Alan Oldfield


Justiça de um Bravo
Music Programmer
Um vendedor de cavalos, Redding, de Wyoming confronta, na Justiça, um rancheiro que abusou de seus cavalos e seu treinador. A reclamação, porém, não surte efeito, fazendo com ele decida fazer a sua própria justiça.
Crime e Castigo
Music Supervisor
A modern day adaptation of Dostoyevsky's classic novel about a young student who is forever haunted by the murder he has committed.
The Fear: Resurrection
Music Supervisor
It's death-by-fear (aka scared-to-death) in this deceptively psychological thriller. The hero, Mike brings his friends to his grandparents' house for a Halloween party wherein they will all dress up as their innermost fears. Mike's fear is that he's inherited a homicidal legacy from his father. Mike's father was a serial killer who murdered his mother right in front of him when Mike was five before committing suicide. Mike's fear manifests itself in his inability to commit to his girlfriend of 4 1/2 years, Peg for fear that he will kill her too. Everything gets rolling when an ancient Indian totem wooden figure named Morty comes to life and starts killing off Mike's friends by making their worst fears come true. The ultimate confrontation comes when Mike has to face his greatest fear - his own father.
The Forest
Original Music Composer
A cannibal hermit living in the woods preys on campers and hikers for his food supply.
From motorcycles to Swamp buggies; from Pike Peak to Baja California - "Dirt" covers the motorsports world of off-road racing and competitions. There is humor, drama, and suspense in this light-hearted view of off-pavement competition
Original Music Composer
On the quiet campus of the remotely-located SouthWestern University, something strange is happening. All of the dogs in the area, once loyal, gentle pets, are now banding together in wild packs and hunting down their former masters. Could the strange transformation have anything to do with the secret government experiments being conducted in the school's physics laboratory? More importantly, can the dogs be stopped before it's too late?