Jim Morahan

Nascimento : 1902-12-26, London, England, UK

Morte : 1976-01-01


O Caçador de Bruxas
Art Direction
Na Inglaterra do século 16, Matthew Hopkins, um cruel e violento auto-intitulado caçador de bruxas recebe ouro da população em troca de seus serviços. Inocentes e pecadoras eram torturadas e pagavam com a morte por seus supostos envolvimentos com bruxaria. Um homem, Richard Marshal, está determinado em acabar de vez com o reinado de sangue de Hopkins. Um dos mais impressionantes filmes baseados na obra de Edgar Allan Poe.
Battle Beneath the Earth
Art Direction
Government officials discover a horrible plot: the Chinese are tunneling their way to the United States.
Estranha Obsessão
Art Direction
A British scientist is discovered to have been passing information to the Communists, then kills himself. Another scientist decides that they might have brainwashed him by a sensory deprivation technique, but he doesn’t know if someone really can be convinced to act against their strongest feelings. So he agrees to be the subject in an experiment in which others will try to make him stop loving his wife.
A Prize of Arms
Art Direction
A criminal gang sets out to pull off the heist of a large army payroll.
O Drama de Dunquerque
Art Direction
Duas histórias em uma. Um tranquilo Cabo Britânico na França torna-se responsável pelas vidas de seus homens quando seu oficial é morto. Ele tem que levá-los de volta para a Grã-Bretanha de alguma forma. Enquanto isso, civis britânicos estão sendo arrastados para a guerra com a Operação Dynamo, a operação de retirada das forças francesas e britânicas encurraladas nas praias de Dunquerque. Alguns se apresentam para ajudar, enquanto outros estão menos dispostos.
Carga Perigosa
Art Direction
An Australian "swagman" finds his wife with another man, so he takes the daughter, Buster, with him. On the road together, going from town to town and from farm to farm, father and daughter explore new depths of understanding and bonding.
Who Done It?
Art Direction
This movie debut for saucy British TV comic Benny Hill has Benny leaving his job as a sweeper after winning some money. He becomes a private detective and investigates a plot to assassinate British scientists.
O Quinteto da Morte
Art Direction
Five oddball criminals planning a bank robbery rent rooms on a cul-de-sac from an octogenarian widow under the pretext that they are classical musicians.
Lease of Life
Art Direction
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
West of Zanzibar
Art Direction
Game warden Bob Payton (Anthony Steel) tracks a ivory smuggling ring through some of the most treacherous passages of the Zanzibar territory.
The 'Maggie'
Art Direction
The poor, elderly—and the wily, when it comes to parting those who can afford it from their money—Scottish skipper of a broken-down old 'puffer' boat tricks an American tycoon into paying him to transport his personal cargo. When the tycoon learns of the trick, he attempts to track down the boat and remove his possessions.
Punhos Traiçoeiros
Art Direction
Boxing drama following the lives of 5 different fighters and their reasons for becoming boxers.
Mar Cruel
Art Direction
The Cruel Sea é um filme britânico de 1953, do gênero drama de guerra, dirigido por Charles Frend e estrelado por Jack Hawkins e Donald Sinden. O filme, no estilo docudrama, é uma das produções mais subestimadas e comoventes entre aquelas ambientadas na Segunda Guerra Mundial.
O Homem do Terno Branco
Art Direction
Linda sátira sobre inventor que descobre um tecido que nunca se desgasta ou suja. Naturalmente é um desastre para a indústria de tecidos. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Cage of Gold
Art Direction
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
A Lâmpada Azul
Art Direction
A rotina diária de dois policiais de Londres é interrompida por um assassino. Seguimos as atividades diárias de dois Bobbies, policiais de Londres, o veterano George Dixon e o novato Andy Mitchell. Dois jovens 'Robin Hood', Tom Riley e Spud, planejam uma série de roubos usando Diana, a garota de Tom, como trabalhadora interna. Mas em seu segundo crime, um de nossos heróis policiais é baleado por Tom, desencadeando uma caçada por toda a cidade. O assassino é esperto, mas será que ele é mais esperto que todos?
Alegrias a Granel
Art Direction
Baseado numa história real, o filme conta a história do naufrágio de um navio carregado com 250 mil garrafas de uísque na costa da Escócia. Os habitantes da região recolheram o máximo de garrafas que conseguiram antes da chegada das autoridades.
Train of Events
Art Direction
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
Epopéia Trágica
Visual Effects Art Director
The true story of the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to try to be the first man to discover the South Pole - only to find that the murderously cold weather and a rival team of Norwegian explorers conspire against him
Art Direction
A young German girl marries an Englishman and moves into his family's household during the last days of World War II. The family and community have conflicting feelings about her presence in the community, and as a result, the family is forced to face their own moral code as they deal with their own prejudices and fears about the seemingly innocent German girl. The war ends, and she finally seems to be accepted into the family and community when her Nazi brother shows up to create havoc.
Na Solidão da Noite
Assistant Art Director
Architect Walter Craig, seeking the possibility of some work at a country farmhouse, soon finds himself once again stuck in his recurring nightmare. Dreading the end of the dream that he knows is coming, he must first listen to all the assembled guests' own bizarre tales.
Painted Boats
Art Direction
In this modest drama, set during World War II, two rival boat families battle it out for supremacy.