Rick Kofoed


O Caçador
Production Design
An ex-Boer war guerrilla in New Zealand is sent out to bring back a Maori accused of killing a British soldier. Gradually they grow to know and respect one another but a posse, led by the British Commanding officer is close behind and his sole intention is to see the Maori hang. Written by Filmfinders 1903. A guerilla fighter from the South African Boer war called Arjan (Winstone) takes on a manhunt for Maori seaman Kereama (Morrison), who is accused of murdering a British soldier. What follows is a cat and mouse pursuit through the varied landscape of NZ with both hunter and huntee testing their bushcraft and wits against that of the other. Written by Anonymous
Honra e Liberdade
Production Design
Na década de 1860, durante a colonização britânica na Nova Zelândia, vive Sarah O’Brien (Samantha Morton) e sua família. O local está em meio à guerra entre os invasores europeus e os Maori, os habitantes da ilha antes da chegada dos forasteiros. Em uma sangrenta batalha entre os dois lados o filho de Sarah é levado pelos Maori. Após muitos anos anos percorrendo as tribos do país Sarah finalmente consegue reencontrá-lo, mas agora ele está inteiramente adaptado à cultura maori. Trata-se do início da batalha de Sarah para reconquistar seu próprio filho.
O Outro Lado do Céu
Production Design
John Groberg (Christopher Gorham) é um jovem missionário que, nos anos 50, embarca em uma longa viagem juntamente com os nativos da ilha Tongan, deixando para trás a noiva e sua família. Ao longo de sua viagem ele escreve cartas para sua noiva, relatando suas aventuras para sobreviver em uma terra desconhecida. Ao mesmo tempo Groberg conhece a cultura local e faz amigos nos 3 anos que passa longe de casa.
Flight of the Albatross
Production Design
After a period of separation, Sarah visits her research scientist mother on a remote New Zealand island. Before long Sarah becomes inextricably involved in events involving both Maori legend and an Albatross.
Bread & Roses
Production Design
Based upon the life of activist and trade unionist (and later MP) Sonja Davies. The film covers her life up to 1956, when, at age 33, she was elected to the Nelson Hospital Board. During this period she develops strong socialist beliefs, marries and divorces, at age 17 trains as a nurse, has a romance (and a child) with an American marine who is killed in WWII action. She battles tuberculosis and marries a former boyfriend when he returns from the war. She becomes part of a women's ill-fated campaign to save the Nelson railway line from closure and begins to be elected to political bodies.
Absent Without Leave
Production Design
In 1942 Wellington, Daisy Edwards, 16 and pregnant, relies totally on her just-wed husband, Ed, who is little older than she. Ed is suddenly drafted into the army and is to be sent overseas to battle while Daisy is sent to her father in Auckland. When Ed's leave is cancelled at the last minute he takes the dangerous decision to go absent without leave to be with Daisy on her journey home. As a deserter, Ed is hunted, captured and imprisoned. Life inside is bad enought without the worry of what is going on outside. The film is based upon a true story.
Production Designer
Dorothy (Fiona Samuel), a lone swimmer, luxuriates in tranquil bliss at a deserted pool — only to have her solitude rudely interrupted by a squad of swimmers. A wordless, strikingly choreographed conflict ensues as Dorothy attempts to assert herself against the dehumanised aggression of the swimmers.
A Dupla Dinâmica
Art Direction
O futuro reverendo Nathaniel "Nate" Williamson (Michael O'Keefe) é abandonado à morte e sua bela noiva é raptada depois que o local onde mora, uma tranquila ilha do Sul do Pacifico, é atacada por uma legião de facínoras. Para salvá-la, a única esperança de Nate é formar uma improvável aliança com um notório e imprevisível bucaneiro chamado Bully Hayes (Tommy Lee Jones). Repleto de humor, romance e ação do mastro até o casco, Piratas das Ilhas Selvagens é uma aventura vibrante e "imperdível"!
Art Direction
In New Zealand in the 1860s the native Maori people fought the British colonials to keep the land guaranteed to them by treaty. The warrior Te Wheke fights for the British until betrayal leads him to seek utu (revenge). The settler Williamson in turn seeks revenge after Te Wheke attacks his homestead. Meanwhile Wiremu, an officer for the British, seems to think that resistance is futile.