Nada Souvan


On the Run
Costume Design
The feeling of being incapable of controlling your own life and general uselessness make people want to escape the world around them. In spite of the feeling that they possess some creative force, they still feel they waste their time and lives.
The Pirates of the Mississippi
Costume Design
European produced Western based on the novel by Friedrich Gerstäcker, set in the 19th century in a town on the banks of the Mississippi River. The area is plagued by a gang of pirates under the leadership of Captain Kelly, who live on an island in the river, from where they operate raids on passing steamboats and traders rafts, robbing them of their cargo and murdering the crews. Townspeople and settlers do their best to put an end to the crimes and rid themselves of the pirates and their daring leader.
Ballad About a Trumpet and a Cloud
Costume Design
Temnikar's family prepares for Christmas, but to him, it's the time of dark premonitions and anxiety. In the mountain cave, hidden by snow, the wounded partisans are hiding, and Temnikar suspects the treason. Once the White Guard patrol shows up at Temnikar's doorstep, he finds out about their plan to go and finish off the wounded partisans.
Costume Design
Gatti focuses on two men in a German concentration camp who have been cruelly penned inside an enclosure. One of the men, Karl (Herbert Wochinz), is a strong, bitter anti-Nazi German -- a target of the Gestapo. The SS wants information on a rumored organization of resistance fighters inside the prison and they know he has it. The other man, David (Jean Negroni) is a Jew. If one of the men dies within a certain time then the other will be released. He will not be killed. Otherwise, both will be executed. The resistance fighters in the prison try to help the two as best they can, while the pair inside the enclosure slowly come to know each other as though they were brothers.
Dançando à Chuva
Costume Design
Peter é o típico sombrio deprimido. Levando uma vida vazia, sem forma, ele anseia pela mulher ideal, enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, continuando sem entusiasmo com a sua namorada habitual, Marusa, que é consideravelmente mais velha, facto que Pedro é rápido em apontar. Como atriz em envelhecimento, lutando por papéis no teatro local, ela transpira insegurança e respira incerteza. Juntos, eles passam o tempo no restaurante local a fumar, beber e trocar insultos verbais. "Aposto que vais acabar um bêbado", diz ela a Peter a cada vez. Peter apenas sorri e lhe diz.quantos anos aparenta. Agravado por um diretor ingrato que logo lhe mostra a porta de saída, Marusa descobre que a sua identidade está a ser apertada cada vez mais contra a parede. Para escapar, Peter e Marusa sonham...
X-25 Reports
Costume Design
Resistance member is sent to infiltrate Nazi intelligence during WW2.
Moment of Decision
Costume Design
A story set in a Slovenian town during WW2. The White Guardists bring a wounded partisan to doctor Koren, but he kills their lieutenant, thus helping them both to escape.
The Upstarts
Costume Design
Film about moral decay of Trieste elite during 1890s based on novel by Slovenian writer Janko Kersnik.