Charley Rogers

Charley Rogers

Nascimento : 1887-01-15, Birmingham, England, UK

Morte : 1956-12-20


Charley Rogers


A Hit with a Miss
Professor Periwinkle (as Charles Rogers)
Shemp Howard is a prizefighter in this Columbia All-Star Comedy who has a complex that leaves him a coward and unable to fight unless he hears "Pop Goes the Weasel." He hears it enough here, from various and outlandish sources, to eventually win his championship match.
Abroad with Two Yanks
Biff and Jeff, two American G.I.'s on furlough in Australia during The Second World War, are enjoying their time the way most soldiers on leave do. When they meet the beautiful Joyce, however, they both fall head over heels for her, and start competing for her attentions. As their R&R time begins to run out, the schemes they each come up with to win her affection and foil the other's plans to do the same become more and more outrageous.
O Gordo e o Magro - Mestres de Baile
Butler (uncredited)
Dois professores de dança trapalhões (Hardy e Laurel) ajudam um inventor desajeitado a vender sua nova invenção e facilitam o romance dele com uma bela jovem da alta sociedade. Eles fazem de tudo para salvar as finanças da sua escola de dança!
Air Raid Wardens
Two bumblers, failures as businessmen and air raid wardens, stumble across a nest of Nazi saboteurs bent on blowing up the local magnesium plant.
They Raid by Night
Sgt. Harry Hall
The British Commandos send Bob Owen (Lyle Talbot) to Norway to prepare for a raid. His mission also includes freeing General Heden (Paul Baratoff) who is being held by the Nazis. His aides include Eric Falken (George Nesie) and Harry (Charles Rogers). Inga (June Duprez), a Norwegian girl to whom Falken was once engaged but who has become the sweetheart of Oberst Von Ritter (Victor Varconi), betrays their hiding place. The three overpower the Gestapo men sent after them, take their uniforms and enter the prison camp and free Heden. The four men then start for the coast to meet the Commando expedition. Inga, who the men still trust, again informs von Ritter and Falken is captured but Bob and Harry escape with the aid of Dalberg, who they thought was a Quisling stooge.
House of Errors
Alf (as Charles Rogers)
Former silent screen comic Harry Langdon earned above-title billing for the final time in his long career in this roughhewn but amusing World War II farce released by Poverty Row company PRC. Langdon and Charles "Buddy" Rogers are newspaper messengers helping reporter Ray Walker obtain an interview with journalist-hating inventor Richard Kipling. But before they know it, Harry and Buddy become unwittingly involved in plans to steal the professor's newest invention: a machine gun.
Double Trouble
Alfred "Alf" Prattle
Harry Langdon and Charley Rogers star in this 1941 Monogram comedy, about two bumbling brothers who take jobs at a New York food cannery and accidentally lose a valuable diamond inside a can of pork-and-beans.
Marujos Improvisados
Stan and Ollie work in a horn factory. Ollie starts having violent fits every time he hears a horn. His doctor prescribes a restful sea voyage. Mayhem ensues.
Dois Palermas em Oxford
The boys get jobs as a butler and maid (Stan in drag) for a dinner party. When that ends in disaster, they resort to sweeping streets and accidentally capture a bank robber. The thankful bank president sends them to Oxford to get an education. Predictable results ensue.
Paixonite Aguda
Oliver e Stanley passam uma temporada em Paris. Quando estão prestes a retornar à América, Oliver se vê apaixonado por uma francesa e decide ficar por lá, mas logo fica arrasado quando descobre que sua amada irá casar com outro. Para esquecê-la, junta-se à Legião Estrangeira, ao lado de seu inseparável amigo Stanley. Devido às suas trapalhadas, eles são acusados de deserção e condenados a um pelotão de fuzilamento. Mas a dupla consegue escapar em um avião roubado.
Swiss Miss
Stan and Ollie are mousetrap salesmen hoping for better business in Switzerland, with Stan's theory that because there is more cheese in Switzerland, there should be more mice.
Dois Caipiras Ladinos
Stan e Ollie receberam a missão de ir à Oeste do país, em Brushwood Gulch, para entregar a Mary Roberts, a filha de um próspero e falecido garimpeiro, um documento que determina que ela agora é dona da mina de ouro de seu pai. Só que os problemas começam assim que eles chegam à cidade: a esposa do xerife está descontente com eles por terem pego uma carona com ela para chegar à Brushwood Gulch e o guardião legal de Mary, Mickey Finn, quer que sua esposa se passe pela moça, a fim de enganar os mensageiros e se apropriar da mina.
Dois Caipiras Ladinos
Stan e Ollie receberam a missão de ir à Oeste do país, em Brushwood Gulch, para entregar a Mary Roberts, a filha de um próspero e falecido garimpeiro, um documento que determina que ela agora é dona da mina de ouro de seu pai. Só que os problemas começam assim que eles chegam à cidade: a esposa do xerife está descontente com eles por terem pego uma carona com ela para chegar à Brushwood Gulch e o guardião legal de Mary, Mickey Finn, quer que sua esposa se passe pela moça, a fim de enganar os mensageiros e se apropriar da mina.
Our Relations
Two sailors get caught in a mountain of mix-ups when they meet their long-lost twins. Laurel and Hardy play themselves and their twins.
A Princesa Boêmia
O conde Arnheim odeia ciganos e um bando deles está acampado do lado de fora de seu palácio. A esposa de Oliver não faz segredos de sua afeição pelo simpático Devilshoof. Quando este é castigado por ter invadido a propriedade do Conde, a Sra. Oliver seqüestra por vingança a filha do conde e foge em seguida com Devilshoof, deixando a criança com os ciganos. Sem saber de sua verdadeira identidade, Oliver cria a menina com a ajuda de Stanley.
The Fixer Uppers
Stan and Ollie are greeting card salesmen who agree to help a woman put a spark in her loveless marriage by making her husband jealous.
Tit for Tat
Stan and Ollie have set up their own electrical appliance store but, unfortunately for them, the grocery right next door is run by the man and wife whom they encountered in "Them Thar Hills" (1935). Stan and Ollie go and visit to offer the hand of friendship, but the grocer again becomes convinced that Ollie and his wife are fooling around.
Era Uma Vez Dois Valentes
Trata-se da primeira adaptação para as telas da aopereta composta por Victor Herbert e Glen MacDonough em 1903. Esta comédia musical em ritmo de conto de fadas conta a história do malvado Silas Barnaby, que ameaça despejar a viúva Peep caso sua filha Little Bo-Peep não aceite casar-se com ela. A moça é apaixonada por Tom-Tom Piper e oede ajuda a Stannie Dum e Ollie Dee para derrotar o vilão. A dupla tenta pegar dinheiro emprestado para pagar a hipoteca da viúva Peep, mas acabam optando por um plano mais ousado, fazendo Barnaby casar-se com Stannie! O enfurecido vilão então ameaça destruir a Terra dos Brinquedos.
Um Fantasma Muito Vivo
Um capitão do mar rude, que absolutamente detesta a palavra "fantasma", está tendo problemas para tripular seu navio por causa do boato de que é... bem... assombrado. Ele convence Stanley e Oliver a ajudá-lo a enviar uma tripulação dos marinheiros em um bar nas docas. A dupla cômica consegue isso usando um dos dispositivos mais engraçados já colocados em um filme e, claro, tudo dá errado. Uma vez a bordo, o capitão avisa que quem disser a palavra "fantasma" terá a cabeça virada de norte a sul.
O Poço de Pifão
Stan and Ollie travel to the mountains for Ollie's health, and park their caravan near a well into which a gang of moonshiners have earlier dumped their moonshine; and the boys proceed to quench their thirst thinking that it is iron-rich mountain water. The real trouble doesn't begin, though, until a married motoring couple stop by to borrow some gasoline, and the already-cranky husband leaves his thirsty wife with the boys while he goes off to refill his car's empty gas-tank. A sequel was made to this film: TIT FOR TAT, q.v.
Going Bye-Bye!
In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.
Going Bye-Bye!
In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.
I'll Be Suing You
Telephone Repairman (uncredited)
Patsy is coerced into faking a broken leg in order to win an insurance settlement after an automobile accident.
Maid in Hollywood
Property Man (uncredited)
Thelma, who came to Hollywood from Joplin to be a star, is ready to go home. She and her pal Patsy are packing up and packing it in. Then, through Patsy's deviousness, Thelma gets a call to come to the studio immediately to audition for a costume drama.
Babes in the Goods
Spectator (uncredited)
Thelma and Patsy get jobs demonstrating washing machines in a department store window. However, on their first day on the job, they accidentally get locked in the store overnight.
Keg o' My Heart
Stagehand (uncredited)
Hal Roach comedy starring Billy Gilbert and Billy Bletcher. Also starring Don Barclay, Charley Rogers, Ruth Gillette, Theodore Lurch, Charlie Hall.
The Devil's Brother
Two wannabe bandits join the service of a dashing nobleman, who secretly masquerades as Fra Diavolo, a notorious outlaw.
Um Quebra-Cabeças para Cabeças Duras
É a manhã do casamento de Oliver com a filha do barão do petróleo Peter Cucumber. Enquanto esperam o táxi para levá-los à cerimônia, Oliver e seu padrinho, Stanley, ficam absorvidos em um quebra-cabeça, o presente de casamento de Stanley. Por fim, o motorista de táxi, o mordomo, um policial e um mensageiro se envolvem no quebra-cabeça, enquanto Cucumber se irrita enquanto espera o noivo há tanto tempo.
Towed in a Hole
Although they are successful fishmongers, Stan convinces Ollie that they should become fishermen too, but making a boat seaworthy isn't an easy task.
Strange Innertube
After graduating from Taxi Driver school, Billy, Ben, and Clyde soon find themselves involved with a gang of jewel smugglers.
Wild Babies!
Explorer (as Charles Rogers)
Two aspiring songwriters have a weird nightmare about the jungle.
Let's Do Things
Inebriated Nightclub Customer (uncredited)
Zasu & Thelma go out with two idiots to a nightclub.
Our Wife
Finlayson's butler
Oliver is making plans to marry his sweetheart Dulcy with Stan as his best man, but the plans are thwarted when Dulcy's father sees a picture of Ollie and forbids the marriage. The couple plan to elope, and run away to a Justice of the Peace. After typical Laurel and Hardy blundering, they manage to sneak the girl away from her father's house.
The King
The king is a juvenile dolt who tries the patience of the shrewish queen. While she's in the throne room awaiting him, he's outside playing with guns, drilling his soldiers, and dallying with the wife of a new minister. The queen catches him kissing her, her husband figures out that something fishy is going on, and the king tries his best to proceed with his plans for a night out. The queen contrives to keep him cuffed in the bedroom: king, queen, minister, and coquette end up in a game of musical beds. Will his royal highness get his night out?
The Shrimp
A timid man undergoes a personality change, and turns the tables on the people who've bullied him.
The Fighting Parson
Harry is mistaken for "The Fighting Parson" in a tough western town.
Skirt Shy
Harry must pose as a woman to help the women he works for get a marriage proposal.
Sky Boy
Harry lands on an iceberg with his rival.
Madame Q
Photographer (uncredited)
An attractive young woman on trial for murder employs her feminine wiles to charm the judge and jury.
Double Whoopee
Prime Minister
Stan and Ollie wreak havoc at an upper class hotel in their jobs as footman (Hardy) and doorman (Laurel). They partially undress blonde bombshell Jean Harlow (in a brief appearance) and repeatedly escort a stuffy nobleman into an empty elevator shaft.
Habeas Corpus
Ledoux - the Butler (as Charlie Rogers)
Loony scientist hires Laurel and Hardy to raid the cemetery to keep him supplied with dead bodies for his experiments.
The Woman God Forgot
Cortez sends Alvarado to Montezuma who throws him into a dungeon from which he is rescued by Tecza who loves him. He is recaptured when her lover Guatemoco finds Alvarado hiding in her chambers. Tecza next leads Cortez into the city, thus causing the destruction of her nation and securing the love of Alvarado.
Oliver Twist
Artful Dodger (as Charles Rogers)
An orphan in early 19th century England escapes the poorhouse only to fall among a gang of pickpockets in London.