by the rivalry between the chief of homicides and that of the scientific police for the same woman. When they discover a second body they realize that they have to give up their personal confrontation to solve the case. The tests involve them in a live game conceived by a young psychopath and his submissive friend.
Fausto 5.0
On his way to a medical convention, Dr Fausto runs into a man who claims the Doctor removed his stomach eight years ago in a surgical operation. Against all odds, he is still alive. The man turns up repeatedly and promises Fausto to make all his wishes come true. Reality starts dissolving and Fausto begins to lose control