Ashley Shelton


A Little Prayer
Tammy and husband David lead a quiet life in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sharing a home with David’s parents, Bill and Venida. David and Bill work together and have always been closely involved in each other’s lives. When Bill begins to suspect that David is straying in his marriage, he is drawn into a relationship minefield, caught between wanting to protect his amicable daughter-in-law and trying to understand his impulsive son. As Bill confronts the limits of patriarchal influence, he is also forced to reckon with disheartening behavioral patterns that may be transcending generations.
Howard’s Mill
Glynis Williams
An abandoned piece of farmland in rural Tennessee may hold the key to multiple missing person cases spanning over forty years.
Alice Fades Away
Uma mulher problemática encontra refúgio em uma fazenda isolada, com a ajuda de seus donos idealísticos - até que uma figura violenta de seu passado a alcança.
As Loucuras de Rose
Roanne the Waitress
Rose-Lynn Harlan é uma cantora de Glasgow, na Escócia, que sonha em se tornar uma estrela da música country em Nashville, no Tennessee. Acabando de sair da prisão e mãe solteira de dois filhos, ela é forçada a encarar responsabilidades mais urgentes e arruma um emprego de diarista, mas acaba encontrando em seu caminho quem dê apoio para o seu sonho aparentemente louco.
Marcas Da Prisão
O traficante de drogas Keith está sob prisão domiciliar em Baltimore, na casa de seu pai, Carol. Lá ele se vê lutando contra suas limitações enquanto tenta encontrar uma saída para sua própria prisão interior.O traficante de drogas Keith está sob prisão domiciliar em Baltimore, na casa de seu pai, Carol. Lá ele se vê lutando contra suas limitações enquanto tenta encontrar uma saída para sua própria prisão interior.
Dear Coward on the Moon
A woman is forced to confront her past when her nine-year-old sister runs away after discovering a family secret.
The Matchbreaker
When an idealistic romantic gets fired from his day job, he is offered a "one-time gig" to break up a girl's relationship for her disapproving parents. This "one-time" gig spreads through word-of-mouth and he ends up becoming a professional match-breaker. However, he ends up falling for one of his clients and must figure out how to balance his secret job with his love-life.
Prison Break-In
Hank Mason lives a modest life in his childhood home. He clings to a pretty girlfriend and works toward a lifestyle that doesn't really suit him. When his father is unable to care for himself and moves back in with Roy, he brings an unfulfilled history with him. Through an avalanche of troubles, father and son realize sometimes you have to break out to break in.
Something, Anything
Peggy / Margaret
When a tragedy shatters her plans for domestic bliss, a seemingly typical Southern newlywed gradually transforms into a spiritual seeker, quietly threatening the closest relationships around her.
The Quarry
Fall Break in Knoxville, Tennessee, 2010. Four college students escape for a few days to camp at a local deserted quarry. They were not alone. Their camera was found two days later. The investigation is still open.
Seven Days 'Till Midnight
Disillusioned with his life, a man escapes into the wilderness and discovers a mysterious place that offers him a chance to change the past.