Dragoslav Popović


The Last Roll-Call
Prof. matematike i razredni starešina
In October 1941 the Nazis decide to crush a rebellion in Serbia by mass shootings of civilians. In the city of Kragujevac thousands of people, including entire high school classes, were rounded up and shot in one day. The movie follows the fate of one of such classes.
Cat Under a Helmet
Komandant brigade
A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.
I'll Be Back
A war disabled lieutenant colonel, who did not make it in the society, after many years of loneliness meets happy woman who loved him in the past, and not forgotten him despite the fact that she married meanwhile.
Only People
Radnik sa skele
An one-legged engineer of hydro construction, a war veteran meets a blind girl in a mountain sanatorium of Ophthalmology during winter. She's waiting for a surgery that will restore her eyesight. Soon the two fall in love with each other, but he feels unpleasant because of his handicap she's yet aware of.
Drug Bartić
An engineer and his wife move to Zenica where the construction of the first plants is taking place, during highly progressive industrialization of the country. Her dreams are not in accordance with the reality, which makes their marriage impossible to function.