Aleksandar Đorđević


And Now, Goodbye!
On the morning of 31st December at a Belgrade market, Spic and Djosa are selling baby pigs and Christmas trees. The European mad cow madness is doing harm to their profit, mostly because Lister, an upstart with shallow past, is persuading people not to buy pork. The locals are waiting for a New Year's Eve with the sound of trumpets and popular songs of the past century.
The Secret of Family Treasure
Tihomir Stojkovic suspects that there's a hidden treasure in the property of his neighbors. Since this piece of land belongs to a man who has unmarried daughter, Tihomir persuades his friend Djosa to marry her so they could get in possession of that jar full of money. The characters are based on TV series "Family Treasure".
A Little Joke
Two middle-aged friends, Mićko and Đorđe, decide to make a joke with their childhood friend, teacher Svetislav, who is a stingy when it comes to paying for the bills at bars where they often hang out. After filling his lottery ticket with numbers that Mićko claims he saw in his dream, they invite him to his home to watch lottery live on TV, but instead they play a previously recorded video material in order to make him believe he scored all seven hits. However, a joke goes wrong after Svetislav ditches his wife, resigns at the school where he works, and raises a credit at the bank, believed he's about to make a new start.
Tight Skin 3
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.
Balkan Express 2
A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
Let's Make Love
Story of Lepa Brena and her band, and their adventures during one of the tours through Yugoslavia.
Frivolous Branislav Nusic
The frivolous Branislav Nusic is a 1986 Yugoslav television drama. It was directed by Aleksandar Djordjevic, and the screenplay was written by Miodrag Djurdjevic based on the person of Branislav Nusic.
Jaguar Jump
The movie protagonist is an ordinary man from Belgrade. His daughter was stolen by his junkie wife and later sold to a rich American family. Our hero goes to America in order to find her.
In his comedy play, Branislav Nusic satirically depicted the snobbish desire of some wealthy people to “decorate” their children with academic titles.
The Train for Kraljevo
It is 1941 and the German occupying forces are taking over Yugoslavia, making a train ride to Kraljevo a dangerous game for a secret communist agent carrying important documents. Both the Germans and the police are looking for him on the train, and his safe arrival in Kraljevo seems like an impossibility. His determination to get the papers to the right people keeps him going, even through a gun battle after the train arrives - challenging him to find a way to complete his mission.
The Adventures of Borivoje Surdilovic
Fascinated by his friend's success abroad, an out-of-work barber Šurda tries his luck in Germany. Incapable to accept any job that would suit him, he returns to his homeland in disappointment. Based on a popular TV serial "Hot Wind" ("Vruć vetar").
Arrive Before Daybreak
The story of political prisoners, detained in a jail before the start of the WWII, and their torture and attempts to escape, and join a partisan unit.
The Written Off
Careless lives of few Belgrade youths are shattered when Nazis occupy their town in 1941. Soon they join the resistance movement and their activities bring their names to Gestapo's termination list. This movie inspired the series that would get cult status in former Yugoslavia.
How the Two Fools Loved Each Other
A short film based on Dusko Radovic writings.
Plug Impermeable to Water
A subtenant couple that tries unsuccessfully to have a baby and get the apartment decides to adopt one.
Mister Seal
The courtship of a female subtenant to the reluctant male householder is told in a humorous way.