Sara Maraffino


20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending
Abaixo das ruas de Nova Iorque, há um mundo sombrio e perigoso escondido nas sombras dos túneis abandonados do metrô. Quando uma jovem documentarista vai para esses túneis tentar revelar a história das pessoas que vivem abaixo de nossos pés, ela descobre que há mais para temer do que apenas o escuro. Uma figura misteriosa, que vive fora do alcance da lei, declarou guerra contra o mundo exterior e isso ameaça dividir a frágil sociedade que vive nos túneis e talvez até mesmo a cidade acima dela.
Adults Only
Visions of a past relationship leave Matthew broken and isolated until an intimate encounter at a porn arcade opens a peephole to unexpected possibilities.
Dead Hearts
Once upon a time, in a faraway forest bordered by an icy lake, there lived a witch who hated all mankind. She did not have a heart of her own, and without one, had been cursed to never know love. But having no heart, she was also made immortal , kept from death. Such was the witch's curse that she despised anyone whose heart still beat, and would kill whoever dared set foot in her forest. If she were ever able to love...She would lose her powers and become mortal once more.