Itai Neeman


On This Happy Note
Director of Photography
Anat Gov, one of the most influential playwrights in Israeli theatre, is preparing for her death. She asks Arik Kneller, an artists' agent, to be the executor of her will. Arik struggles to accept the humor and serenity with which she faces her upcoming end. Anat, consciously accepting her nearing end, wishes to leave a spiritual legacy: there can be a happy ending. Almost a decade after her death, her loved ones try to fill the void left by her words with their own. Through excerpts from her plays and footage of her family and political world, a new script is written: one in which the line between the play and reality is blurred.
Vida Activa: O Espírito de Hannah Arendt
Director of Photography
A vida e obra da filósofa política alemã de ascendência judaica Hannah Arendt (1906-75), que causou um alvoroço quando cunhou um conceito subversivo, a banalidade do mal, em seu livro de 1963 sobre o julgamento do criminoso de guerra nazista Adolph Eichmann (1906-62), realizado em Israel em 1961, que ela cobriu para a revista New Yorker.
Four Years of Night
For four years (1977-1981) Esaias Baitel documented a violent Parisian neo-Nazi gang. Having gained their trust, he was able to get close to them. Living among the gang members, he witnessed horrific events, and while hiding his real identity, he photographed a one-of-a-kind collection of gripping stills. Over thirty years have passed. Esaias Baitel has laid his camera down. He returns to the dark nights he spent in the City of Lights, the city where he lived a double life, going back and forth from the gang to the young family he had just started.
Year Zero
Through a mosaic of stories intertwined and created a current picture of the sad social and economic situation in Israel. Mother forced into prostitution to support her son; Blind man must survive after loosing his dog; Son is looking for his rocker father's; Apartment owner complicates his life while entering the underworld...