Jacqueline de Goeij


Hackers no Controle
Creative Producer
Mel Bandison (Holly Mae Brood) é uma hacker excepcional que cai em uma emboscada e é acusada de assassinato, precisando fugir às pressas da polícia. Tudo isso aconteceu após ela descobrir um escândalo de privacidade inimaginável na Holanda, agora resta encontrar as pessoas que estão a chantageando e fazendo de sua vida um verdadeiro inferno.
Hidden in the Spotlight
After the sudden death of her older sister, a successful singer-songwriter finds herself facing their family's darkest memories as she fights to win custody over her adolescent niece from the girl's lawful but long-absent father.
Um policial de Copenhague, Dinamarca, busca justiça para o assassinato do seu parceiro, morto pelas mãos de um misterioso homem chamado Imran. Ele se junta com um colega da polícia e a amante do seu parceiro para caçar Imran, mas acabam envolvidos num jogo de gato e rato com um agente da CIA, que os leva da Escandinávia para a Espanha.
Aranha na Teia
A história segue um agente secreto, uma vez elogiado, mas muito velho, Adereth (Ben Kingsley), que é considerado passado por seus superiores. As estrelas de Itay Tiran (“Líbano”), uma jovem operadora enviada para rastrear o personagem enigmático de Adereth e Bellucci, encobre as linhas, como quem está caçando, quem se torna a questão em um mundo de intriga e decepção.
Quando a jovem república dos Países Baixos(Holanda) é atacado por Inglaterra, França e Alemanha e no próprio país está à beira de uma guerra civil, só um homem pode levar arma mais forte do conselho, a frota holandesa: Michiel de Ruyter.
The Amazing Wiplala
Nine-year-old Johannes Blom gets blown away when he discovers a little man in the kitchen cupboard, hidden behind the peanut butter jar. He’s even more astonished when he realizes that this little man, ‘Wiplala’, has magical powers. When Wiplala accidentally transforms the Blom family to little people, the adventure begins. Will they ever go back to normal-sized people?
Hannah, the headstrong rebel of seven siblings, tries to avoid the preparations for her parent's wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along, and soon proves an ideal son-in-law, which arouses mixed feelings in her. The sister in law who for years tries to fit in but always felt ignored gets a fit because Victor is immediately invited to chip in and join the anniversary river cruise, so they take over the organization from her. Yet when he confides in her the bunch is miserable at communicating, she claims he can't judge after just one evening and seems suddenly uncertain whether to stay with Victor who proves quite patient and understanding...
Anna II
Not a single word is spoken in the mini-drama Anna II. The sounds and glances produced by the leading character, the cow Anna II, are telling enough. Her mooing and smacking minutely convey her displeasure with her farmer's budding conjugal bliss. When, on the morning after the wedding night, he enters the cowshed but does not pay enough attention to his prize cow yet, Anna II has had it. The cow's sultry gaze registers how the bride brings the farmer a cup of coffee.
Hidden Flaws
Seventy-year-old Agnes takes the ashes of her dear Robert and travels to their regular holiday cottage on the Scottish island of Mull. On the way, two Dutch runaways, the ten-year-old girl Chris and her younger brother Tommie, sneak into her car. The children warn Agnes they will flee again if she calls the police. In the secluded house, beautifully located near a bay with a view of the sea, the elderly woman and the children gradually grow towards each other. Chris is confident and short-tempered, and dominates not only her younger, pigheaded brother, but also old Agnes, who loses herself in memories of Robert. Meanwhile, Agnes has to withstand the people who want to take over the house from her. The surroundings play a major role in this adaptation of Renate Dorrestein's novel about family, trust and secrets.
Le Ciambelle
When a woman realises that her life is lived for her by her husband and children and she falls under the spell of southern smells, sounds and tastes, she hallucinates her way to her Fata Morgana.
A family is on summer vacation. Their adolescent son is a mixture of bored and horny. A yellow jacket wasp joins them in their car and then at their vacation campsite. A sultry young woman is doing laundry outdoors just as a brief, torrential downpour occurs and the wasp allows her to reveal, much to the young man's delight, her special knowledge of how to deal with insect bites.
De man in de linnenkast
A lonely man finds comfort when he discovers a hidden garden in his linen cupboard. The idyllic discovery lends new lustre to his life, but soon it turns out that he is not the only one considering the garden his.
Trollie: The Great Rescue