Peter Raffalt

Nascimento : 1957-01-01, Villach, Austria


Encontro Com A Morte
Georg Treichel
Um assassinato abala a vida dos moradores de uma remota vila nas montanhas. O assassino é um deles.
Merkel: Anatomy of a Crisis
Christoph Heusgen
Angela Merkel's decision in autumn 2015 to open the borders for refugees split the country - some praised the moral stance, others criticized the surrender of sovereignty. Yet what would appear to be well-planned activity is in reality a policy of muddling along, chance, trial and error. The Driven Ones is a chronicle of the refugee crisis which shows that the political actors are being driven along, crushed between self-imposed constraints and events that have spun out of control.
Graf Herberstorff
Meine fremde Frau
A serious car accident completely robs Maria of her memory. Husband Bruno angrily searches for the fugitive driver involved in the accident and discovers that Maria had secrets from him. When Maria wakes up from the coma, Bruno is overjoyed at first. The children Lucy and Joey also believe that family life will be as it was before. Maria, however, is indifferent to her husband and children. A strange man reveals himself to her as a lover. What is being played here?
A Presa
Fugindo de um trauma, um policial aposentado muda para um vilarejo distante. Logo, ele irá descobrir que a aparente paz do lugar esconde algo muito sombrio.
Die Kraft, die Du mir gibst
Dr. Fichtner
Unter Umständen verliebt
Oma wider Willen
A new collaboration between director Sigi Rothemund (Siggi Götz) and writer Erich Tomek.
Roman Kogler tem 18 anos e está preso em um centro de detenção juvenil. Ele já cumpriu parte de sua pena e pode ser solto em liberdade condicional, mas tem poucas chances de se reabilitar: não tem família e parece incapaz de lidar com a sociedade. Depois de muitas tentativas fracassadas, Roman encontra um trabalho em liberdade condicional no necrotério de Viena. Um dia, ele se depara com o cadáver de uma mulher morta que leva o nome de sua família. A descoberta leva o rapaz a se interrogar sobre seu passado pela primeira vez e a iniciar uma busca por sua mãe.
Meine Schwester
Katharina Wallner is the owner of a long-established business for film videos. After the will of her disinherited landlord Heinz Ortner she should now close the lovingly run shop. So far, she was able to withstand Ortner's harassment, but the dreamy old lady is annoyed at the end. Her sister Hannah, surprisingly returning from South America, encourages Katharina to do something about the homeowner. When Ortner lies dead in the stairwell the next morning, Katharina comes over a terrible suspicion.
Der Zauber des Regenbogens
Dr. Callaghan
A very skilful young architect from Berlin, Lea Winter, who has a promising career, is pregnant with Klaus Arnheim, her head of department, a long-time lover but married and father of a family. At the announcement of this unexpected pregnancy, of course, he only envisages abortion for Lea. However, the young woman hesitates. On the advice of her gynecologist, she decides to leave Ireland for a few days to think and make a decision without any pressure. She finds there a simple, authentic life and is confronted with another rhythm of life, with other values and with herself.
Der Mann im Strom
Dem Himmel sei Dank
Zwischen Nacht und Tag
Der Narr und seine Frau heute Abend in Pancomedia