Rebecka Lafrenz

Rebecka Lafrenz

Nascimento : 1969-06-24, Härlanda, Gothenburg, Göteborgs och Bohus län, Sweden [now Västra Götalands län, Sweden]


Rebecka Lafrenz


Comedy Queen
After her mother’s death and father’s ensuing depression, 13-year-old Sasha decides to look on the bright side of life and become a stand-up comedian.
Psychosis in Stockholm
Executive Producer
On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age becomes an equally sudden necessity.
Bert's Diary
Bert is a 13-year old boy about to start eight grade. Amira is a 13-year old girl starting the same class. Amira also happens to be the younger sister of Leila, the most popular girl in school that everyone has a crush on. Bert too. Bert sees his chance to get close to Leila by befriending Amira. When Bert finds a secret diary at the sisters’ home a rollercoaster of a love story filled with emotions, cringe, betrayal and heartbreak begins.
Assassinato no Congo
Joshua French e Thiostolv Moland são aventureiros noruegueses que viajam ao Congo em uma missão importante. No caso de sua conclusão bem-sucedida, os homens receberão uma taxa substancial. No entanto, eles nem conseguiam pensar em quais julgamentos os aguardam em um país estrangeiro. Os homens são acusados ​​de matar um motorista de táxi que os levou pela cidade. Os policiais prendem os turistas pelo período da investigação. Além disso, depois de algum tempo, eles começam a acusá-los de espionagem. Os amigos poderão provar sua inocência e descobrir a verdade sobre o assassinato?.
The Charmer
A young Iranian man is desperately trying to meet women who can secure his stay in Denmark. As time runs out, he falls in love and his past catches up with him. The film deals with themes of race, class, and the struggle for a better life.
Swedish Candy, Some Violence and a Bit of Cat
Executive Producer
An existential sugar shock which takes us on a fun, candy-filled roller-coaster ride between cruel violence and extreme cuteness - which prove to be disturbingly close together.
Encontros e Desencantos
Uma história moderna sobre relacionamento, intimidade e sexualidade. A fotógrafa Mika e o músico Tesfay estão incrivelmente apaixonados. Por fora, tudo parece lindo, mas a realidade é muito diferente. Quando um conflito começa a surgir aos poucos entre o casal, as regras do relacionamento mudam para ambos.
Shadow Animals
Executive Producer
A young girl follows her parents to a party where she experiences assorted grown-up rituals. As the evening progresses she finds the adults' behavior increasingly strange. Everyone tries to fit in, but not everyone succeeds.
Golden Girl
Golden Girl is a film about the forces at play around Frida Wallberg, WBC world champion. It's about putting it all on the line in a deadly sport. About rosy dreams that crash into a nothing less than brutal reality.
Meu Nome É Emily
Emily (Evanna Lynch) é uma menina que passou a viver em um lar adotivo após seu pai ter sido internado por esclerose lateral amiotrófica. Sentindo-se sufocada em casa e sofrendo bullying na escola, ela pede a ajuda do amigo Arden (George Webster) para resgatar o pai do hospital e, juntos, acabam embarcando em uma viagem reveladora.
I Remember When I Die
Executive Producer
Death, the passage of time and eternity. Big topics, but seen from a new and original perspective in a film based on a simple idea: that one's sense of time ceases to function when one dies, and that one for a short – or in fact very long – moment has the chance to experience eternity. And to therefore live in a single memory forever. Which one would you choose? 'I Remember When I Die' takes place at life's last destination, a hospice, but is a poetic and vital journey into the borderland of consciousness, and right into a possible afterlife.
Algo a Romper
Executive Producer
When Sebastian meets Andreas for the first time, he knows they belong together. While Sebastian defies gender norms — flouting convention in his androgynous fluidity — straight-identifying Andreas becomes unable to accept his attraction to another man, as their relationship progresses. Struggling with his identity, Sebastian becomes increasingly determined to become “Ellie,” even if it means walking away from Andreas.
Depois de ter sido demitido de seu emprego atual como piloto e abandonado por sua esposa atual, ele procura encontrar um novo emprego. Por desespero no mercado de trabalho, ele se disfarça de mulher para conseguir um emprego em Silver, uma empresa que procura uma piloto feminina. As linhas entre sua vida feminina e masculina, assim como sua vida pessoal e amor, começam a se tornar um borrão, que ele, eventualmente, não consegue lidar...
Duct tape, electrical cables, trigger, explosives. Sebbe never planned to build a bomb. It just happened. Sebbe is 15 years old and lives with his mother in an apartment that is too narrow. He does his best. He never strikes back. Sebbe loves his mother because he knows nothing else. In the junkyard the dream is alive, and in the hands of Sebbe, dead objects come to life. Here he has the power to create. Here he is free - but alone. His isolation grows as his world shrinks, until one day he is completely isolated with no other than his mother. And when she falls, everything falls.
Heaven's Heart
Executive Producer
Two couples, old friends, end up in a heated debate over adultery at a dinner party.