Sheena Larkin
Nascimento : , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Rose's Mom
A aposentadoria involuntária de Jesse Stone termina quando o jovem xerife que o substituiu morre na explosão do carro da polícia da cidade. Os policiais leais que trabalharam para Jesse abandonaram o departamento e Jesse deve tentar resolver o caso por conta própria.
Beverly Rowe
A viúva, vice-xerife Jane Kozik, muda-se de Manhattan para Black Stone, em Nova York, com sua filha Kelsey Kozik. Lá ela espera encontrar um lugar seguro para viver. No dia seguinte à mudança, um sem-teto é encontrado morto no galpão de ferramentas da amiga cega de Jane, Beverly Rowe. Devin Hall e a entomologista Katherine Randell são convocados para ajudar na investigação. Devin é o cunhado de Jane e ex-namorado, e Jane ainda tem uma queda por ele. Enquanto isso, Kelsey faz amizade com o cientista Eli Giles, que desenvolveu vespas geneticamente modificadas para o exército como uma arma, e agora ele está tentando reverter o processo. Quando as vespas atacam Black Stone, Jane, Devin e Eli se unem para tentar destruir o enxame.
A young lady about to get married realizes that she has a problem: she fantasizes about every man she sees. She goes to confess at church but unknowingly confesses to a young man who is not a priest. He agrees to help her, but falls in love with her along the way. Unfortunately she still thinks he is a priest.
Woman #2 on Parole Board
Manuel Jordan acaba de deixar a cadeia. Condenado a prisão perpétua ele ganha a liberdade. Calado e muito calmo ele é feliz. Pagou para a sociedade pelo assassinato de um balconista. Agora Jordan anda pelas ruas tomadas pela neve. Seu objetivo é se aproximar de Adele - irmã do rapaz que matou - para pedir perdão. Mas o destino o transforma no porteiro de um estacionamento de boate cujo dono é Miles Evans um pregador que tenta empurrar a fé para jovens que só pensam em dançar, beber e se drogar. Jovens como a frágil Sofia, uma garota perdida na vida. Manuel Jordan é um bom homem que não sabe como dar o 5º passo.
8-year-old Lewis Poppy's refusal to "die of loneliness" propels him on a difficult journey to try to bring his deceased mother back to life.
Pam Lathrop
A Guerra Fria americana é revivida, depois que o presidente da Rússia morre e é sucedido por um homem de passado obscuro. Mas as tensões Ocidente-Oriente vêm à tona, quando a CIA suspeita que cientistas russos renegados estão desenvolvendo mais armas nucleares. Acionado pelo diretor William Cabot, Jack Ryan percorre uma trilha perigosa até uma chocante conclusão: terroristas planejam provocar a guerra, detonando uma bomba nuclear durante um jogo do campeonato de futebol.
Mrs. Baron
Malcolm's (28) new love, Alicia (25), an illegal Chilean refugee, will be short-lived if he does not make the right choice.
Flower Shop Woman
When both the CIA and the underworld mistake regular guy Stuart Dempsey (Danny Nucci) for a notorious killer-for-hire named Jaguar, Dempsey doesn't know whom he can turn to or trust. Certain only of his boss, Max Kaufman (David Carradine), Dempsey is wary of everyone else -- especially his new love (Victoria Sanches). Pursued by the CIA, Dempsey sets out to prove his identity and outwit his pursuers.
Mrs. Hoss
Don and Rebecca Reece are facing the toughest decision of their lives whether or not to end their marriage of nearly 20 years. The Reeces agree to a trial separation. The kids get the house; Mom and Dad will shuttle back and forth.
Mrs; Karlov
An elaborate fantasy tale intended for family audiences, Babel tells the story of the Babels, a strange breed of four-foot-tall creatures who once coexisted happily with human beings on planet Earth. However, when the humans built a huge tower to taunt God, he became angry and drove the Babels underground, while scattering the humans to the corners of the Earth and giving them different languages to keep them separate. Thousands of years later, three Babels are searching underground for the Babel Stone presented to them by God when they lose the map -- which is soon snapped up by a dog, who presents it to his master, an advertising man named Patrick. The Babels are desperate to recover the map, and they recruit Patrick's son David to help them find it (and the Babel Stone) before the evil Nemrod can steal the stone and claim its powers.
Lugene Brooks
O xerife da cidade de New Hampshire terá que resolver o problema de um amigo que, no primeiro dia de caça, deu um tiro acidental em um rico homem de negócios. Apesar de ter inúmeros conflitos pessoais, este sossegado xerife decide investigar mais a fundo o caso, percebendo que tudo pode ter sido planejado.
In New York in 1995 Dr. Richard Jacks is a creator of perfumes. Thus he spends his days inventing new colorful and well smelling potions and certainly caring for his girlfriend Sarah Carver. But when he discovers that his greatgrandfather, called Dr. Jekyll, was a scientist with revoluntionary discoveries, he tries to follow the footsteps of his ancestor and creates more and more delicate potions until one of them converts him into a spectacular superwoman: Helen Hyde. Knowing that Richard has no clue of her existence Helen enforces a professional career at the back of her "creator".
Mrs. Griffin
Vanished is the story of the mysterious abduction of the son of a man and woman - an almost unthinkable tragedy.
Immigration Woman
No século XVI, Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) visita o feiticeiro Nakano (Mako), que o alerta para o perigo do sanguinário Kane (Mario Van Peebles). O embate entre os dois termina com Kane preso. Quatrocentos anos depois, uma escavação no Japão liberta Kane de sua prisão secular, que ressurge com apenas um desejo: Vingar-se do guerreiro imortal.
A look at the importance of midwives in early Canada.
Aunt Elsa
Brooks is an eccentric rich kid, with a fondness for big band music, bow ties taking strange photographs who one day whilst stealing a mannequin from a clothes store, meets Anne, a free-spirited, young deaf girl who works in the shop. It's a meeting that will transform his life. As their friendship blossoms he starts to learn sign-language and she helps him to conquer his fear of water but with a bullying brother, insensitive overbearing father and his father's peculiar new girlfriend all pressurising him to be 'normal' will Brooks be able to break free from their boundaries and his own fears and limitations to find the meaning of true and selfless love.
After discovering that her cancer has returned, Moira Browning launches a quiet campaign to find a potential replacement for herself in her family's life.
Mrs. Cromwell
The daughter of a leading politician tries to carve out a career in the world of international journalism.
Officious Nurse
A deranged, misogynistic killer assaults a journalist. When he discovers that she survived the attack, he follows her to the hospital to finish her off.