Yevgeniya Abdirkina


In the Name of  the Law
The film is about the public prosecutor who fought against the criminality but was killed by them.
The Inquiry is Going On
After the novel "Sahil Amaliyyati" (The operation of "Side") of the same name of Jamshid Amirov. The film is about foreign secret service's operation and it's revelation by security organs.
Romeo, My Neighbour
Film is about conflicts between neighbours and a celebration of love.
The Labour and Rose
The film is about famous Chechen ballet and folk dancer Mahmud Essembayev's life.
The Telephone Operator
The film is about young girl and her first love.
On the outskirts of the provincial town, Yevdokim and Yevdokiya live, raising foster children. Yevdokim works at a factory, Yevdokiya is a housewife. The family seems to be safe and happy: the only trouble is that Yevdokiya cannot forget the love of her youth. This Yevdokim cannot stand and offers Yevdokiya freedom, while he will remain with the children. But all these contradictions are drowned in mutual love for children and for each other.
The Lost Photography
A young boy from Prague is trying to find a Soviet soldier from the old 1945 picture.
The Morning
After the novel of the same name of Mehdi Huseyn.
Real Friend
The film is about two fishermen who went through difficult ordeal during the shipwreck.
May Stars
May 1945. On the outskirts of Prague, ordinary people meet Soviet soldiers-liberators with tears of joy in their eyes. In the early days of the lull, someone sadly recalls a pre-war life; someone unexpectedly meets his love; someone is returning from enemy dungeons looking hopefully into the future; and someone, having moved from a tank into a Czech tram, warmly recalls his craft as a car driver... These days, all those who survived the Great War fire swear an oath to keep peace on Earth forever, honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for simple human happiness.
Lovely telegraph operator Masha Stepanova is a sanitary nurse. During a training alarm, she meets a taxi driver Alexei (Alyosha) Solovyov. He reads verses to a girl and invites her to the theater. But at the appointed time, Alyosha doesn't come, and Mashenka finds him, helps to recover. Young people fell in love with each other, but Alexei was too frivolous, and brings the girl a lot of sorrows and insults. Because of Alexei’s hobby for another girl, Masha breaks up with him. But she will be able to convey her faithful and true-hearted feeling through years of separation and the hardships of wartime, and when they meet again at the front of the Finnish War, Solovyov realizes what a gift of fate was meeting him with this girl.
Se amanhã houver guerra
"Se amanhã houver guerra" [Если завтра война] foi produzido nas vésperas da II Guerra Mundial. É um "típico" filme de propaganda patriótica bélica; sobre a capacidade da URSS de repelir qualquer agressor (dastaque para os alemães). Documenta treinamentos, desfiles, recrutamento e o preparo do Exército Vermelho para a guerra iminente. Dzigan, no início da década de 1930, havia feito filmes sobra a emancipação feminina tais como "O julgamento deve prosseguir" [1930, Женщина] -- camponeses, nas fazendas comunitárias -- e "Mulher" [1932, Суд должен продолжаться] -- citadinos, sobre o machismo e outros costumes burgueses. Na segunda metadade dos anos 30, Dzigan é designado como diretor de filmes militares, como "Nós somos de Kronstadt" [1936, Мы из Кронштадта] e este, o qual foi co-dirigido por Efim Dzigam [Ефим Дзиган], Lazar Antsi-Polovskiy [Лазарь Анци-Половский], Nikolay Karmazinskiy [Николай Кармазинский] e Georgi Beryozko [Георгий Березко].