Maurice Stein


A Volta por Cima
Makeup Artist
Retrato da vida dos habitantes de Grandview, pequena cidade americana do interior, centrado em três personagens: um garoto que chega à idade da razão; uma jovem que gerencia a pista de corridas do pai; e um piloto de provas por ela apaixonado.
The Savage Bees
Makeup Artist
In this horror-drama the festive fun of the annual Mardi Gras celebration is brought to a halt when a swarm of African killer bees escape from a foreign freighter.
Capone, O Gângster
Makeup Artist
Produção que narra a ascensão e queda do mais infame gângster de Chicago, Al Capone, e seu poder como o chefão da máfia italiana nos anos de 1920. O filme também descreve os anos seguintes à prisão de Capone.
Roll, Freddy, Roll!
Makeup Artist
A man determined to impress his son--and show up his son's stepfather--decides to try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by setting a record for staying the longest time on roller skates. (IMDb)
Strange Homecoming
Makeup Artist
A small-town sheriff is surprised to see his brother show up in town, a man whom he hasn't seen in 20 years--and who has graduated from petty thievery to murder.
Makeup Artist
Um agente federal, cuja filha morre de overdose de heroína, está determinado a destruir o anel de drogas que a abastecia. Ele recruta várias pessoas cujas vidas foram separadas pelo tráfico de drogas e as treina. Então todos eles saem para a França para rastrear e destruir o anel.
Hot Summer Week
Makeup Artist
Two girls pick up a crazed hitchhiker who may or may not be the serial killer murdering hippies in the area.
Top of the Heap
Makeup Artist
A black D.C. cop is pushed over the edge when he is passed over for a promotion, leading him on a violent personal crusade against criminals punctuated by feverish psychedelic dream visions.
Simon, King of the Witches
Makeup & Hair
Simon is a modern day warlock. Though he lives in a storm drain and sometimes talks to trees, he's deadly serious about his witchcraft. After being picked up for vagrancy, Simon spends a night in jail with Turk, a young hustler with connections to powerful people such as Hercules, an aging hipster who hires Simon to work one of his groovy parties. There he meets Linda, the DA's pill-popping daughter. In between romanic dallances and colorful sex magic ceremonies, Simon must contend with those who dare to challenge his magical prowess causing him to summon the dark world for his revenge.