Duncan Ward


Here Lies
HERE LIES is a film about filmmaking and the struggles involved in the creative process: artistic, technical, financial and personal.
Here Lies
HERE LIES is a film about filmmaking and the struggles involved in the creative process: artistic, technical, financial and personal.
Here Lies
HERE LIES is a film about filmmaking and the struggles involved in the creative process: artistic, technical, financial and personal.
That's Insignificance
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Nicolas Roeg's 1985 film INSIGNIFICANCE featuring interviews with the cast.
Trair é Uma Arte
No agitado mercado de arte contemporânea londrino, o dono de galeria Art Spindle (Danny Huston) sonha com a venda milionária de uma obra de Mondrian. Neste confuso cenário movimentado pela ambição desenfreada de galeristas, artistas, colecionadores e agentes, toda moral é duvidosa e todo desejo é insaciável.
Brian Eno:  Imaginary Landscapes
Here’s an interesting and extremely rare documentary from 1989, which features legendary producer and multimedia artist Brian Eno discussing his process and his thoughts on music in general.