A renowned surgeon, abandoned by his wife and daughter, gets robbed and loses his memory. Wandering around the countryside, he becomes a village healer and performs operations.
Adam Mickiewicz
Pan Tadeusz (film 1928) is a Polish historical film directed by Ryszard Ordynski based on the national epic of Poland, an 1834 poem by Adam Mickiewicz.
Based on the novel The Man Who Killed by Claude Farrère.
Антон Сергеевич Строев
A silent film directed by Aleksander Hertz.
Pola is a beautiful but poor girl, a locksmith's daughter. Unexpectedly, she's successful as a stage dancer. After her success, she breaks with her fiancé and becomes the lover of a rich admirer. However, the fiancé does not accept her departure.
Zygmunt Szczerbic