Ido Dolev


Das Jerusalem-Syndrom
Production Design
Off White Lies
Production Design
In this bittersweet family comedy, shy teenager Libby moves back to Israel to live with her hapless father Shaul, unexpectedly finding herself without a home as war breaks out around them. Shaul devises a creative solution: posing as refugees, they are taken in by a wealthy family in Jerusalem. Finally in a “normal” household, Shaul and Libby begin to build their father-daughter relationship, but their false identities can’t last forever.
No Limite da Mentira
Art Direction
David, Rachel e Stephan são ex-agentes do serviço secreto israelense que capturaram um criminoso nazista nos anos 60, mas em 1997 surgem desdobramentos do caso que podem ameaçar a reputação dos três.
Adam: Memórias de uma Guerra
Art Direction
A história de Adam Stein, um homem que viveu o drama de ser judeu na Alemanha nazista e sobreviveu aos traumas dos campos de concentração. Sua mente ficou afetada e agora está internado em um hospital psiquiátrico, no qual tentam reconduzí-lo a uma existência o mais normal possível para quem viveu os horrores do Holocausto. Mas Adam não é um homem comum nem um doente comum. Ele é muito inteligente para confundir os seus médicos e perceber o que está além da realidade.
Broken Wings
Art Direction
Daphne and her four children try to cope with the abrupt death of husband/father. As the family seems to fall apart, a sudden incident gives them a chance to heal their 'broken wings'.
A Speck on the Eyelash
Production Design
Can Fear be a self fulfilling prophecy? A husband, a wife and their best friend return from a ski vacation. The husband suspects that his wife has fallen in love with the friend. He confronts his friend rather than his wife. The friend dismisses the accusation. Is he lying? and if not, how will these doubts affect him, and will he view the wife differently from now on? And the wife: Is she indeed in love? if so, will she do something about it? If not, will she sense the suspicions around her? could she not? And the husband: should he discover that he was wrong, would he be able to stop that which he had begun with mere words? An anxiety that settled in the mind of one, takes over his life and rocks the lives of two