Cédric Dupire


Le procès - Prague 1952
Director of Photography
The new documentary made from the Slánský trial film and audio archives found by chance in 2018 in a warehouse in the suburb of Prague served as a starting point for the film. The director tells the trial through the descendants of three of the condemned: the daughter and grandson of Rudolf Slánský, the son and granddaughter of Rudolf Margolius, both executed after the trial, and the three children of Artur London, sentenced to life imprisonment.
I Invite You to My Execution
Camera Operator
Como o escritor russo Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) considera impossível que o seu romance «Doutor Jivago» seja publicado na União Soviética, porque supostamente mostra uma visão crítica da Revolução de Outubro, ele decide contrabandear vários exemplares do manuscrito para fora do país. É publicado pela primeira vez em 1957 em Itália e o autor recebe o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1958, o que tem consequências.
The Children of 209 Saint-Maur Street
Director of Photography
After selecting a building at random in a Jewish neighborhood in Paris, French director Ruth Zylberman meticulously reconstructed its community of inhabitants during the German occupation. What results is the spellbinding 209 RUE SAINT-MAUR, an experimental historiography that tells the emotional story of lives uprooted and destroyed under the Nazis.
Kings of the Wind & Electric Queens
The name of my stallion is King of the Wind. My mare is called Electric Queen and she electrocutes all who get in her way, boasts a middle-aged man with a thin black mustache. The Sonepur Fair in India is about to begin! Every year on the full moon day of Kartika Purnima, the largest animal market in Asia takes place. Horses, elephants, birds and camels are traded in this fair, a celebration that has existed for hundreds of years. Colourful multitudes cut through the dusty, sticky air as the ecstatic sound of drums fills the space. An event like no other, its a carnival of magical realism inhabited by exotic dancers, exorcists, stuntmen and elephant tamers. Roll up, roll up, our circus has come to you, cries a squeaky voice from the loudspeakers. Prepare yourself for sensory overload.
We Don't Care About Music Anyway
From radical turntablism (Otomo Yoshihide) to laptop music innovation (Numb), via classical instrument hijacking (Sakamoto Hiromichi), Tokyo's avant-garde music scene is internationally known for its boldness. While introducing some of the greatest musicians of this scene, "We Don't Care About Music Anyway..." offers a kaleidoscopic view of Tokyo, confronting music and noise, sound and image, reality and representation, documentary and fiction.