Pierre Pageau


Maria Chapdelaine
Maria Chapdelaine tells the story of a young woman having to choose between three suitors promising each a different life. Faced with events that jostle her, Maria must then take his destiny into her own hands and decide what her future will be.
L' Acrobate
O filme conta a história de Christophe (Sébastien Ricard) e Micha (Yury Paulau), dois homens que se conhecem em uma unidade vazia de um prédio em construção em Montreal durante uma nevasca, e dão início a um romance, voltando a se encontrarem na mesma unidade vazia.
Ca$h Nexu$
Jimmy is trapped in a spiral of street drug addiction and withdrawal. One day, Jimmy is forced to get back in contact with his family. The pariah’s return to the pack reawakens old demons in his elder brother Nathan.
An aging woman and her nurse develop a friendship that inspires her to unearth unacknowledged longing and thus help her make peace with her past.
The Little Queen
Julie, star cyclist, is two races away from winning the World Cup. It is the culmination of years of effort. Julie loves the spotlight. Her entourage too. Encouraged by her coach and doctor, she has been doping since the age of 14. When her doctor denounces her, she manages to hush up the case, but the extent of the mess leads to abuse, lies, and treason. Caught in a gear that goes beyond her, will she succeed in finding a way out?
The Canadiens, Forever
Neglected by his father, William, a star college hockey player, also suffered harassment from his coach and some teammates. By chance of a visit to Sainte-Justine hospital, the young man, whose morale and motivation are at its lowest, meets ten-year-old Daniel, awaiting a kidney transplant. Their passion for the Habs unites them instantly and William tries, by all means, to give him hope in the face of the disease.
5150 Elm's Way
Elm é uma rua tranqüila em uma cidade pequena. Quando Yannick cai de sua bicicleta, ele bate na casa dos Beaulieu. No entanto, Jacques Beaulieu e sua família tinham outros planos para Yan. Beaulieu é um psicopata e jogador de xadrez fanático que pretendia isentar o mundo do mal. E mesmo que Yan nada tenha feito de errado, ele é golpeado e torturado antes Beaulieu lhe faça uma oferta: jogar xadrez com ele e, se vencer, estará livre. E assim, Yan torna-se um peão no jogo de Beaulieu, um jogo em que ele poderá perder sua vida.
An Imaginary Tale
In this tragicomedy, Toni is the director of a staged rendition of Othello in Montreal. It is a pet project of his, financed by his loving mafia uncle. Unbeknownst to him, the audiences are also rounded up (and paid) by the same uncle. Some of them have seen every performance of this tragic play, and are understandably bored, so when the backstage romantic shenanigans of the actors result in absurd situations onstage, the audience is delighted. There are a huge number of romantic situations going on in this film at the same time. One of them involves Gaston a somewhat world-weary jazz musician, and Florence, a glamorous middle-aged woman who has been pining for him for years. Another involves to members of the musician's jazz trio. Yet another involves the play's Desdemona, Soledad, the girlfriend of the man playing Othello, who can't keep his hands off his (female) dresser.
Blood Symbol
Centuries ago, the monks of the Cult of the Blood Symbol went searching for their "chosen one" whose blood, they believed, would make them immortal. Olam, the only living survivor of the cult, finally finds his intended victim in Tracy Walker, a fiesty, athletic college student. Patiently, deliberately, Olam prepares to take the one he's been waiting centuries to kill...