Michael Mandaville

Michael Mandaville


Michael Mandaville


Into the Flames
Two robbers flee from a robbery into a neighborhood where they seek safety. Spotting two guys arriving to a house, the robbers pull into the driveway and use a car cover to hide. Inside the house, they discover that it's a gathering of cannabis entrepreneurs. In short , their robbery is discovered. And now the robbers make them eat edibles while they hold them hostage. Chaos ensues.
Into the Flames
Two robbers flee from a robbery into a neighborhood where they seek safety. Spotting two guys arriving to a house, the robbers pull into the driveway and use a car cover to hide. Inside the house, they discover that it's a gathering of cannabis entrepreneurs. In short , their robbery is discovered. And now the robbers make them eat edibles while they hold them hostage. Chaos ensues.
Into the Flames
Two robbers flee from a robbery into a neighborhood where they seek safety. Spotting two guys arriving to a house, the robbers pull into the driveway and use a car cover to hide. Inside the house, they discover that it's a gathering of cannabis entrepreneurs. In short , their robbery is discovered. And now the robbers make them eat edibles while they hold them hostage. Chaos ensues.
Into the Flames
Two robbers flee from a robbery into a neighborhood where they seek safety. Spotting two guys arriving to a house, the robbers pull into the driveway and use a car cover to hide. Inside the house, they discover that it's a gathering of cannabis entrepreneurs. In short , their robbery is discovered. And now the robbers make them eat edibles while they hold them hostage. Chaos ensues.
Into the Flames
Two robbers flee from a robbery into a neighborhood where they seek safety. Spotting two guys arriving to a house, the robbers pull into the driveway and use a car cover to hide. Inside the house, they discover that it's a gathering of cannabis entrepreneurs. In short , their robbery is discovered. And now the robbers make them eat edibles while they hold them hostage. Chaos ensues.
Busca Implacável 3
Line Producer
O ex-agente do governo norte-americano Bryan Mills tenta tornar-se um homem família, mas vê tudo ruir quando sua esposa, Lenore, é assassinada. Acusado de ter cometido o crime, ele entra na mira da polícia de Los Angeles. Desolado e caçado, ele tenta encontrar os verdadeiros culpados e proteger a única coisa que lhe resta: a filha Kim.
Taken - A Vingança
Line Producer
Na sequela de um dos filmes de maior sucesso, Bryan Mills e sua filha Kim encontrarão desta vez problemas em Istambul. Quando Mills descobre que sua ex-mulher Lenore está a divorciar-se do actual companheiro, decide convidá-la e a Kim para se juntar a ele em Istambul no que promete ser um fim de semana perfeito para reconquistar o coração de Lenore. Quando Bryan e Lenore são raptados, Kim consegue escapar e a perseguição começa.
Taylor's Wall
Line Producer
An inspiring story based on the Second Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, The Ascension of the Lord. When 17-year old Taylor loses her brother to school violence, she must choose between living in anger or making a difference.
A Outra História Americana
Production Supervisor
Derek busca vazão para suas agruras tornando-se líder de uma gangue de racistas. A violência o leva a um assassinato, e ele é condenado pelo crime. Três anos mais tarde, ele sai da prisão e tem que convencer seu irmão, que está prestes a assumir a liderança do grupo, a não trilhar o mesmo caminho.
Almighty Fred
TV Director
Two brothers, down on their luck and in need of cash, cook up a scheme to create their own new religion.
Unit Production Manager
Lila a college student discovers a latent ability to see into the past. When a professor hires her for some psychological tests she becomes the target of the killer of the woman she sees in her dreams.
Line Producer
Lila a college student discovers a latent ability to see into the past. When a professor hires her for some psychological tests she becomes the target of the killer of the woman she sees in her dreams.
Sexy Por Acaso
Associate Producer
Garota tímida vira a atração de uma festa depois de ser possuída por uma entidade do mal.
The Tunnel
Executive In Charge Of Production
A painter becomes obsessed and begins an affair with a mysterious woman who was touched deeply by one of his works.