Predrag 'Pređo' Vušović
Nascimento : 1960-08-29, Kotor, Montenegro
Morte : 2011-02-17
Iako je Predrag Vušović rođen 1960. godine u Kotoru, u Crnoj Gori, o njemu se uvijek govorilo kao o dubrovačkom glumcu. Vušović je u Dubrovniku završio osnovnu i srednju školu, te je s 12 godina imao glumački debi u kazalištu Mali Marin Držić s ulogom Toma Sawyera. Vušović je Akademiju dramske umjetnosti završio u Zagrebu, da bi se nakon toga vratio u Dubrovnik, gdje je dobio angažman u Kazalištu Marina Držića. 1996. godine se vraća u Zagreb i započinje glumiti u Gavelli, kazalište koje je mu je postalo i ostalo 'domom' sve do trenutka njegove smrti. Prvu televizijsku ulogu Vušović je imao u seriji 'Putovanje u Vučjak' 1986., a širem gledateljstvu postao poznat nakon uspjeha filma 'Kako je počeo rat na mom otoku' Vinka Brešana, s kojim je kasnije snimio i 'Maršala'. U Dubrovniku je redovno otvarao Dubrovačke ljetne igre, glumio je u mnogim predstavama i u 34 filma, a gledateljima je najpoznatiji po ulogama u televizijskim serijama, od kojih je zadnja bila ona u 'Periferija Cityju' Nove TV.
Young Koko has just moved with his parents from his idyllic countryside home to a big city. There, with the help of his new friends and a neighbour he investigates the mysterious case of a dead old man who used to live in the flat he has just moved into. Koko and the Ghosts is a family film based on a popular Croatian series of young-adult novels written by Ivan Kušan.
Postar Luka
A família de uma aldeia isolada em Lika tem uma boa vida usando a pensão americana do falecido avô Djuradj, agora recebida por sua viúva Nedja. A existência da família é ameaçada quando Nedja morre, mas o chefe da família surge com um plano astuto.
The microcosmic world of a street market on the outskirts of Zagreb: traders, thieves, prostitutes, self-appointed security guards and other lost souls, each with their own unique ideas, passion or mania. We follow the tragicomic, mutually intertwined mini dramas of each character, as they fight to save the marketplace itself, when city planners threaten to raze it to the ground and replace it with a skyscraper.
Dejin otac
Eliciting images of cancer, this drama explores the illnesses that plague modern Croatia. Four young junkies in Zagreb maturing in the wake of war reflect the petty hatreds, violence, prejudices and mood hanging over the country like a disease that spreads with no cure in sight.
Still today, years after the war, some regions are contaminated with broken families, poverty, crime and low-grade uranium. In the middle of nowhere in Western Herzegovina, at a NATO military training range, a nine-year-old girl called Alica, together with her uncle Valentin, collects shells and scraps of grenades to sell on the black market. Valentin dies of cancer, Alica's diagnosis is not good but there's no money for therapy. Alica's journey through the Land of Wonders begins.
Djuro is a Romany, he has a large, happy family, and earns a living appearing in Serbian porn films. And it's through his sarcastic perspective that we follow the story of the Croatian war veteran Martin. He falls in love with a beautiful girl who plays Little Red Riding Hood in a porn version of the fairy tale. She is also a prostitute. To be with her, Martin has to buy her from her pimp. A tragicomic story of love in a world where it seems all human values are put up for sale or destined for cynical destruction
Grave digger
A painter comes to the hospital for scanning, believed he has cancer. He carries a gun to shot himself just in case if it proves that he's right. When the results turn out to be negative, he's perplexed because it's actually life that is rigorous, and should he use his weapon anyway.
After a series of unfortunate events, TV subscription collector Pero falls into a deep emotional crisis from which he cannot escape. His only goal is - spiritual peace and, if possible - revenge. People he holds responsible are randomly chosen citizens of the Pusca Bistra village. After he accidently finds out certain facts, Pero finds irrefutable evidence about unhonorable acts of Pusca's citizens and accidently blackmails the entire village.
A story involving a group of traveling actors who perform at an experimental prison where the thieves have first class comforts provided to them by a reformist warden. Ironically the troupe performs a play named The State Thief, a play about thieves for thieves.
"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan fighting Hitler's troops during W.W. II, his involvement in his nation's post-war government, and his eventual downfall.
All kinds of patients roam through waiting room of a psychiatrist whose life motto is: everybody are crazy until is proved the other way.
Decorrendo entre as atrocidades da guerra dos Balcãs, Testemunhas é recontado, ao estilo de Rashomon, do ponto de vista de várias personagens, acrescentando novas informações sobre a complexidade da guerra e da humanidade. Começando dentro de uma casa rústica com uma mulher em preto (Mirjana Karanovic) em pé ao lado do caixão do marido, Testemunhas entrelaça as histórias de uma pequena cidade a confrontar-se com o ódio étnico e profundas ambiguidades morais.
Kartaš #3
The adventures of a small town Croatian family during the 1960s. The decade will leave eternal marks on all of their members, but most of the story focuses on the youngest one, a boy, Frula, who discovers the love and fashion of the time.
Um milionário acaba de morrer. Sua fortuna é deixada para um filho que ele não conheceu em vida. Um rapaz que vive na distante Croácia, em uma cidadezinha à beira-mar. É para lá que se dirige a estonteante advogada Elizabeth, que vai tentar encontar Bepo Stambuvk, um nome muito comum no vilarejo. Mas Elizabeth terá companhia naquele paraíso terrestre. Furiosa, a viúva empobrecida contratou matadores de aluguel para matar eliminar todos os Bepos que encontar na frente. A sorte está lançada e a confusão também.
Ante is a village fella who arrives in Zagreb to study at the faculty of forestry.
A cruel world of the Yugoslavian prison during 1980s, based on real events about a man who gets life sentence for committed crime.
It deals with unexpected romance between a salesgirl and a police inspector.
When two enemy sides ex-change the captives in the middle of a minefield, a nameless man without identity and memory, subsequently named Jakov, leaves the column unnoticed and wanders around in order to minimize other people's sufferings. On his dangerous journey, he meets a female first-fighter who runs an orphanage, a commander who got back from Foreign legion and runs a defense line from a disco club, and goes through many other adventures only to end up in the endless backwaters of the Neretva river where war threats to arrive.
At the beginning of 1990s, two Croatian emigrants, economically minded Cinco and politically minded Marinko, arrive in Croatia from Germany, homesick for their families and hometowns. In order to get a German pension, Cinco pretends to be dead and travels in a coffin. Soon, Marinko joins him because he is running away from an old agent of the Yugoslav State Security Service. On their trip in a motor hearse, Cinco and Marinko face many adventures, which culminate when they are stopped at Serbian barricades close to their destination.
A young violinist who plays at the war front decides to join his parents in Vienna after his best friend gets killed.
A monotonous life of a timid clerk from Zagreb takes an unexpected turn when an easygoing slacker from Bosnia deliberately moves into his apartment.
A commander of the youth working action brigade wants his team to win the award, but the problem arises when a series of graffiti regarding his subordinates' dissatisfaction begins to appear on the facilities across the camp.