Adam Lichtenstein


Pergunte-me Tudo
Uma adolescente decide adiar a faculdade por um ano, a fim de encontrar-se. Impulsionada por um desejo de preencher um vazio deixado por seu pai alcoólatra (Patrick), ela se relaciona com um jovem professor de cinema (Long), o pai de um bebê que ela cuida (Slater), e um negociante de livros raros com um passado obscuro (Sheen). Ela voyeuristicamente narra suas aventuras em um blogue, mas sua vida fica fora de controle quando pedaços do passado começam a surgir.
I Knew It Was You: Rediscovering John Cazale
John Cazale was in only five films - The Godfather, The Conversation, The Godfather - Part Two, Dog Day Afternoon and The Deer Hunter - each was nominated for Best Picture. Yet today most people don't even know his name. I KNEW IT WAS YOU is a fresh tour through movies that defined a generation.
Scotland, PA
Joe McBeth is a hard-working but unambitious doofus who toils at a hamburger stand alongside his wife Pat, who is much smarter. Pat believes she could do better with the place than their boss Norm is doing, so she plans to usurp Norm, convincing Mac to rob the restaurant's safe and then murder Norm, using the robbery as a way of throwing the cops off their trail.
Mexico City
When her brother disappears during a brief travel layover in Mexico, Mitch begins a desperate search that will eventually lead the young divorcee into the capital city's most notorious neighborhood. But even with the aid of the American Ambassador, her plight is only met with indifference and inaction from the authorities. As the story unfolds, Mitch is forced to look for help in the least likely places as she races against time in a dangerous quest to find answers and locate her brother.
24 Horas Para Morrer
Madeline Foster (Maura Tierney) é uma policial masoquista, que não revela sua predileção ao marido Tim (Terry Kinney), que também é policial. Com isso para satisfazer este tipo de prazer ela tem um amante (Olek Krupa). Sua vida sexual é posta de lado quando ela tenta achar um seqüestrador que usa o nome de Harry (Adrien Brody), que não só seqüestrou uma ricaça, Frances Hannon (Laila Robins), como também a enterrou em um caixão que tem ar para no máximo 24 horas. A única forma dela ser salva é o marido de Frances, Clark (James Naughton), um magnata, pagar o resgate e não entrar em contato com a polícia. Porém ele não cumpre as exigências, o que faz com que Madeline agora precise correr contra o tempo para salvar.
Small-time drug dealer Al Dean is out for the ultimate score. But when Al and his friends adopt a pig, their laid-back summer plans get baked. Set in the '70s, Scrapple is a Colorado ski-town story of drugs, love, and a pig named Scrapple.
Teach Me
Sara Kane is a New York writer of erotic stories for a weekly womens magazine. For her inspiration she watches couples at her local bar and on one particular evening she spots the stunningly beautiful Janine and her husband Keith. As Sara observes them, in her mind she weaves her erotic tale.
A couple of people steal the daughter of a famous lawyer. Now they want money to give her back, but it's not just the money they want. They want revenge.