A bold anthology feature film made by an all-female creative team and cast. Based on the popular play of the same name the 80-minute movie follows 10 women scorned as they directly address their exes' new wives and lovers at an open mic night in Los Angeles. Created by a dynamic group of emerging filmmakers at a time when audiences are demanding films made both by and for women, the project taps into a social and political climate that's left women poised to take back their voices and be heard.
Tammy Denton
Diane McCarthy (Leah Pipes) is a reality television producer for her arrogant ex-boyfriend’s show highlighting travel destinations. While driving to her next assignment, Diane swerves off the road and gets stuck as a storm approaches. Nearby, she sees the Forest Cove bed and breakfast. Owner, Helen (Lindsay Wagner), offers Diane a complimentary room until her car is ready. Diane, desperate for shelter, accepts Helen’s offer and meets Helen’s handsome son Andy (Rick Malambri). Impressed by its charm, Diane changes plans for the next episode to instead focus on Forest Cove. Helen is excited and hopes the show will bring in much needed business. Andy, preparing to sell the struggling property, is against it. Despite his objections, Andy and Diane bond while preparing for the show. But it gets complicated when, Jared, Diane’s ex and host of the show, arrives and throws a wrench in things.
Um grupo de formandos e colegas de classe se reúnem para uma festa, um dia antes da comemoração de 10 anos de sua antiga formatura. Logo, um a um, começam a ser assassinados de maneiras brutais e relacionadas com o que disseram em seus respectivos anuários.
Hannah Ford
Eric Schultz, the most popular student at Lake O'Dell High School, is coerced by his guidance counselor, Sylvia Martin, into fulfilling a list of her high school fantasies in order for him to graduate.
Val and her friends play a game that allows them to communicate with the dead. The Knock Knock Game turns any doorway into a portal to the hereafter, but the girls soon learn that are rules that should never be broken.
Após seis anos de má sorte, a cantora Madison Park finalmente retorna à popularidade. Seu mundo vira de cabeça para baixo quando um bombeiro bonito, John Kelly, salva sua vida de várias maneiras.
Lacy St. Morgan
Uma família tenta esquecer seu passado obscuro, mas a tragédia volta a assombrá-los. Agora, eles precisam enfrentar seus mais profundos sentimentos.
Dez anos depois dos Dollanganger terem escapado, a família tenta deixar seu passado obscuro para trás, mas a tragédia os atinge novamente. Cathy volta a confrontar sua avó e Christopher e Cathy são forçados a enfrentar seus sentimentos.
As chances de uma aluna ingressar numa boa faculdade pesam na balança quando suas fotos inapropriadas são postadas na Internet.