Hoyt Curtin

Hoyt Curtin

Nascimento : 1922-09-09, Downey, California, USA

Morte : 2000-12-03


Hoyt Curtin was born in Downey, California, but grew up in San Bernadino. He began playing the piano when he was 5, and by ninth grade, he had his own orchestra. He graduated from the San Bernadino High School in 1940 and the University of Southern California in 1943. While at USC, he enrolled in the Navy V-7 program, and after graduation, was assigned to Northwestern University for advanced training. He received his commission as an ensign in 1944 and was assigned to the destroyer base in San Diego. He saw duty in the Pacific during World War II and was slightly injured with a shrapnel wound in his leg. After the war, he completed his Master's Degree in music from USC. While there, he took a course in composition for motion pictures, taught by Miklos Rozsa. His intention was to be a film composer. However, his big break came in the late 1950s when he scored a Schlitz beer commercial that was being produced at MGM. The producers of the commercial were William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, who asked Curtin if he would write the music for a cartoon series they were going to produce, called "Ruff and Ready." The producers called him on the phone with the lyrics, and five minutes later Curtin called them back with a song. When Hanna and Barbera left MGM to form their own company in 1957, they took Curtin along. Curtin would write the songs for "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons," the same way he wrote his earlier songs; back and forth on the telephone. He eventually became the musical director for the company. Curtin died on December 3, 2000, at a hospital in Thousand Oaks, California.


Hoyt Curtin


The Easter Story
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is a television series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers—Derek, Margo, and 'their nomad friend' Moki—who travel back in time to watch biblical events take place in the past. This segment of the story tells about the time the time travelers encounter Mark as he is gathering material to write the Gospel of Mark. He informs them of the events surrounding the Garden of Gethsemene, Jesus' numerous trials before Annas, Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate, as well as the Crucifixion and Resurrection. He finishes by telling them of the Ascension.
The Flintstone Kids'
A animated special that shows the young Flintstones trying to raise money so they can go to a concert. The story takes a turn when some older kids try to push drugs onto them.
The Creation - Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible
The three protagonists listen to a storyteller recount the creation as well as the Fall. At the same time, they learn their own lessons in honesty after tricking a gardener into giving them fruit for free.
The Smurfs: 'Tis the Season to Be Smurfy
Original Music Composer
The Smurfs set out to help out an elderly human couple.
Rock Odyssey
The story of a mysterious woman named Laura, who embarks on a journey to find her true love. The movie's soundtrack is set to four decades of classic rock. Scatman Crothers provides the voice of a living jukebox who narrates the story.
Samson and Delilah
From Hanna-Barbera's animated series depicting the tales of the bible, "Samson and Delilah" tells the story of the warrior Samson and the deception of Delilah.
Star Fairies
This is a cute little story about a princess star fairy named Sparkle who lives up in the clouds in Castle WishStar. Her job is to grant wishes to children when they wish upon a star. But lately she has been overwhelmed by the increasing number of wishes being made. So she asks for help and receives not one but five new star fairy helpers named True Love, Whisper, Jazz, Spice, and Nightsong. As the story goes on, we meet a little girl (voice of Drew Barrymore) who is upset but cannot think of a wish to make her happy. - from IMDB review
The Smurfs Halloween Special
Jokey Smurf's birthday is on Halloween and so is Gargamel's. Papa Smurf sends Lazy Smurf out to gather red leaves for Jokey's birthday party. Of course, Lazy falls asleep in the woods and Mother Nature turns him red while she is coloring leaves.
O Natal dos Smurfs
Original Music Composer
Na data mais especial do ano, os caminhos dos Smurfs e de Gargamel cruzam com os de duas crianças perdidas na floresta. Poderá a magia do Natal prevalecer?
Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper
Yogi escapes from Jellystone and hides out in a department store - posing as the Store's Santa. Along the way, he helps a little girl to rediscover her faith in Christmas.
Os Flintstones - A Grande Maratona
Depois de falhar em seu exame físico anual, Fred quer provar a todos que está em forma, então ele decide se tornar o primeiro cidadão de Bedrock a entrar na Maratona de Rockstone.
O Primeiro Natal do Zé Colméia
Zé Colméia e Catatau geralmente hibernam durante o Natal, mas este ano eles são despertados por Dom Pixote, Leão da Montanha e Bibo Pai e Bobi Filho que vieram ao Parque Jellystone para o Feriado. Ao se hospedarem no hotel, percebem que o mesmo se encontra vazio (sem hóspedes) devido a alguns acontecimentos estranhos que ocorreram no Natal passado causados pelo Eremita Herman que odeia o Natal. E com isto a dona do Hotel quer encerrar as atividades do mesmo, vendendo-o para uma grande empresa que quer construir um "Elevado" naquele local, mas ainda não é certo que ela tome esta decisão, tudo vai depender de como as coisas vão funcionar neste Natal... o problema é que Herman está decidido mais uma vez a arruinar tudo, mas Zé Colméia está ao seu encalço e ainda tem a ajuda da ursa Cindy que é apaixonada por ele.
Scooby-Doo em Hollywood
Original Music Composer
A turma vai para Hollywood como estrelas, Scooby, em seu primeiro filme. Quando uma criatura assustadora quer pôr fim ao filme, Scooby, tem que resolver o mistério para garantir o seu estatuto de estrela permanece intacta. .
Original Music Composer
A young man invents a robot dog that has super strength, x-ray vision and can detect crimes being committed. A greedy businessman tries to steal the boy's invention from him.
Os Flintstones Encontram Pedrácula e Frankenstone
Ao participarem de um concurso, os Flintstones e os Rubbles ganham uma viagem para um castelo na Rocksilvânia e acabam tendo um desagradável encontro com o Conde Pedrácula e seu criado Frankenstone.
O Natal dos Flinstones
O Natal dos Flinstones é um especial de televisão animado de Natal de 1977, com personagens da franquia Os Flintstones. Foi produzido por Hanna-Barbera e é o segundo trabalho animado de Natal da franquia, depois do episódio de 1964 "Natal dos Flinstones"
O Natal dos Flinstones
Original Music Composer
O Natal dos Flinstones é um especial de televisão animado de Natal de 1977, com personagens da franquia Os Flintstones. Foi produzido por Hanna-Barbera e é o segundo trabalho animado de Natal da franquia, depois do episódio de 1964 "Natal dos Flinstones"
Timber Tramps
A tough, hard-drinking Alaska logging foreman likes fighting only slightly less than working.
Timber Tramps
A tough, hard-drinking Alaska logging foreman likes fighting only slightly less than working.
Shootout in a One-Dog Town
Original Music Composer
A small-town banker is forced to protect his town against a vicious gang of bank robbers determined to get the $200,000 stored in his bank.
Uma História De Natal
O especial se passa em uma pequena cidade quase igual a "A Dama e o Vagabundo", da Disney. Em uma casa, um menino chamado Timmy foi posto para dormir com uma história de natal. Um rato residente da casa, enquanto observava a decoração natalina, encontrou a carta de Timmy para o Papai Noel caída no chão. A carta deveria ter caído de cima da mesa e nunca fora enviada. Então o rato e o cão da família saem para entregar a carta e salvar o natal de Timmy
The Last of the Curlews
After being hunted to near-extinction, the last male Eskimo curlew searches for a mate while making the annual migration from the arctic tundra to the nesting grounds in Argentina.
Snoopy Loopy
Loopy tries to deliver a baby gorilla to the zoo, but it keeps running off and causing trouble for Loopy.
Happy Go Ducky
Music Supervisor
The Easter bunny brings an egg for Tom and Jerry that hatches into the little duckling. He keeps getting into water he shouldn't: the aquarium, water cooler, bathtub, sink, as the boys keep rescuing it. They try to give the duck back to the Easter bunny - no go. They leave it in the pond at the park and think they're home free, until the duckling brings his friends home.
Barbecue Brawl
Music Supervisor
Spike is showing his son Tyke how to barbecue when his cooking is disrupted by a typical Tom-and-Jerry chase.
Magoo's Canine Mutiny
The nearsighted Mr. McGoo goes shopping for a dog as a pet, and enters the pet store just as it is being robbed by a crook wearing a fur coat. McGoo puts a leash on him and heads for home as the crook thinks this will afford him a safe escape. But a policeman puts the collar on the thief and takes him to jail. McGoo, still wanting a dog, goes shopping for a replacement but ends up in a record store. He exits dragging a s statue of a dog, the 'His Master's Voice' trademark of a record company
Smarty Cat
Music Supervisor
Nobody's home, so Tom invites his alley cat friends in to look at home movies (clips from earlier cartoons where Tom gets the drop on Spike). While they're showing them, Spike sneaks in.
Baby Butch
Music Supervisor
An alley cat is foraging for food when he sees Tom's house and decides it's a rich haul. He dresses as a foundling baby and lands on the doorstep. Tom takes him in and Butch proceeds to raid the fridge between Tom's babying him. What he doesn't know is that Jerry's going to grab the ham Butch swiped every chance he gets.
A Face do Crime
Inspirado no popular programa de TV "Dragnet", o filme conta a dura história de um menino rico mas problemático, que mata um policial e faz uma cirurgia plástica para esconder sua identidade. Filmado totalmente em externas no centro de Hollywood.
When Magoo Flew
Original Music Composer
Mr. Magoo sets off to go to the movies but goes to an airport by mistake and gets on a plane thinking it to be a theater. Little does Magoo know the man he is sitting next to is actually a thief and when a detective appears on the plane to track the thief down, Magoo thinks it's all part of the movie. After doing some wing walking, Magoo reenters the plane and exposes the thief to the detective. When the plane lands, Magoo remarks that they should have shown a cartoon particularly one with that "delightful near sighted fellow".
Mesa of Lost Women
A mad scientist, Dr. Aranya (Jackie Coogan), has created giant spiders in his Mexican lab in Zarpa Mesa to create a race of superwomen by injecting spiders with human pituitary growth hormones. Women develop miraculous regenerative powers, but men mutate into disfigured dwarves. Spiders grow to human size and intelligence.