Elena Vorobey

Nascimento : 1967-06-05, Brest, USSR (Belarus)


Elena Vorobey


Новогодний мюзикл "Морозко" создан по одноименной старой сказке! Мать юной Настеньки умерла, и девушка осталась с отцом, который вскоре женился на другой женщине. Мачеха оказалась злой и ворчливой женщиной, и заставляла Настеньку делать всю грязную работу по дому. А однажды рассердилась так, что велела мужу отвезти Настю в лес и оставить там замерзать. В лесу добрая девушка встретила Морозко, старый волшебник одарил девушку драгоценными подарками за ее ласку и приветливость...
A musical and somewhat updated version of the old "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish of Pushkin." The old man and the Old woman are touting the girl as husbands of the enviable groom of the “blah blah blah-city and gla-gla-gla-glamorous” handsome man. In order to please Maryushka, he arranges a real rout in a fashion boutique, choosing his outfits and driving madly unhappy saleswomen. Other grooms also marry to the beautiful Maryushka. But Maryushka love Ivanushka the fisherman and she will find her happiness only thanks to the Goldfish ...
This fairy tale takes place on the New Year's Eve. Elka, a polar bear cub, finds a Magic Tunnel of Friendship near his home. This Tunnel connects the Northern and the Southern Poles. With the help of the Tunnel, Elka gets a friend - a penguin girl Tasha. She tells Elka that Antarctica, her motherland, is in a great danger, since evil people have been stealing the snow which is almost all gone by now. Elka and Tasha leave immediately to save Antarctica. At the Southern Pole, the brave polar bear cub and the little penguin will find true friends and experience the most unbelievable adventure of their lives. Written by Tatiana Didusenko
Poor Baby
Witch / Frog Princess
It's a reflection on whether the Fairy Tale, Dream and Love can survive today and whether they have a place in the modern world. More precisely, in those little worlds into which this world is split, each of which has its own laws, its kings and presidents, like in a toad swamp, its own security and accounting, like in the hole of the Mouse and the Mole. The action of the new fairy tale largely reflects modern reality, there is a lot of humor, satire and a little sadness in it.
Первый Скорый
Старые песни о главном 4 : Постскриптум
The Body Will Be Committed to the Ground, And the Senior Warrant Officer Will Sing
Speeding cars. Rainy St. Petersburg. Nightclubs. The opera. Drugs. Shootouts. Leather coats. Fights. Hotel rooms. Tattoos. Death... The main stake in the game is the body of the deceased "Captain", who even in his death manages to cause a lot of trouble for those who knew him.
Angelica's Passion
Anzhelika is a young waitress with one special quality - her libido goes sky high during the thunderstorm...