A graceful prince of a far away planet is forced to abandon his reign in order to escape from the perfidious Nitron, "the vampire interplanetary" that means to conquer the universe. When damage forces the spaceship in which he is traveling to the Earth, a girl aboard his craft confronts two generous champions of freedom and autonomy, "Mysterious El" and "El Volador", who are Masked Wrestlers from Bolivia. They take great care that she is familiarized with the land habits of earthlings, including making love and drinking beer. The prince learns from his new friends all the secrets of a galaxy ring, which can destroy all evil as well as burn rocks. Fearing that they will be attacked by the enemy, the girl decides to hide herself behind the identity of the earth singer Larossa, who had died a year previous.
Newly-committed to a mental institution, a woman tries to convince her doctors that her husband conspired to have her put away for selfish reasons unrelated to her mental health.
Deceived over and over again by the whole world, a woman does not want to give up in the face of life's adversities.
Chanfle (Roberto Goméz Bolaños) trabalha como roupeiro no América do México (seu clube de coração) e tem uma vida muito modesta, comparada à de Valentino (Carlos Villagrán), que é a estrela do time e que tem o contrato renovado por mais dois anos por uma quantidade exagerada de dinheiro, quando ele ameaça ir para o Real Madrid. Durante uma partida, o treinador do time Moncho Reyes (Ramón Valdés) manda Chanfle interromper de propósito o ritmo do time adversário mas, por ser honesto, ele se recusa, o que custa seu emprego que ele tanto necessitava, pois ganhava pouco, era casado há dez anos com Tere (Florinda Meza) e não podia ter um filho e constituir sua família. Um grande problema que o médico da equipe, o Dr. Nájera (Edgar Vivar) tentará resolver.