Călin Papură


Production Design
Hawaii is a story on the struggle of inheriting $3 million in communist-era Romania when owning $1 could mean losing your freedom and touches on the theme of how money could buy if not happiness, at least the freedom to choose unhappiness.
The Miracle of Tekir
Production Design
Expulsa de casa após ter engravidado misteriosamente, uma curandeira decidida a limpar o nome cruza-se com uma mulher que anseia pelo mesmo milagre.
Exodus to Shanghai
Production Design
Exodus to Shanghai tells the story of two lovers who have to escape from Vienna to China after Dr. Ho, the Chinese Consul in Vienna in 1938, issued Exit Visas to many Jews against the instruction of his superiors. Fannia, a New York Jewish Violin student, falls in love with the Consul's nephew Bruce. Together they must leave Vienna as the Gestapo is chasing them to get the Jews and Hitler's painting.
Love Is a Story
Production Design
Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beautiful love story. However, nothing is as simple as it would seem. Being influenced by three men with strong personalities, Aprilia needs to find the balance between adulthood and the choices of a young girl's heart. It's Christmas time and life holds for this talented beautiful girl only the presents that she is strong enough to grab.
Os Reformados
Production Design
Um menino encontra um soldado nazista morto em uma cidade da Romênia e os alemães querem culpá-lo. Por medo, as autoridades locais forçam um homem a se declarar culpado, sem imaginar as consequências.
Além das Montanhas
Production Design
Alina retorna da Alemanha para reencontrar Voichita, que conheceu no orfanato onde ambas foram criadas. Está disposta a levar a sua amiga com ela, mas a garota agora mora num monastério, onde acredita ter encontrado um lar e a fé. Sem entender a amiga, Alina passa a enfrentar constantemente um padre local. Ele, por sua vez, passa a acreditar que a jovem está possuída. O filme venceu as Palmas de melhor atriz (Cosmina Stratan e Cristina Flutur) e melhor roteiro (Cristian Mungiu) no Festival de Cannes.
The Childhood of Icarus
Production Design
Jonathan Vogel (Guillaume Depardieu) would like to turn back the clock and undo the accident that led to his disability and destroyed his life. When he learns that Stivlas Karr (Carlo Brandt), a well-known professor and geneticist, has developed a gene therapy for regenerating the human body, he makes an appointment with him for some clinical tests. But the therapy doesnt go according to Professor Karrs plan and leads to unexpected results. Jonathan, whose life is now in danger, has become aware that there is only one person who can help him: Alice (Alysson Paradis), the professors daughter.
The Rest Is Silence
Production Design
In 1911-12, the Romanian movie director Grigore Brezianu and the financial tycoon Leon Popescu made together the 2 hours long movie "Romania's Independence" - an as faithful as possible screen adaptation of the real Independence War that had been fought in 1877. Now, "Restul e tacere" tells us, in a loose and half-fictionalized way, the story of this movie making.
Velha Juventude
Production Design
A love story wrapped in a mystery. Set in Europe before WWII, professor of language and philosophy Dominic Matei is struck by lightning and ages backwards from 70 to 40 in a week, attracting the world and the Nazis. While on the run, the professor meets a young woman who has her own experience with a lightning storm. Not only does Dominic find love again, but her new abilities hold the key to his research.
Production Design
While fully enjoying the life of the 70's, in communist Romania, a young man is arrested and accused of a terrible crime. Freed a few years later and deeply affected by his sinister experience, he tries to find out what had really happened.
Alta Tensão
Assistant Art Director
Marie e Alexia são amigas e companheiras na universidade. Num final de semana, Alexia leva Marie para a fazenda de seus pais, mas elas não imaginam que um inferno baterá a sua porta, e que a ida até a fazenda trará conseqüências drásticas e sombrias.
The Rage
Production Design
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
The Afternoon of a Torturer
Production Design
A young journalist interviews a man who was a torturer during the early days of the communist regime in Romania.
Production Design
Six young adults struggle with their personal demons while staying at a secluded mansion during a dark and stormy night where a seemingly innocent game of 'taboo' brings out their inter-most secrets which soon leads to murder.
Last Stop Paradise
Art Direction
Mitu and Elena get to know each other in the course of a vodka drinking contest and discover that they are both dissatisfied with the status quo. Mitu is about to begin military service and Elena is to be married to a man she does not love. They decide they are meant for each other and plan on a different future, one that is on a collision course with the authorities, and start a mad affair.
Last Stop Paradise
Production Design
Mitu and Elena get to know each other in the course of a vodka drinking contest and discover that they are both dissatisfied with the status quo. Mitu is about to begin military service and Elena is to be married to a man she does not love. They decide they are meant for each other and plan on a different future, one that is on a collision course with the authorities, and start a mad affair.
Thalassa, Thalassa
Costume Design
A group of young boys, and one girl, find and steal a Jaguar convertible, and decide to drive to the sea. What starts out as a lark deteriorates into a rather grueling journey.
Thalassa, Thalassa
Set Decoration
A group of young boys, and one girl, find and steal a Jaguar convertible, and decide to drive to the sea. What starts out as a lark deteriorates into a rather grueling journey.
An Unforgettable Summer
Production Design
In 1925 Romania, young Marie-Therese Von Debretsy refuses the flirtatious advances of her husband's commanding officer. As a result, the cosmopolitan family is reassigned to a brutally bleak and dangerous outpost on the Bulgarian/Romanian frontier where both their relationship and humanity are severely tested.
The Oak
Production Design
A description of Romania before Ceausescu's downfall, through the story of Nela. Daughter of a former colonel of the Securitate, the romanian political police. She refused to become as her sister, an agent of this Securitate, and lives with her father. After he died, she leaves Bucharest, and ends up in a little town, where she meets Mitica, a surgeon, another herself, laughing of everything.
The Last Ball in November
Production Design
The film is the story of Prince Cantacuzin’s hidden love for his pupil he mentored since early adolescence, until her being married by her stepfather. Daria Mazu, coming from an unfortunate family, with an epileptic brother and a drunker stepfather.
Costume Design
A history professor decides to take kids from his class in a trek across the country so they can experience various places and people.
Passo Doble
Production Design
Two friends, closer than brothers, working together, staying in the same room, playing together.
The story of an impossible love: doctor Emil Codrescu is reunited 20 years later with Adela, the one he had only known as a young girl. The two fall in love, but circumstances and hesitation prevent them from getting closer.
The Recruitment
Production Design
Lured by a delusional offer, a young geologist ravels abroad where he falls in the tentacles of an economic spying multinational, that forces him to play as its agents sing for him. Well endowed morally and physically, our geologist passes with flying banners the tests, more so, he even resists the charms of an irresistible lady agent, only to be able to return home, where it's very obvious for him what he has to do! —Tudor Caranfil & Mihnea Columbeanu
Zbor periculos
Production Design
A copilot takes control of the aircraft due to the fact that the captain has taken some risky decisions. This will degenerate into an ugly conflict.
Chained Justice
Production Design
Inspired by true events, "Dreptate în lanturi" is a rough and poetic film, whose action is placed at the beginning of the last century. The movie sheds light on a Romanian peasant who fights against social injustice.
Sand Cliffs
Production Design
The plot confronts an influential surgeon and a carpenter accused to have stolen the doctor's personal belongings from the beach. The neurotic doctor involves himself in the inquiry, ultimately directing the interrogation. The burglary victim, Theodor Hristea, a surgeon at the peak of his career and social life, self-confident and well connected, his girlfriend, Cristina and their common friend, Stefan - find themselves on holiday near the summer resort of Mamaia. The doctor has a detective passion and accuses – just on account of a physical resemblance with the real thief - a young carpenter who happens to come at the same beach the day following the burglary. The police is summoned and The Kid is sent to trial. The doctor plays an active part in the investigation. Although the doctor's girlfriend and his friend doubt the identity of the accused, the surgeon insists in being right and succeeds in sending the innocent young man to prison.
Mult mai de preț e iubirea
Production Design
A young girl, who keeps trying unsuccessfully to get into college, wins a large sum at the Lottery. She goes to Bucharest, to find herself.