Production Design
Hayley is an interior designer who plans to surprise her recently widowed mother Patricia with the perfect holiday present: the extended family she knows her mom yearns for.
Production Design
Leading a double life as a fitness instructor and a prostitution ring with a client list, Sadie receives an anonymous tip and soon after her studio is raided by authorities, With only one question: who exactly was on the client list?
Production Design
Jamie enfrenta a melancolia natalina ajudando sua cidadezinha em segredo, mas um charmoso repórter não descansará até descobrir quem é a bondosa benfeitora anônima.
Production Design
As Shane and Oliver prepare to wed, the team helps an unwell boy reunite with a lost friend. A new employee may deliver the answer for Rita and Norman to start a family.
Production Design
Uma comunidade fica em alvoroço quando encontram o cadáver de um de seus cidadãos no dia seguinte ao Natal. Seus moradores e amigos querem saber quem era realmente o falecido para descobrir quem poderia tê-lo assassinado.
Art Direction
Alex and Drew investigate a self help retreat and the controversial life coach who oversees it.
Production Design
Alex and Drew investigate a self help retreat and the controversial life coach who oversees it.
Production Design
The film follows Chinese American Suzie who draws on her family’s cultural traditions to spice up an old-fashioned Christmas baking competition. Suzie, a rising young architect, returns to her small hometown in Maine for Christmas where her Chinese American family runs the local Lobster Bar. Following the loss of her beloved grandmother who was a renowned baker in their community, Suzie is guilted into following in her grandmother’s footsteps bei entering the local gingerbread house competition. Teaming up with an old high school friend Billy, who grew up to be catch, Suzie must find the right recipes and mix of sugar and spice to win the competition and perhaps find some love in the process.
Production Design
A advogada Claire Darrow aceita defender uma velha amiga de sua mãe numa acusação de assassinato. Para sua surpresa, um conflito de interesses surge quando Miles Strasberg, com quem tem um caso, torna-se promotor oficial da investigação.
Production Design
O corpo de um advogado cujos casos inspiraram uma série de livros que se tornaram best sellers é encontrado na praia, e Billie Blessing precisa desvendar o caso antes que a pessoa errada pague pelo crime.
Production Design
A superintendente interina da escola, Eve Morgan, se encontra em um dilema quando precisa fechar o programa de música dirigido por seu charmoso vizinho Liam. Mas é Natal e milagres estão à mão.
Production Design
Enquanto planejam seu casamento, Jenny e Brian recebem a visita de uma parente distante que reivindica a casa onde moram e têm a sua pousada. Eles farão o impossível para ganhar dinheiro suficiente para ficar com a casa.
Production Design
A querida chef, empresária e apresentadora de TV Billie Blessings torna-se protagonista de um misterioso assassinato quando um corpo é encontrado na mala do carro de seu irascível chef convidado. Com muita certeza de que o homem é inocente, Billie vai tentar descobrir quem é o assassino, sem comprometer a investigação conduzida pela polícia.
Production Design
The team work to reunite a wedding dress with its rightful recipient, but find that they may have far more to do. Meanwhile, Rita and Norman’s wedding plans present new challenges.
Set Decoration
Uma enfermeira de uma cidade pequena lidera uma manifestação após ter seu bairro ameaçado por interesses políticos e corporativos.
Production Design
Lizzie Richfield is at a crossroads when she lands a job as house manager for the exquisite Ashford Estate in the Virginia countryside. While planning one final Christmas Eve gala for the Marley family, Lizzie finds herself drawn to Robert—even as Kip pursues her.
Set Decoration
Um fazendeiro confessa o assassinato da esposa. No entanto, esse é só o começo desta trama macabra inspirada em um livro de Stephen King.
Set Decoration
A história gira em torno de um grupo de assassinos internacionais excêntricos, que estão de saco cheio de Gunther, um homem arrogante considerado o maior assassino do mundo. Eles montam um plano de mestre para matá-lo mas, no entanto, rapidamente se transforma em uma série de atrapalhados encontros, onde Gunther aparece sempre um passo à frente deles.
Set Decoration
A woman expecting to get engaged on her all-important 30th birthday gets a different surprise after she makes her birthday wish: a glimpse into her future – which doesn’t resemble anything she’s ever imagined for herself.
Set Decoration
Oliver's Divine Delivery Theory is put to the test when he and the POstables seem to be unable to deliver a damaged letter from a military veteran that's a matter of life and death.
Production Design
In a near-future world, where individuals have their memories downloaded for backup, a man awakes in a body that is not his own.
Set Decoration
Lead postal detective Oliver and his associate Shane have been doing a figurative dance with each other, swaying back and forth with the possibility of a relationship. Finally, on their first date at a romantic supper club, Shane begins wondering if it's a date or not, as she sees the contrast of their relationship next to the extraordinary dance performances of a couple who express the longing of her heart. As Norman and Rita work alongside each other, their personal relationship hits a bump in the road.
Set Decoration
A época mais movimentada do ano também passa a ser o momento mais maravilhoso ... para biscoitos de Natal, e o próprio pudim de ameixa especial de Hannah. Ela está tão ocupada e amando..porém, mais um caso aparece e há suspeitos - uma amarga ex-mulher, a filha do ex-sócio da vítima, uma mulher que a vítima estava cortejando, e alguns investidores. Agora, com tantos suspeitos para investigar e os doze dias antes do Natal voando, Hannah precisa correr contra o tempo, e solucionar o caso, antes que chegue o Ano Novo.
Set Decoration
A cop-turned-writer creates suspicion when she publishes her first novel, a story that appears to contain details of a real murder.
Art Direction
A cop-turned-writer creates suspicion when she publishes her first novel, a story that appears to contain details of a real murder.
Set Decoration
Um casamento realizado por impulso por um jovem casal é imediatamente anulado pelos pais da noiva. Anos depois, eles descobrem que uma falha na papelada significa que eles ainda são marido e mulher.
Set Decoration
When a radio host gets dumped by her boyfriend on-air and soon has her break up exposed even further by a shock jock, she needs to regain her confidence while working with the same man who humiliated her in front of his viewers.
Production Design
After giving up her mafia husband to the police, and starting a new life in witness protection, Erin thinks she's rid of Jimmy forever. However, a mysterious stranger has her worrying Jimmy is back.
Production Design
A female police detective returns to work after suffering PTSD from a previous case, only to have her teenage daughter kidnapped by an emotionally disturbed parolee.
Production Design
A lawyer is riding high after putting a notorious swindler behind bars, but has to look over her shoulder when a woman she meets in a traffic accident is not all she appears to be.
Production Design
Sophia is the perfect 17-year-old girl. She studies hard, stays out of trouble, and is a promising pianist. The only problem is that she’s always been quiet and keeps to herself, so when she strikes up a friendship with Grace, the new girl in school, her parents are happy for her. Unfortunately it's not long before Grace starts showing signs of being possessive. Then, when she tries to destroy Sophia's family and seduce her would-be boyfriend, Sophia can't help but wonder if she's befriended the wrong girl. Now, Sophia must uncover Grace's secret past and learn the truth about her new friend before it's too late.
Set Decoration
Teens band together to investigate the source of anonymous messages that threaten to expose their secrets.
Set Decoration
A woman investigates the past of her seemingly ideal husband, a doctor who starts to become increasingly hostile.
Set Decoration
Um estudante de cinema que é obcecado pelo filme "Fenômenos Paranormais" combina com seus amigos para visitarem o hospital psiquiátrico usado no filme original. Todos decidem passar uma noite no local, mas devem encarar o mal que reside por lá.
Set Decoration
A local artist uses the wreckage of a crashed Russian satellite in his giant sculpture for the town's centennial celebration. But soon a mysterious alien substance brings the giant sculpture to life; creating an iron monster whose only instinct is to survive at any cost.
Set Decoration
Um casal torna-se o principal suspeito no desaparecimento de uma mulher grávida que foi vista pela última vez em um bazar realizado na casa deles.
Set Decoration
As the permafrost melts in Alaska, underground rivers of volatile liquid methane form which sets off a series of devastating earthquakes. Forced apart by this violent occurrence, one family must find each other during the holidays and work to stop the deadly rivers that could cause a worldwide catastrophy.
Set Decoration
Sean Nault é um detetive de homicídios, de uma Terra paralela e usa toda tecnologia disponível para solucionar crimes. Sean investiga uma série desconcertante de assassinatos cometidos de uma forma nunca antes foi usada: O poder da ciência. Com o auxílio de Lenoir, um membro da subcultura ridicularizada de "pragmáticos" que acreditam que a ciência é mais do que mitos e contos e com a ajuda de um feiticeiro de 130 anos chamado Winston Churchill, Sean descobre um plano apocalíptico que o levará à uma outra dimensão, a nossa, e a percepção de que a não ser que ele frustre este plano, ambas terras poderão ser destruídas.
Set Decoration
Quando um grupo de arqueólogos desenterraram o esqueleto de um ser humano perto do histórico monumento de Stonehenge, um antigo dispositivo é descoberto escondido sob a rocha. Não sabendo o que poderia ser, os trabalhadores acidentalmente acionam o mecanismo e iniciam uma cadeia de eventos que podem muito bem acabar com o mundo como nós o conhecemos.
Set Decoration
A husband, wife and their two daughters take a Christmas break at a lodge in the woods. There's evident tension between the couple. He's pulled by attention to his corporation and negotiations about a merger. Even on their vacation he's on the phone. She's feeling abandoned. He takes her on a light plane flight to a cabin across the lake, but their plane suddenly loses altitude. They crash into the lake before they can notify anyone. The husband is more seriously hurt but with his wife's assistance they navigate cross-country towards a distant highway.. While they struggle to cross a ridge, the husband's business partner moves behind the scenes to sell the company to raiders, apparently assuming Frank is dead. Attacked by rogue wolves, the husband and wife are rescued in the nick of time. The FAA begins an investigation of the plane crash while the family begins to heal the emotional and physical wounds.
Set Decoration
A world-renowned archaeologist must reawaken the storm god Ba'al by collecting four ancient amulets scattered around the world. As each amulet is uncovered, Ba'al's fury threatens to destroy everything in its path with the most powerful storm mankind has ever seen.
Set Decoration
Diretora de um documentário sobre a pena de morte vai à cidade de Hillsdale, no Oregon, para fazer um filme sobre o caso do condenado à morte Kevin Reese e, aos poucos, vai descobrindo indícios de que ele possa ser inocente.
Set Decoration
Brilliant software entrepreneur Paul Jacobs meets PR agent Sarah Daniels at his spoiled rotten daughter Lily's tennis club. First Sara seduces Paul to hire her firm for his, then they fall in love and get married. But both Lily and Paul's business parter (and ex) Monica are secretly jealous and want Sara out. Accidents hit both his family and his firm hard, but are they accidents and if not, who is staging them? Secrets from Paul's, Sara's and some others' past complicate things further.
Set Decoration
Conta a história de Rykker (Mark Dacascos), um guerreiro intergaláctico destinado a lutar contra um grupo impiedoso de aliens conhecido como “The Syndicate” que tem como objetivo dominar o mundo. O mais novo alvo do “Syndicate” é o planeta Terra e o único que pode detê-los é Rykker.