Um casal, desesperado para ter filhos e após inúmeras tentativas infrutíferas, contrata uma mulher para servir como barriga de aluguel. Quando ela entra em um avançado estágio de gestação, a mulher desenvolve uma perigosa obsessão direcionada ao futuro pai do bebê.
The stories behind many medal of honor winners, as told by their recipients, observers and the official records. The documentary features interviews and archive footage.
Additional Editing
In California, preparations are underway for the tenth annual Battle for the Tiara, “the Miss America Pageant with eight guys.” It started in a living room in West Hollywood and is now a 1200-seater sell-out. This documentary chronicles the history of the outrageous spectacle and its creators, in particular performer/writer Alexis Pittman, who sero-converted in 1987 and credits the show with keeping him alive.
Susan é uma jovem mulher cuja alma pertence ao mar. Quando ela concorda em ajudar na entrega de um barco à vela numa estranha viagem, não prevê o perigo dessa jornada. Susan descobre alguns problemas ao decorrer da viagem.
Professional nurse Rebecca Dubrovich is swept off her feet by charming millionaire Dick Strang, and the two begin a passionate romance. Only when it is too late does Rebecca discover that Strang has a very dark side...
When a girls friend is killed by a college hazing, she is the only one who can find out the truth.