Rafael Salazar


Doors Cut Down
Guillermo seems like your average high school student, but in fact he's a suave expert at cruising his local shopping malls for gay sex. From a random trick, to his English tutor, to the hottest guy he's ever seen, Guillermo is completely honest and reveals everything.
Caçada Sádica
Set Decoration
A ruthless rancher, and his gang, use extremely long range rifles to kill the men who kidnapped his wife.
Quando os Bravos se Encontram
Set Decoration
O velho xerife mexicano-americano Bob Valdez sempre foi um refúgio de sanidade em uma terra de loucura quando se tratava de defender a lei e a ordem. Mas o contrabandista de armas Frank Tanner é ganancioso e impulsivo. Quando Tanner provoca um tiroteio que causa a morte de um homem inocente e Valdez lhe pede para compensar financeiramente a viúva, Tanner se recusa a fazê-lo e humilha severamente Valdez, que fará justiça e vingará sua honra, não importa o que seja preciso.
¡Vente a Alemania, Pepe!
Assistant Production Manager
Peralejos, a quiet village in Upper Aragon, is a place where nothing ever happens. One day Angelino returns home to spend the holidays, an immigrant who drives a Mercedes and tells great wonders of Germany and their women. Pepe, fascinated by the stories of his friend, decides to immigrate, but his dream begins at five o'clock, cleaning windows, and ends at twelve o'clock pasting posters.
Canhões para Cordoba
Set Decoration
Na fronteira do Texas, em 1912, capitão da cavalaria americana luta contra um exército de bandidos mexicanos na tentativa de destruir canhões que foram roubados por um líder rebelde chamado Córdoba.
Girl from La Mancha
Property Master
The story of Dulcinea, the love of Don Quixote, who was only a normal girl named Aldonza that is suddenly involved by the legend of the brave and ingenous gentleman.
Los derechos de la mujer
Set Dresser
Juan marries prestigious lawyer María José. As she won't give up her career to become a housewife, during their wedding night Juan pretends to leave his job and acts out the role of a traditional housewife himself.
You and I Are Three
Set Dresser
When Manolina saw a picture of Rodolfo, a South American poet, she falls in love for him. Three months after marriage by proxy, Rodolfo meets with her, which takes a major surprise to meet the twin brother of her husband.