Adolfo Pérez Esquivel


A Fantástica Fábrica de Golpes
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Brazil has a long tradition of coup d'états. These coups would have not been viable without the support of the big media, particularly TV Globo. Two Brazilian journalists in the UK reveal the manipulative tactics of these organisations.
Na intimidade do Palácio da Alvorada, o cotidiano da presidente Dilma Rousseff, primeira e única mulher a governar o Brasil, durante o desenrolar dramático do impeachment que a tirou do poder. Rodado entre julho e setembro de 2016, o filme testemunha a tensão e a perplexidade que escalavam no círculo da presidente, em reuniões, telefonemas intermináveis e sussurros ouvidos da cozinha à guarda do palácio de Oscar Niemeyer. Ao mesmo tempo, revela uma personalidade surpreendente nas conversas informais em que Dilma fala de política, história, literatura – e de si própria.
1983: After more than seven years of terror, the Argentineans recover the democracy. The reconstruction of a climate of time and an event that marked a point of break not only in the policy but in the culture and the arts of Argentina
Malvinas: La retirada
Él mismo
For Example, Argentina
Documentary on State terrorism during the last military dictatorship in Argentina, made in its aftermath. Invited by the Goethe-Institut to hold a workshop with young film students, Schroeter contrasts the official statements of the regime with the testimony of victims, dissidents and relatives of the disappeared. And trust that their faces and words will resonate much more than a mere representation of violence.
Malvinas: Stories of Betrayals
Evita, quien quiera oír que oiga