Khaled is the assistant coach of a top Saudi Arabian football team. One day, after a stressful match, his frustration and bad attitude lands him in disciplinary court. He loses his job and is sentenced to the worst possible punishment for his ego: coaching a group of players with intellectual disabilities. Through their innocence, tenderness and plenty of good humor, they will teach Khaled the things that really matter in life.
Himself - Producer
She appeared when Spain was waking up from a long post-war period and crying with melodramas starring children, a child prodigy unlike any other; a girl who, in time, would become a symbol of freedom and a total artist. Actress, singer, friend, lover. This is the story of Ana Belén.
A coming-of-age story set in 1919 about 14 year old Faisal, an Arab prince who is dispatched from the deserts of Arabia to London by his warrior father, Prince Abd Al-Aziz, on a high stakes diplomatic mission to secure the formation of his country.
No final de sua carreira, o lendário diretor Orson Welles já não era mais o queridinho de Hollywood que fez sucesso com "Cidadão Kane". Um artista em processo de envelhecimento e aparentemente sem sorte, ele passou seis anos batalhando para tentar concluir "The Other Side of the Wind", o filme que ele acreditava que seria seu grande retorno. Com sua morte em 1985, o projeto acabou, permanecendo em um cofre sem ser terminado por quatro décadas. Imagens inéditas de Welles se unem a entrevistas com o elenco e a equipe do filme para contar a história do fim de sua carreira.
Roberto (José Mota) é um publicitário desempregado que alcançou o sucesso quando criou um famoso slogan: "Coca-Cola, a centelha da vida”. Agora é um homem desesperado, tentando lembrar-se dos dias felizes, volta ao hotel onde passou a sua Lua de Mel com a sua esposa (Salma Hayek). No entanto, no lugar do Hotel, o que encontra é um Museu erguido em torno de um Teatro Romano da cidade. Enquanto passeia pelas ruínas, sofre um acidente: uma vara de ferro fica cravada na cabeça e deixa-o completamente paralisado...
Um livre retrato do poeta italiano Lorenzo da Ponte, autor do libreto de Don Giovanni, amigo do libertino Giacomo Casanova e, ao mesmo tempo, um artista que vivia na dissipação. Da Ponte, um judeu veneziano convertido por obrigação ao cristianismo e que foi expulso de Veneza pela Inquisição, conheceu Mozart em Viena, trabalhando com ele na peça de teatro e lírica encarregada pelo rei austríaco, depois do sucesso de As Bodas de Figaro.
Um relato da vida do famoso Manolete, para muitos o maior matador de touros de todos os tempos, desde o seu sucesso retumbante nas arenas ao relacionamento com a sua mãe, passando pela sua paixão ardente com Lupe.
Executive Producer
The plot follows the story of twin brothers, one is a coldhearted violent police officer, the other is a helpless romantic with a mental disability. The two brothers are tragically involved with a prostitute who works in the bordello that gives the film its title. The film was adapted from an eponymous novel written by Juan Marsé.
Isi and Disi, the more thugs Leganés heavys return. This time Disi falls in love for the sexy Angie, former rock singer and girlfriend of a big shot record, Berdún. After being recognized as the most brutal band in the equally brutal contest presented by Angie, Disi not only have to save his group Ratamuerta, his friendship with Isi, and the temple of rock "The Kampana of Hell", but also rescue Angie from the clutches of machiavellian Berdún. Once again, rock triumph over evil ...
Will love compromise one man's devotion to heavy rock? That's the all-important question behind this broad comedy from Spain. Isi (Santiago Segura) and Disi (Florentino Fernandez) are two best friends who live in a lower middle-class neighborhood near Madrid. Isi and Disi aren't especially bright, but their devotion to heavy metal is complete and unquestioned, and they wouldn't be caught dead listening to a lame pop singer like, say , Joaquin Sabina. However, one day Isi sees Vane (Jaydy Michel), a beautiful girl who attends a nearby college, and immediately falls head over heels in love.
Will love compromise one man's devotion to heavy rock? That's the all-important question behind this broad comedy from Spain. Isi (Santiago Segura) and Disi (Florentino Fernandez) are two best friends who live in a lower middle-class neighborhood near Madrid. Isi and Disi aren't especially bright, but their devotion to heavy metal is complete and unquestioned, and they wouldn't be caught dead listening to a lame pop singer like, say , Joaquin Sabina. However, one day Isi sees Vane (Jaydy Michel), a beautiful girl who attends a nearby college, and immediately falls head over heels in love.
Numa aldeia isolada na Extremadura (Espanha), as famílias Jiménez e Fuentes têm uma história violenta de disputas de terra, ciúmes, inveja e violência.
Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War.
Executive Producer
Contra os desejos dos membros mais antigos da Igreja, Franklin (Aidan Quinn) é designado como o único professor laico no reformatório de São Judas. Encabeçado pelo sádico diretor, o Irmão John, Frank encontra-se sozinho no meio de todos os irmãos. Num forte contraste com o abuso verbal e físico a que a maioria dos jovens estão habituados, Franklin trata de construir uma amizade com os seus alunos baseada na confiança. No dia de Natal, o irmão John bate em dois pequenos irmãos por pressuposta quebra de uma regra do colégio. Franklin impede a agressão, mas não por muito tempo. A determinação do Irmão John em averiguar o porquê de Franklin ter decidido dar aulas em São Judas, está prestes a causar consequências inimagináveis.
Womanizing lawyer Fabio follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his past infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is bumbling police chief Enrico, who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet on a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.
Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.
A perseguição e captura de Abimael Guzman, líder do exército de guerrilheiros peruanos Sendero Luminoso, que durante 12 anos viveu na clandestinidade. Para contar essa história acompanhamos ascensão de Agustin Rejas (Javier Bardem, indicado ao Oscar® de Melhor Ator por "Antes do Anoitecer"), um ex-advogado que se torna o respeitado capitão da policia antiterrorista de um país governado pela corrupção e pelo desmando. Rejas assiste ao inicio de uma revolução silenciosa, que mais tarde torna-se furiosa. Enquanto o país mergulha no caos, a chama da paixão volta a queimar o coração do policial quando ele se aproxima de Yolanda (Laura Morante), a bela professora de balé de sua filha.
Two Spanish pan-handlers soon find themselves in over their heads when they stumble upon an opportunity to redeem themselves and perhaps the entire planet. The world appears to suffer from rampant poverty, violence and spiritual desperation and the relentless news media force-feeds these images to the Spanish people. A popular reality television show lets the audience decide between life or death for suspected felons, and one of the opportunistic pan-handlers attempts to escape poverty through this raucous and sensational TV program.
A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter pits himself against bad types, a pretty cinema-ticket girl takes to the streets at night and a young anarchist dedicates himself to telling tall stories. Far away, in Shanghai, a hero of the Republic meets a beautiful femme fatal with oriental eyes. Reality and fiction become fused in an embrace.
Four Italian men are suddenly involved in awkward situations, while they are spending the Christmas holiday, stuck in Amsterdam.
A trio of opera singers are reunited by a wedding ten years after their stormy breakup.
Students of the university of Salamanca are brutally murdered by a black masked minstrel. Alex, an architecture student who has recently moved to Salamanca discovers a pattern behind the killings; it seems as if the killer strikes regularly after the exams to free the campus from lousy students.
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
Torrente tem que lutar contra um terrorista internacional que está atuando em Marbella. Ele salvará a cidade das mãos desse criminoso com a ajuda de um assistente.
Julia, a real estate agent, finds an enormous amount of money hidden in a dead man's apartment, a stroke of luck that will force her to face the wrath of the very peculiar inhabitants of the condominium, headed by an unscrupulous administrator.
Ramiro Forteza is a Premier League goalkeeper whom the Civil War and the rigors of the war led to make a living visiting villages and challenging locals to mark him penalty goals. One evening he arrives to a town in Asturias and meets Manuela, a young widow with a son, who survives sewing for Ursula, Andrade's wife, the Civil Guard sergeant.
Ramón is secretly in love with Adela. One morning, he discovers her corpse among the oat fields
Alberto é um engenheiro de prestígio, tem esposa e filho, mas seu casamento está em crise. Elena, a esposa, descobre que ele tem um caso, mas só perde a calma quando descobre que é com um homem. Alberto se vê dividido e tem de fazer uma escolha entre os dois relacionamentos: seguir em frente com a família que ama ou assumir seu relacionamento com o decidido ortopedista Diego, por quem está apaixonado. Mas as angústias desta incerteza atingem a todos envolvidos neste triângulo amoroso.
Francisco Goya (1746-1828), deaf and ill, lives the last years of his life in voluntary exile in Bordeaux, a Liberal protesting the oppressive rule of Ferdinand VII. He's living with his much younger wife Leocadia and their daughter Rosario. He continues to paint at night, and in flashbacks stirred by conversations with his daughter, by awful headaches, and by the befuddlement of age, he relives key times in his life.
Torrente, The Stupid Arm of The Law by Santiago Segura stars Javier Cámara as a corrupt, poor, delusional, sexist, egocentric, drunk and right-winged Madrid cop named Torrente. This over the top comedy shows Torrente on his search for heroin drug dealers and the outrageous characters he passes on his way. A cult film and one of the funniest Spanish films was the most successful box-office film.
A woman's voice says she was wife to Renzo Franchi and Carlos Gardel (1890-1935), Argentina's great tango singer. People say she's crazy. Her story unfolds. Buenos Aires, 1933: Juana Romero, a seamstress who lives for the music of Gardel, dumps her boyfriend Gustavo for Renzo, a singer who looks like Gardel. She insists that his trio performs Gardel's tangos, which leads to Renzo recording a Ford commercial when Gardel himself is overbooked. The trio, with Joanna in tow, goes on an ill-fated tour of points north. The couple breaks up: she goes home and he tries to get to New York. Fate steps in, and once again he's called upon to pose as Gardel. Then, legend and a bracelet take over. Written by
She's sexy, shameless and loves taking people to their limit. She's a dangerous young woman who dreams about a jaguar that licks her naked body and sleeps by her side. Her past is bathed in blood and weird passions. Now she's met the man of her wildest dreams. He's dark, tough and mysterious. He likes robbing banks, trafficking in corpses and spicing it all with voodoo rituals. Together, the duo sets off toward Mexico destined to become the most feared outlaws in the continent.
An Andalusian duchess has the dilemma of what to do with a grove, whether to convert it into a natural reserve or to make a luxury urbanization. The duchess, who is torn between her aristocratic privileges and a social commitment that has cost her more than one dislike in the past, must make a decision about her lands, to which she wants to get some money without harming the people. On the other hand, An ambitious Basque financier, Antónón Ibarrondo, intends to build a luxury urbanization in the Marbella style in the grove. Around the duchess, the businessman, environmentalists and other members in the conflict, problems begin to arise and everything will be decided in a referendum, convened with the idea that it is the people who decide, which coincides with the annual celebration of the Pilgrimage del Pueblo.With a cast "
In the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War, a young man comes of age sexually, through a string of relationships with a wide range of mature, older women.
Se você acha que já viu tudo no cinema... acaba de achar o mais bizarro filme de todos os tempos. A personagem principal aqui é uma mulher escondida em um convento com seus poodles, enquanto seu namorado cumpre pena em uma prisão bastante esquisita. Até ai... tudo bem. Mas um meteorito cai na Terra e transforma a garota em uma criatura esquisita com uma Língua Voraz... Mas este é só o começo. "Língua Assassina", que conta com participação de Robert Englund (de "A Hora do Pesadelo"), traz muito mais.
The young nobleman Calisto falls in love with Melibea, the daughter of a rich merchant. Calisto's servant Sempronio suggests they get the sorceress Celestina to further the romance. However Calisto's other servant Parmeno is suspicious of Celestina, as he knows about her tricks.
Executive Producer
At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the nun Maria is forced to flee her convent. She takes refuge in a brothel, until it is liberated by a woman's anarchist group. Maria joins the group and eventually goes to the front. The women's group faces the problems of fighting not only the nationalists, but also factions on the left seeking to impose a more traditional military structure.
Executive Producer
Matias is a soccer referee. He promised his dying mother never to lie. When he referees a match of the spanish national team and there is a clear penalty against Spain in the last minute of the game he has no choice and marks the foul. As a result Spain does not qualify for the world championship and Matias is forced to escape from the rage of the people. He hides in the town of his father which he hasn't visited since his childhood.
Executive Producer
While the three heir sons of a hotel owner want to bring their establishment back to the glamour of former times, a Department of Health official tries to find the way of closing it permanently.
Um sacerdote acredita ter encontrado a mensagem secreta do livro do Apocalipse que o anti-cristo nascerá no dia 25 de dezembro em Madri. Para deter o anti-cristo, o sacerdote se une a um jovem aficcionado por death metal chamado José María, tentando descobrir por todos os meios em que parte de Madri o evento apocalíptico ocorrerá. Com ajuda do vidente Cavan, que apresenta um programa sobre o sobrenatural, o sacerdote terá que enfrentar a chegada do demônio, profetizado como "o dia da besta".
Executive Producer
A rock star falls in love with a common pickpocket without any personal history. But soon she finds herself in a contraband of drugs and both try to escape it.
Executive Producer
Ana works in an office where the things are going very badly. One night after having dinner with nasty rich people, she has a discussion with her husband. He dissapears and then the life of Ana changes: she has incredible luck in gambling.
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
A young woman’s passion forms the basis of this erotic Spanish drama adapted from a popular novel by Antonio Gala. The night before Desideria’s marriage, her girl friends give her some valuable advice on sex. The marriage takes place, and while it is generally happy, her husband Ramiro suffers from sexual dysfunction and Desideria is frustrated. The two end up on holiday in Istanbul with two friends. Desideria falls madly in love with the sensual ambiance of the ancient, teeming city. She begins a passionate affair with a handsome Turkish guide, Yaman. Upon her return home, she learns that she is pregnant. Ramiro agrees to support the child, but unfortunately it dies in infancy and the grieving Desideria flees for Istanbul to find her lover. She finds him and they renew their torrid affair. Later she learns some distressing things about Yaman, but this does not stop her from becoming his sexual slave and a call girl for wealthy carpet sellers.
Executive Producer
In Santa Fe de Tierra Firme, an imaginary Latin American country, the indigenous dictator Santos Banderas rules with an iron fist. A group of rebels trying to seize power by force while some liberals try a change of government legally.
Executive Producer
Benito González is a flamboyant engineer in Melilla, with a brash and pushy personality. His dream is to build the tallest building ever in the region. After his girlfriend leaves him, he devotes himself entirely to his ambitions, deciding to let nothing get in his way. He marries the daughter of a billionaire, intending to use her father's money to realise his project. Benito waltzes his way through a career of excess, fetishes and deceptions, but the personal conflicts he unleashes ultimately send his life spiraling down to disaster.
Joan Mares obsession for the lovely and luscious Norma Valenti takes epic proportions because he cannot let go of her. After he is injured by some skin heads, he uses his scars to pursue his life as a street musician. He devices a plan to get to Norma and she never catches on to his deceit, except she realizes that as Juan Faneca his performance in bed is exactly what she had experienced with Joan Mares because she concludes they were taught sex by the same prostitute.
A documentary covering the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona.
Executive Producer
O filme conta a história de Fernando (Jorge Sanz), um jovem anarquista espanhol que ao desertar do exército monarquista foge para o interior do país. Vagando pelo campo sem destino, acaba encontrando Manolo (Fernando Fernán Gómez), outro anarquista que se identifica com suas ideias e lhe dá abrigo. A súbita maré de sorte de Fernando ainda não acabou. Ao contrário, está apenas começando. É que Manolo é pai de quatro mulheres maravilhosas. E as irmãs, sedentas de amor e cada uma à sua maneira, vão usar de todo seu charme para conquistar o inocente visitante. Difícil vai ser controlar o desejo e escolher apenas uma delas para amar.
Jose Luis trabalha na fábrica de roupas íntimas comandada por seus pais. Sua namorada, Sylvia vem de uma família em dificuldades financeiras, e por isso é rejeitada pela rica família de Jose Luis. Quando ela engravida, o casamento parece ser a única saída possível, mas os pais do jovem, preocupados em vê-lo casado a uma moça pobre, contratam o sedutor Raul, um modelo de cuecas e toureiro, para seduzi-la.
In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)
Fifteen years after the plot a lawyer and a military ex-attorney meet and recall the intense days of 1975 when both participated in the decission of war or peace. The film is told in flashbacks of the two protagonists.
As experiências de Lulu e Pablo que iniciam na adolescência um jogo amoroso que continua na vida adulta. Pablo cria um mundo à parte para Lulu, um universo privado onde não há tempo. Mas esse mundo ideal desaparece quando Lulu, com 30 anos, descobre o perigoso e perverso universo dos desejos proibidos.
Executive Producer
Paulino and Carmela are husband and wife, troubadours touring the countryside during the Spanish Civil War. They are Republicans, and with their mute assistant, Gustavete, they journey into rebel territory by mistake. They are arrested, fear a firing squad, and receive a reprieve from an Italian Fascist commander who loves the theatre. He arranges a performance for his troops, bargaining with Paulino to stage a burlesque of the republic in exchange for the actors' freedom. Will the fiery and patriotic Carmela consent?
Um filme do diretor Carlos Saura. O diretor espanhol nos mostra este processo de uma forma particular, viva e eficaz, demonstrando a força de um homem fiel aos seus desejos e ideais, Doutor da Igreja e padroeiro dos poetas espanhóis.
Executive Producer
A história de uma expedição pelos rios Orinoco e Amazonas em 1560 por soldados espanhóis em busca da lendária cidade do ouro, El Dorado.
In the summer of 1816, Percy Shelley, his mistress Mary, and her stepsister Claire visit Lord Byron at Lake Geneva. Byron challenges each to write a horror story, and Mary begins her novel, Frankenstein. She imagines the monster becoming real, and for the next six years, as tragedy befalls those around her, she believes the personification of her imagination is the cause. Against this backdrop, Claire has Byron's baby then is estranged from him and barred from her daughter. Byron and Percy continue their friendship, the one self-centered and decadent, the other wildly idealistic. The Shelleys take up residence near Pisa.
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
Executive Producer
Um toureiro é ferido por um touro e não pode mais matar na arena. É apenas uma falha, além de muitas outras de vários personagens que colidem de forma insuspeita.
Executive Producer
Pablo and Fernando, owners of a children's book publishing company about to go bankrupt, have managed through unorthodox means to contract the country's best-selling author, Adela Mora. The evening of the official signing, Paco asks his friend to let him use his house for a love tryst while Fernando wines and dines Adela. At the same time, Paco's wife, Carmen, will be taking her lover to Rosa's house. From here on the rout begins, as Paco tries to get rid of Silvia, his secretary, and Carmen, her husband. Fernando thinks Rosa is cheating on him with Oscar, who thinks Fernando is gay and having an affair with his partner, while the soldier thinks his girlfriend is a professional...
Christina Von Belle, a wealthy heiress, is kidnapped by a lesbian terrorist group and held for ransom. She escapes the lesbian terrorists only to fall into the clutches of a gang of gourmet chefs who want a piece of the ransom themselves.
Parody of a real event, the expropriation of RUMASA holding, owned by businessman Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos by the government led by Felipe González. The film chronicles the adventures of three friends José María (Antonio Ozores), Ruiz (Juanito Navarro) and Mateo (Raul Sender), dividing the shareholders of a company in serious economic crisis. Faced with adversity, go to the National Government requesting the expropriation of the company, so you do not have to worry about the salaries of the workers, or their own.
Miguel, who escaped from prison two months before finishing his sentence, thinks only of revenge and finding his beloved Diana.
Executive Producer
Barcelona between 1917 and 1923. Is the era of gangsterism, during which gunmen clash between anarchists and thugs paid by The Patronal showed a shocking number of deaths. The confrontation between anarchists and workers of the factory owners Savolta arms worsens when Savolta family decides to end the rebellion hiring murderers hired and plotting to hide their illegal transactions with Germany. Adapted from the novel by Eduardo Mendoza.
Chicken, a desperate hippie junkie living in a small Spanish village, is finding it difficult to separate fantasy and reality. This isn't helped by the villagers practising magic and child sacrifice, or his involvement with a group of boozy expatriates lost in their own dreams and regrets.
Executive Producer
Two night watchmen take a man sleeping on a park bench to the police station.
Executive Producer
A documentary about how Republican forces lost to Franco in the Spanish Civil War.
Executive Producer
Lozana, a young, beautiful and clever woman decides to move to the city after a tragic love story. There, she meets Rampin, a naughty rascal who soon finds out that her wit surpasses his own by a handful. When he falls in love with her, he can't help suffering as he sees how she plays not only with him, but with all of her lovers as well.
Executive Producer
Manuela is a woman unlucky in love. But when she meets Eduardo, a married man, her life will change completely, as his side may start singing career.
Julio, an only child belonging to a wealthy family, murders a prostitute who tries to seduce him. He, in childhood, suffered severe trauma and this causes serious problems with women. Because of this, runs away and stays in a boarding house in Madrid, where he meets Monica, the daughter of the owner, who maintains relationships that seek to build on for help in their desperate situation. As his obsession for killing is increasing.
Executive Producer
A young woman just released from a mental institution returns home to her mansion and faces a new set of horrors.
F for Fake é um documentário ensaístico, um filme sobre a fraude, a mentira, nos seus vários ângulos. Centra-se na vida do famoso falsificador de arte Elmyr de Hory.Welles surge em vários locais, inclusive num restaurante, até numa suposta sala de edição, criando um filme dentro do filme.
Executive Producer
Um escritor inglês viúvo viaja com sua jovem namorada para uma casa remota que ele possui na Espanha. Pouco depois de chegar, ela começa a notar um comportamento estranho em seu enteado, um menino de 12 anos, que parece estar obcecado por ela.
Executive Producer
William Shatner plays two roles: cowboy Johnny Moon and his ruthless Indian twin brother, Notah. Notah likes peyote and gets the crazy idea that he's the Comanche messiah sent to lead the Comanche nation against the white man but more specifically the dusty desert town of Rio Hondo. Moon, estranged from his brother, decides to stop Notah either by words or by bullets.