William Lamar


Haunted by the images of his own traumatic past, Blair O'Leary (Bobby Field) unknowingly leads his friends down a dark path of destruction. Being a good friend, Marcus (David Yost) lends a helping hand getting Blair, Ralphie (Claude Duhammel), and Kayton (William Lamar) situated in a safe house in the middle of the Arizona desert... but there's a catch. They must pull off a job in order to pay their way. In tight situations friendships can only stretch so far, and what comes around goes around in this twisted tale.
Personal Vendetta
After suffering for years at the hands of an abusive husband, Bonnie eventually decides to protect herself by pressing charges against him. With the help of sympathetic police officer Bill Star, she decides to begin rebuilding her life by joining the LAPD.
Erotic Confessions: Intrigue
"Erotic Confessions: Intrigue” Is 7 provocative experiences that will take you on a voyeuristic journey beyond all limits into the secret sensual fantasies and desires of one’s mind, body and soul. ELEVATION; BOSS'S ORDERS; GIFTS; FRIENDS & LOVERS; LESSONS; ARRESTING DEVELOPMENT; MESSY
Um Tira da Pesada 2
Detroit voltou a ser a área de atuação do detetive Axel Foley, que investiga um esquema de cartões de crédito falsos. Ele interrompe esta missão ao saber pelo noticiário da TV que Andrew Bogomil, um detetive que atua em Beverly Hills, foi baleado. Assim Axel ruma para lá, pois já tinham trabalhado juntos em um caso. Lá ele se reencontra com a filha de Andrew, Jan, e com os detetives William "Billy" Rosewood e John Taggart, que eram subordinados de Andrew. Novamente Axel investiga com John e Billy uma onda de assaltos bem planejados, que está sendo conhecida como "crimes do alfabeto".