Gloria Laso

Gloria Laso

Nascimento : 1947-10-24, Santiago, Chile


Gloria Laso


Hombres que sueñan
The life and experiences of six emblematic Chilean actors. One by one, they relate aspects of their trajectories, origin and dreams, reliving and analyzing not only their careers, but also happy and historical moments that marked their lives.
Sex Life of Plants
After a head injury makes a dimwit stranger out Barbara's beloved Guille, she ceases to feel desire for him. Nearing 35, and longing for motherhood, she settles with a new partner, while the memory of lost love harrows her.
Viejos amores
Seven actresses talk about their lives, their characters, the history of Chile and the construction of the national theater, of their loves and their anecdotes, of those who are and those who have left.
Gloria é uma divorciada de 58 anos. Seus filhos saí­ram de casa, mas ela não tem vontade de passar seus dias e noites sozinha. Determinada a desafiar a velhice e a solidão, ela entra de cabeça em um turbilhão de festas para solteiros em busca de gratificação instantânea – que só leva repetidamente para decepções e vazio. Mas então ela conhece Rodolfo, um ex-oficial naval sete anos mais velho que ela, a quem se sente romanticamente inclinada. Glora até começa a imaginar uma relação permanente entre os dois. No entanto, o encontro apresenta desafios inesperados e Gloria gradualmente se encontra sendo forçada a confrontar seus próprios segredos obscuros.
Caleuche: O Chamado do Mar
Simón's Wife
Isabel (Giselle Itié) é uma biológa que trabalha com espécies marinhas nos Estados Unidos. Quando descobre sofrer de uma doença rara, ela decide voltar à ilha de Chiloé, no sul do Chile, de onde vieram seus pais. O local é marcado pelo desaparecimento de diversos pescadores, fato que os habitantes atribuem à lenda de Caleuche, um barco fantasma que transita naquelas águas em busca de novas almas. Quando chega à ilha misteriosa, Isabel começa a presenciar acontecimentos sobrenaturais ao seu redor.
Baño de mujeres
Three women get locked in the bathroom of an airport. This confinement becomes some sort of therapy that reveals the truth of each one of them.
A determined teenager must rely on her own wits when her fractured family abandons her.
La Frontera
A Chilean teacher, Ramiro, is sentenced to internal exile in a southern town where tidal waves often appear. He falls for a woman, Maite, whose father asks him to take her away. Although he gets his freedom he doesn't leave and when the water rises, Maite and her father die, and Ramiro flees to the hills.
Voice Professor
A mix between documentary and fiction, Angeles shows the story of a group of college students who gradually disappear, with no explanation. Focuses specifically on the story of Juan Maino.
The Lawless Land
Checkpoint Battered Woman
Action-adventure set in a world of the near-future, where young love is forbidden among the lower classes. Nevertheless, one couple defies their police-state world to fight and hold on to whatever love they can find.
The Compass Rose
Exiled Chilean director Patricio Guzmán filmed in Cuba and in Venezuela to create this controversial statement on the creation and survival of Latin American culture from the late-15th century to the present. For some viewers, the film will be superficially symbolic and rhetorical, for others, it will be a strong and personal vision of several centuries of history.
The Compass Rose
Sra. Haller
Exiled Chilean director Patricio Guzmán filmed in Cuba and in Venezuela to create this controversial statement on the creation and survival of Latin American culture from the late-15th century to the present. For some viewers, the film will be superficially symbolic and rhetorical, for others, it will be a strong and personal vision of several centuries of history.
Les transplantés
A right-wing family decides to exile themselves to Europe after Salvador Allende's victory during the presidential elections of 1970; only to find themselves losing their comfortable socio-economic status and be subjected to a dramatic proletarianization that will lead them to all kinds of struggles.
Gracia y el Forastero
Estado de Sítio
No Uruguai, no início dos anos 1970, um funcionário da Agência para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (um grupo usado como uma frente para a formação policial estrangeira ) é seqüestrado por um grupo de guerrilha urbana. Usando seu interrogatório como um pano de fundo, o filme explora as consequências frequentemente brutal da luta entre o governo do Uruguai e da guerrilha esquerdista Tupamaro.