Jerónimo Rocha


Criança Lobo
Numa assustadora aldeia portuguesa, há uma lenda. A lenda da criançalobo. Desejada e nascida numa noite de lua cheia, tudo começou quando uma jovem camponesa, desesperada por um filho, pediu um desejo a uma criatura da floresta. O desejo? Uma criança que pudesse chamar sua. Mas a criatura da floresta amaldiçoa a mulher. Quando crescer, a criança vai trazer dentes e sangue para a aldeia. Os anos passam, a criança tornase homem, atormentado e perseguido pelos aldeões, dividido entre a sua natureza animalista e uma amizade com uma jovem bruxa. O rapaz tem de descobrir quem, ou o que é. Juntos, a criança-lobo e a bruxa vão tentar quebrar a maldição e encontrar o seu lugar no mundo.
Tristeza e Alegria na Vida das Girafas
Baseado na peça teatral de Tiago Rodrigues, o filme conta a história de uma garota que, para resolver um problema, decide procurar a única pessoa que acredita poder ajudá-la: o primeiro-ministro. A crise econômica, um urso de pelúcia com tendências suicidas, uma pantera negra e o dramaturgo russo Anton Tchékhov fazem parte desta aventura mágica e heroica por Lisboa.
Não tem sinopse.
Art Direction
K just crashed his Mercedes-Benz into a tree, moments after trying to avoid running down a small wild animal that ran across his path. He is on a backwater road in the countryside and it’s a very dark night. His evening has only just begun...
K just crashed his Mercedes-Benz into a tree, moments after trying to avoid running down a small wild animal that ran across his path. He is on a backwater road in the countryside and it’s a very dark night. His evening has only just begun...
K just crashed his Mercedes-Benz into a tree, moments after trying to avoid running down a small wild animal that ran across his path. He is on a backwater road in the countryside and it’s a very dark night. His evening has only just begun...
Locked away in a dungeon, an heretic prepares a witchcraft to escape.
Coro dos Amantes
Chorus is film about death, absence and how close they are to us. Based on a theater play by Tiago Rodrigues.
Production Design
Trapped inside the Space Freighter/Refinery Dédalo, Siena tries to survive an infestation of diabolic creatures.
Trapped inside the Space Freighter/Refinery Dédalo, Siena tries to survive an infestation of diabolic creatures.
Trapped inside the Space Freighter/Refinery Dédalo, Siena tries to survive an infestation of diabolic creatures.
Nenhum Nome
Storyboard Artist
After having suffered a serious car accident in which his 6 month pregnant wife is killed, X, a 35 year old man, is admitted in an intensive care unit. K, a 30 year old nurse, will help X during his rehabilitation. K is also 6 months pregnant. This curious detail makes their apparent impersonal relationship stronger.
Noite Sangrenta
Na noite de 19 de Outubro de 1921, um grupo de marinheiros e guardas republicanos percorre as ruas de Lisboa naquela que viria a ser conhecida como a "camionete fantasma". Liderado pelo cabo Abel Olímpio, conhecido pela alcunha de "Dente de Ouro", o bando assassina várias figuras políticas e militares, incluindo os heróis da revolução de 1910, Machado Santos e Carlos da Maia. Os crimes chocam o país. Os jornais chamam-lhe a "Noite Sangrenta".
Once there was a boy who was afraid of the dark. One day, while playing on an abandoned factory's roof, he let a valuable belonging fall through a gap between the tiles. Going into the factory means facing his phobia and, inside, a beast's gaze awaits.
Once there was a boy who was afraid of the dark. One day, while playing on an abandoned factory's roof, he let a valuable belonging fall through a gap between the tiles. Going into the factory means facing his phobia and, inside, a beast's gaze awaits.
Once there was a boy who was afraid of the dark. One day, while playing on an abandoned factory's roof, he let a valuable belonging fall through a gap between the tiles. Going into the factory means facing his phobia and, inside, a beast's gaze awaits.
Once there was a boy who was afraid of the dark. One day, while playing on an abandoned factory's roof, he let a valuable belonging fall through a gap between the tiles. Going into the factory means facing his phobia and, inside, a beast's gaze awaits.