Usando armas e tecnologia de ponta um grupo de Rangers, militares de elite altamente treinados, se movimenta pela escuridão de uma cidade em ruínas para capturar Hassim Al Hadad, um perigoso terrorista. Mossad, o líder de exército terrorista quer sua ajuda para recuperar Al Hadad e lhe oferece 5 milhões de dólares. Mas, para isso, ele terá que matar seus ex-companheiros. Tanques, helicópteros, combates de fogo cerrado, fantásticas explosões sacodem as ruas de Atlanta enquanto dois ex-amigos se enfrentam numa luta de vida ou morte.
Stunt Coordinator
This is the story of a modern day pirate mad man and his crew of eight, searching for fortune on a cruise ship but a small group of passengers fight back.
This is the story of a modern day pirate mad man and his crew of eight, searching for fortune on a cruise ship but a small group of passengers fight back.
Bouncer #2
Brigit as a young girl saw her family killed by the Karpovs, a Russian crime family, she would have been dead too, if her neighbor did not come to her house and saved her. Years later, she plans to take out all of the Karpovs, and she does. However, the Reillys, the Karpovs rival are afraid that the Karpovs will think that they are behind it. So, they grab her so that they could find out what's going on
Martial arts star Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars in this action/suspense story. A child is recruited to take part in a secret government experiment which results in him being able to see into the future. Years later, the child is an adult and is working for the government; his latest assignment is to find the other people who were part of the same project. Before long, he discovers the other test subjects usually pop up murdered shortly before he can talk to them, and he realizes he may well be the next target.
No planeta Ba'ku, apenas 600 habitantes, uma estação arqueológica da Federação em conjunto com a raça So'na é atacada pelo tenente-comandante Data, enviado para observações. Mandado para investigar, Picard recebe a ordem de atacar o planeta, mas ele decide revoltar-se. O motivo do ataque: os So'na e a Federação querem a fonte da juventude que existe em Ba'ku.
Drive segue Toby Wong (Mark Dacascos), cujos empregadores da Leung Corporation de Hong Kong implantaram em seu peito um módulo de bioenergia que aprimora suas habilidades físicas. Toby escapou do controle da Leung Corporation e está indo para Los Angeles, onde uma empresa concorrente se ofereceu para remover o implante e devolver sua vida. Depois de chegar a São Francisco, Toby encontra - e, em desespero, sequestra. - Malik Brodie (Kadeem Hardison), que tem os meios para levá-lo a Los Angeles. Logo a seguir estão os assassinos profissionais e os conhecedores da cultura de junk Vic Madison (John Pyper-Ferguson) e The Hedgehog (Tracey Walter), que estão perseguindo Toby no emprego do presidente da Leung Corporation, o Sr. Lau (James Shigeta).
A corrupt politician intends to use a powerful weapon to execute an evil plan.
Adam Trent (David Heavener: "Prime Target", "Eye of the Stranger") is an advertising executive...an ordinary citizen. On his way to work one morning someone tries to kill him. Adam is forced to play a deadly game. Daniel Winters (Richard Norton: "License to Kill", "Octagon") runs an underground casino where the wealthy bet via computer whether Adam Trent will live or die. They give Adam one handgun and a ten minute head start. Winters explains that if Adam tries to contact the police, he will kill his wife Kara (Lynn-Holly Johnson: "For Your Eyes Only", "Ice Castles") and his Uncle Billy (William Windom: "Somersby", "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"). As Trent barely escapes death, this ordinary citizen becomes a deadly killing machine.
Kurenai travels to Las Vegas to search for his father's killer. Broke and with nowhere to stay he seeks refuge in an alley where he hears cries for help from vicious bikers. Kurenai defeats the bikers and is invited to the warehouse where Rita and Chico live with other runaways. Meanwhile in another part of Las Vegas, an underground wrestling match is being fought where the stakes are high and the only rule is, the loser dies! Fight organizer Rossner needs fresh blood for his fights and hires Jane Costello to find him a new champion.
A man named Kaan Woo (James Lew) is escaping his dark past, having been involved with a cult of brown shroud-wearing, druid-like monk warriors that have mystical powers. He apparently wanted out, because their evil queen, Ling Li (Nancy Kwan) has sent her servant, Sir Xavier (Richard Norton) to do her bidding - i.e., eliminate Woo. During a battle with the dark forces, Woo's soul is transferred into the body of homeless drunkard Earl Stockman (Mark Pellegrino). Now this bum is as surprised as anybody to find out he has mystical kung-fu abilities. Now "Superbum" must take on the evil cult and win the day.
A lecherous widow tries to steal away another woman's weak husband, leading to lust, betrayal and murder.
Detective #1
A lecherous widow tries to steal away another woman's weak husband, leading to lust, betrayal and murder.
Em 1666 em Massachussetts, Bay Colony, uma bela mulher (Demi Moore) casada com um médico (Robert Duvall) chega na localidade na frente do marido, com a incumbência de providenciar um lar para o casal. Mas ela fica apaixonada por um reverendo (Gary Oldman), que tem por ela os mesmos sentimentos. No entanto, eles reprimem tais emoções pelo fato dela ser casada, mas quando ela supõe que seu marido foi morto pelos índios ela se sente livre e acaba ficando grávida do reverendo. Mas, como apesar de ficar presa e socialmente marginalizada ela se recusa a dizer o nome do pai da criança, passa então a portar um "A" de adúltera bordado em cores vermelhas em suas roupas, como símbolo de sua vergonha perante a sociedade local.
Young Gregory Tudor sees his local ice cream man murdered and later grows up to inherit his business, opting to inject gruesome ingredients—including human body parts—into his frozen confections. When one of the neighborhood boys goes missing, the local kids suspect Gregory and band together to get to the bottom of things.
Set in a post-nuclear-holocaust future, this sci-fi western takes place in the frontier city of New Hope, the only place around with a working oil refinery. Ever since a megalomaniac general and his followers took over the place, life has been miserable. Then a stranger, a man-of-few-words, comes to town. A quick-drawing gunslinger, he first joins the conquerors. As time passes, however, it rapidly becomes apparent that he really sides with the townsfolk, and when the time is right, he leads them into a violent uprising.
Sam Burns
Three youths camping out in the desert run afoul of a psychotic firebug obsessed with turning women into sacrificial "butterflies."
Policiais de Los Angeles capturam Swordsman, líder do crime. Durante a noite, seus comparsas o libertam, matando os policiais de plantão. Daryn e Tony, dois tiras destemidos, perseguem os criminosos em busca de vingança.
In the future, large corporations earn millions of dollars by staging gladiatorial fights to the death that are shown on worldwide television. One day, however, a fighter who is scheduled to hunt and kill an opponent in the Arizona desert decides he's had enough, and makes a run for it. His opponent is instructed to track him down and kill him.
Punk #1
In the Los Angeles of the future, police are forbidden to carry weapons and must use stun guns instead. A maverick detective ignores those restrictions in his pursuit of "The Bullseye Murderer," a psychotic rapist who takes a new drug called "Umbra" that gives him superhuman strength and intelligence.
In a small town, the funeral of the "Eagles" motocykle gang leader Christopher Eagle, murdered with his wife, takes place. A young journalist reporting on a funeral witnesses another murder. More victims are falling. The police would gladly accuse Billy, brother of the murdered leader, of these murders. Billy decides to deal with the killers alone. Despite unwanted support by Mel, the final game ends tragically...
Stunt Coordinator
Nightmares of the past haunt the beautiful, mysterious Olivia, a London resident who begins a passionate affair with American businessman Mike. Trapped in a loveless marriage and traumatized by memories of her mother's brutal murder, Olivia hopes her lover will offer a chance at a new life. However, ghostly voices and brutal murders ignite a fiendish, twist-filled story of double identities, deception, and erotic terror.
Nightmares of the past haunt the beautiful, mysterious Olivia, a London resident who begins a passionate affair with American businessman Mike. Trapped in a loveless marriage and traumatized by memories of her mother's brutal murder, Olivia hopes her lover will offer a chance at a new life. However, ghostly voices and brutal murders ignite a fiendish, twist-filled story of double identities, deception, and erotic terror.