Sophie Dussaud


Pour Djamila
Costume Design
93, rue Lauriston
Costume Design
93, rue Lauriston, in the 16th arrondissement de Paris, is an address of bleak memory. It was indeed the headquarter of the French Gestapo, which was active between 1941 and 1944 and was headed by Henri Lafont and Pierre Loutrel, two wanted criminals. On the day of 1940 he was demobilized, little did well-meaning Léon Jabinet know that he would be associated with such disreputable characters. And yet, some time later, Odile Panzer, the Jewish girl he has been hiding at his parents'place, is arrested by the Gestapo. On this occasion Léon is offered a deal for her release: collaborating with the Carlingue (another name for the French auxiliaries of the Nazi police) and Odile will be free. Or else... What should he do?
O Silêncio do Lago
Costume Design
Rex e Saskia estão desfrutando de umas férias de bicicleta na França quando, parando em um posto de gasolina, Saskia desaparece. Confuso, Rex procura em todos os lugares, mas sem sucesso. Três anos depois, ele ainda está obcecado em encontrá-la, defendendo seu caso na televisão, colocando cartazes e arruinando seu novo relacionamento no processo. Eventualmente, um professor de química despretensioso, Raymond, se aproxima de Rex, insinuando que ele sabe o que aconteceu. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)