Renne Gjoni

Renne Gjoni


Renne Gjoni


The Guardian Angel
Policeman in Car #1
Copenhagen, Denmark, 1951. Criminal investigator Anders Olsen follows the case of a bank robber who eyewitnesses say appears to have been acting under some kind of trance.
Amsterdam Express
An Albanian emigrant is caught in Amsterdam among the promise and allure of the sin-filled city.
Fashion Tension
Šef osoblja
A small village on an island called Bura, is looking for the 100th citizen so that the village may become a town. The head of the village will do anything to get what he wants...
Os Filhos do Padre
Muškarac iz Njemačke
Em uma pitoresca vila na Dalmácia, há mais funerais do que nascimentos. Fabian (Kresimir Mikic) é um jovem padre indicado para ser o novo pároco desse lugar. Ao ouvir a confissão de um dos fiéis, ele descobre que a baixa natalidade é culpa da alta venda de preservativos. Horrorizado e querendo modificar essa situação, ele tem uma brilhante e drástica ideia: perfurar todas as camisinhas antes que elas sejam vendidas. Para isso, se junta ao jornaleiro Petar (Niksa Butijer) e ao farmacêutico Marin (Marija Skaricic). Só que o "milagroso" "boom" de bebês causa consequências inesperadas.
In the Land of Wonders
Still today, years after the war, some regions are contaminated with broken families, poverty, crime and low-grade uranium. In the middle of nowhere in Western Herzegovina, at a NATO military training range, a nine-year-old girl called Alica, together with her uncle Valentin, collects shells and scraps of grenades to sell on the black market. Valentin dies of cancer, Alica's diagnosis is not good but there's no money for therapy. Alica's journey through the Land of Wonders begins.
Two Players from the Bench
The Hague Investigator
Ante and Dusko are two Dream Team players. Besides being a Croat and a Serb who fought on opposite sides in the war, both used to be volleyball players. Today, they live normal lives, one in a remote craggy region, the other in Banja Luka. There is little chance of them ever meeting again. The International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague has indicted Colonel Skoko, a hero to some, a criminal to the others. The two main witnesses to his defense, Mato and Joso, have disappeared without a trace. Skoko's sponsor from the intelligence circles, Antisa, wants to find two men resembling Mato and Joso, to impersonate them before the Hague investigators, and hopefully bring down the indictments. Naturally, the two men he finds are none other than our heroes, Ante and Dusko.
FBI Agent Michaels
Sete anos se passaram desde que Dr. Hannibal Lecter escapou da prisão. O brilhante mas perigosíssimo psiquiatra agora está solto pela Europa. Mason Verger se lembra bem do seu contato com Dr. Lecter, pois foi sua sexta vítima. Embora horrivelmente desfigurado, sobreviveu, e agora busca vingança. Verger percebe que, para encontrar Lecter, precisa despertar o interesse dele com uma isca: a agente do FBI Clarice Starling.