Nomotopowell explores the unnamed histories of lost settlements and human skulls around a village in Florida. Structured as a travelogue, and combining landscapes with abstracted archival texts and voices, the film summons the spirits that haunt a shape-shifting territory, reflecting a violent national residue without ever leaving the village.
In The Wooster Group’s HAMLET, Shakespeare’s classic tragedy is re-imagined by mixing and repurposing Richard Burton’s 1964 Broadway production, directed by John Gielgud. The Burton production was recorded in live performance from 17 camera angles and edited into a film that was shown as a special event for only two days in nearly 1,000 movie houses across the U.S. The idea of bringing a live theater experience to thousands of simultaneous viewers in different cities was trumpeted as a new form called “Theatrofilm,” made possible through “the miracle of Electronovision.” The Wooster Group attempts to reverse the process, reconstructing a hypothetical theater piece from the fragmentary evidence of the edited film. We channel the ghost of the legendary 1964 performance, descending into a kind of madness, intentionally replacing our own spirit with the spirit of another.
A short documentary about a long-standing, now defunct video store in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood, Alan's Alley, and its charismatic owner, Alan Sklar, a human movie database.
O garoto Jeremiah vivia feliz na estabilidade financeira e emocional dos pais adotivos. Mas sua mãe biológica, Sarah, pediu sua guarda de volta e jogou-o, aos sete anos, num mundo que ele não queria conhecer: bebidas, amantes, drogas e violência sexual. Até que seus avós maternos, extremistas religiosos, levam-no por um outro caminho, só um pouco menos maluco. Sarah, porém, na ânsia de destruir sua vida, não hesitará em destruir a de seu filho, se puder. Enganoso é o coração, mais que tudo. Quem poderá compreendê-lo?