This vérité documentary follows Nora Sandigo, legal guardian to over 2000 US-citizen children of undocumented immigrants, as she sacrifices everything to keep American-born children with their undocumented parents.
A documentary about Caroll Spinney who has been Sesame Street's Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch since 1969. At 78-years-old, he has no intention of stopping.
A documentary about Caroll Spinney who has been Sesame Street's Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch since 1969. At 78-years-old, he has no intention of stopping.
A documentary about Caroll Spinney who has been Sesame Street's Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch since 1969. At 78-years-old, he has no intention of stopping.
WE MUST GO is a feature documentary on the journey of the Egyptian National Soccer team and coach Bob Bradley as they fight to reach the championship. Egypt has one of the richest football histories in all of Africa, but despite its continental success, the team hasn't reached soccer's ultimate stage in 24 years. Now, the Pharaohs and their American coach, as unlikely a pairing as there ever was, have the chance to reach their shared dream of qualification and unite a bitterly divided nation.
First Assistant Editor
A adolescente Mary Katherine (Amanda Seyfried) é magicamente transportada para um universo secreto e vai precisar contar com a ajuda dos seres fantásticos que o habitam para conseguir salvar o mundo dos humanos e este novo reino descoberto de uma força maligna, que ameaça destruir a Terra.
Assistant Editor
Capturada por contrabandistas de animais quando tinha acabado de nascer, a arara Blu nunca aprendeu a voar e vive uma vida domesticada feliz em Minnesota, nos Estados Unidos, com sua dona, Linda. Blu pensa que é a última arara de sua espécie. Mas quando descobrem que Jade, uma fêmea, vive no Rio de Janeiro, Blu e Linda vão ao seu encontro em para recuperar a espécie.
Kids from Brooklyn, NY housing projects try to change the world when they are paired with Sierra Leonean pen pals orphaned by a civil war.
Assistant Editor
Junte-se a Scrat, Manny e Diego empenhados numa perigosa missão para salvar o maluco do Sid. Para isso, os amigos têm que se aventurar num misterioso mundo subterrâneo, no qual encontram bem de perto dinossauros, enfrentam a flora e fauna, e conhecem Buck, uma inquieta doninha de um olho só metida a caçadora de dinossauros.